Please include meaningful new survivor content in the next PTB
I play a bit more killer than survivor, and honestly, playing killer has been hellish in the last few patches.
Since the last chapter AND mid chapter update featured only meaningful new killer content, everyone and their mothers have been spamming killer, and the queues are unbearable.
The bloodpoint survivor buffs helped a bit, but still, sometimes I see myself waiting for 10 minutes for a killer game, and that shouldn't be happening.
So please, if you're gonna do all these stuff to killers (new killer in chapter, potentially other killer tweaks) we need more than just a new survivor. My suggestion would be to buff some meme tier survivor perks. That way people would have survivor content to test in the new chapter, and both the PTB and the live servers afterwards wouldn't have killer being impossible to play. The novelty factor is one of the things that make people want to play both roles in this game.
@Peanits @devs in general
New fresh things would also be nice for survivor game play :)
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Yeah survivor gameplay has been pretty stale lately.
Even though I play a bit more killer, it would be nice to have new DECENT stuff to use as survivor. Not MoM levels obviously, but anything that deviates from the standard optimal build.
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Your wish is granted, have some more extremely bright cosmetics that no one will use because P3 Claudette is darker
That is what you wanted right
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It's funny cause it's the truth
Let's also buff the trollest perk in the game (Head On) surely survivor lobbies will flood with people right
Not that I didn't like Head On being fixed but come on, that's not enough to make people play survivor over literally reworking a killer from the ground up and making a brand new kit for him
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Hey Calm Spirit got buffed too, the Freddy snares don't make you scream if you run it. Maybe works for the pallets too. Obviously this is now the toppest of top perks in the game
Clearly those are more than enough survivor changes. Unfortunately implementing those took too much effort so the summer event is cancelled, but don't worry, the battle pass will come out on time of course and include EVEN MORE super bright cosmetics that no one will ever use
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Even better, from the teasers we've seen already, it's a CLAUDETTE themed battle pass, because we didn't have enough garbage for the champion of bad players already.
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At least we will get a very fun and exciting summer event before the battle pass releases. That makes up for it right
Oh no
Oh nooooo