Buff No Mither! Nerf/make OoO fair!

pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

I really like the premise of No Mither, and how it offers up fun opportunities for builds - but I don’t think it offers enough to be a valid option. I don’t think “hard mode” is a valid excuse because it’s not really fair for other survivors and it SHOULD be a worthwhile perk to consider for what it takes away.

  1. Remove the injured music, the injured pose, and the nm broken status effect on killer screens.
  2. Built in iron will at tier 3.
  3. 25% regen rate (stacks) and 15% tenacity rate (stacks) at tier 3.
  4. Built in escape cake, plus an additional 50/75/100% increase to boldness and survival points
  5. Becomes an obsession perk. Killer’s aura reads are extended by 4 m/2 seconds per nm user.

I think OoO needs to be reworked to be more fair to both sides. I have only ever seen it on Laurie adepts and toxic bullies determined to ruin the fun for killers. And that’s not fair. How about instead of the current set up of the OoO users having unlimited access to killers and what they’re up to:

  1. Survivors being taken out of lockers can trigger a difficult skill check to free themselves from the killer’s grasp. Become exposed until hooked. Inspired by the closet scene in Halloween.


  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    yeah OoO is utter bollocks it countered freddy earlier completely couldnt do a damn thing i knew they was swf and on coms rank 4 red ranks. green and purple .... lol. safe to say i got wrecked absolutely ######### because of object even when asleep beginning of the match survivor pointed at me i was like here we go .... while on a gen so they knew plus on mothers red forrest the house in the middle basically an infinite ....

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    No Mither could definitely use some buffs. The one thing that definitely needs to happen is a buff to survival and boldness point gains for using No Mither. Though the free escape cake effect is pushing it a bit. In order to accomplish 1, they could put the perk user in a constant exposed state rather than a constant injured state, but that would ruin it's synergy with certain other perks so I'm not sure if that's better or worse.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I will agree No Mither needs a agreeable buff. Though I think tier 3 should be 75% less noise, so it wouldn't be two perks at once.

    15% non stack for recovery and slightly increased crawling with 5%, so if you want the full effects, you'll need the actual perks. No freebies.

    And just a pure 50/75/100% BP bonus to all categories since WGLF is a David perk, and so is No Mither, meaning he would get two after match bonuses and that wouldn't be fair.

    I don't see the point of making it a obsession perk.

    OoO shouldn't reveal stealth killers and that's it.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Your OoO would be even worse. Basically old DS, with the "You HAVE to pick me up and you cannot even try to dribble"

  • purplerain
    purplerain Member Posts: 92
  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    How do you look at that version of OoO and think that it's somehow less broken than DS? Also the only buff No Mither needs is 100% bloodpoint increase

  • Spectro
    Spectro Member Posts: 42

    OoO is completely fine. Except for the stealth killers. They need to have a minimum distance requirement instead of the current terror radius requirement.

    This would help a lot against killers like ghostface, pig and wraith.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,502

    No, OoO is horribly designed and will never work in this game

    The correct counterplay to it is to tunnel and/or camp anyone who is running it. However if you do this you will get flooded with death threats so killers are discouraged from playing around it. In theory you can just ignore the survivor that has it, but there is always the risk that that survivor is in SWF and by not killing them fast you more or less permanently reveal your position to all survivors

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Well (new) ds isn’t broken so I see no problem. The current version of ooo, however, is definitely broken and unfair to all killers - not just stealth. Trapper and Wraith suffer immensely from it. It needs to be changed so it’s fair for both sides.

    A pre hook ds that requires sitting in a locker like head on AND leaves you exposed until you’re actually hooked seems more than fair and in line with the Halloween chapter.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,502

    This locker thing would work well for OoO: Current effect, but it only work while inside a locker

    That would allow for cool moments against stealth killers where you go in a locker to check where the killer is, only to realize the killer is directly next to you

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I don't get how Trapper is really screwed over with object of obsession.

    Stealth Killers normally have them ability to go undetected destroyed.

    Which for the most part ruins the main point of crouching, nightshroud, cloaking

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,502

    You can see where he is setting up traps. That way you will never be caught in traps: Either disarm them or don't go near where he is. More or less completely disables his power against you

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    No Mither

    1. Yes, no, doesn't matter since you start Injured.
    2. Maybe.
    3. Nah.
    4. No Escape Cake!.
    5. Nah.

    Object of Obsession

    Nah, i'd much prefer...

    1. Aura readings don't work on stealth Killers, but only when using their stealth. (Wraith is cloaked, Pig is crouched, Ghost Face uses Night Shroud, etc. (Maybe even Insidious & Beast of Prey, but again, that's a maybe.))
    2. When you're the Obsession, it works as normal. When you're not the Obsession, you read the Obsession's aura instead of the Killer's aura. The ranges of aura-reading would be the same for Obsessions & non-Obsessions, but idk which of the 2 should be the one to stay.
  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Being exposed isn't that big of a drawback when you consider how many survivors forgo healing in the first place. Your suggested OoO would just be Decisive Strike v all over again.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    what about they make no mither give you the exposed effect instead of broken? thatll solve SO many problems

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Well no because then it would ruin the compatibility with perks like resilience.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited July 2019

    So basically you've made Object into old Decisive Strike WHICH can be Combined with new Decisive to make a survivor literally invincible

    I can only imagine the cheese of this combined with Deliverance and Adrenaline or with your new No Mither which would eliminate the penalty of new object completely. Bloody heck no, just bloody no

    I agree on some of the No Mither changes, I think a build in BP increase and buffs to match BP gains is totally fine. Same thing with the removal of the injured animation and such

    The rest is just a little too much

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551

    good ideas

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    well yeah but after 1 hit theres no point in healing again

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    I played freddy against 2 OoOs earlier, how does OoO counter freddy? lol

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    First one, injured music could go but everything else stays. Music in this game in general is kinda stupid and only partly useful to tell when chases are broken or not so no injured music is pretty nice. Removing the injured pose, and taking out the nm effect on screen isn't necessary.

    Second one, no. One perk shouldnt be multiple perks at once. Ever.

    Third one, no. Why give more benefits to being slugged when you know full well that the killer aint slugging you unless they rank 20. You will see less use of this then the perk itself.

    Fourth one, no to the first half and maybe to second half. Survivors shouldnt have two 100% bp points. Nobody should. And besides davids perks were meant to work with eachother. You take a hit for that guy being chased, got slugged, killer procedes to chase and you up again.

    The last one is just so out of place it doesnt belong on this perk.

    Honestly, nm is fine right now. It has its meme builds and can be abused by sabo swf so theres that. Not meant to be meta or great. Just a fun and gamechanging perk.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited August 2019

    No and kinda no. You say you don't accept the reasoning "it's hard mode". Well, it is, so there's not much to accept about it. I MAY agree to a bit of BP bonus, but really, survivors get WGLF so it shouldn't be it. (Built-in cake? Come on...) It's not "strong" of course, but most matches are doable; you just have to be very focused. Also, it's great for some sabo meme games; mostly in SWF only, obviously.

    OoO is also partly a challenge perk: you probably won't use it if you suck at chases. The gamebraking part of it is that you can seriously screw up stealth killers, especially in SWF. The only change it needs is to disable it whenever the killer is in stealth (for both the survivor and the killer). Wraith, Pig, Ghostface and to some extent Myers are practically countered. It wouldn't be a "buff" to these killers, it would be actual balancing and quality of life.

    Sorry but your proposed changes are just terrible. My opinion.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    Personally I think No Mither is fine as it is, I just want bonus BP for playing it. Wraith, Billy, Bubba, and Trapper can all make themselves weaker and get bonus points in deviousness (even though the bonus isn't enough to offset the weakness they gain), yet I can make myself permanently one shot while also still whimpering loud enough to hear cross map and I don't get bonus points in Boldness for that? Hell, at least make it so that if I somehow survive the match I get a bonus in Survival.

    As for OoO. That's an entirely different beast. It's either over powered if you're in a swf/facing a stealth killer or, if you're solo and facing something like a good Billy or Nurse, it's a death sentence. The perk needs a rework, not just some changes IMO