buff piggy

seriously ######### even is an "inactive trap"
make it so that her traps activate again while going through an exit...those were the good days! #notmypiggy
Slow Down the end game collaps timer when someone have trap on their head and let traps be like they were before nerf.
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She's fine were she is. Because I played as her yesterday and one guy died too trap and got the 2 others on hook. And only one escaped:).
Then the 2nd game I got all 4 kills as her:D And they had skills. But they made some mistakes like one being they didn't want to leave there friend behind that I hooked so instead of both running out when they opened one of the gates they both went back I hooked one of em and he died on hook. AND to my surprise the other one was trying to open the other gate and his friend was still on hook then he saw me and tryed to run but I got him:)
And my guess is they were swf.
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Sadly that would make EGC too long. Wounded person plus the decrease in time from the Trap.
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As I posted in my own topic and a similiar topic to this, the EGC changes were neccessary due to baseline traps have a ticker of 2.5 minutes and with add-ons it knocks it to a flat 2 minutes.
The issue I CURRENTLY have are the changes to the Ambush Attack as only five perks work with it now and four of them are all based around a similiar effects.
Does Work:
Anything that offers 'Exposed,' and Sloppy Butcher.
What Does Not:
Save The Best For Last, Hex: The Third Seal, Remember Me, Dark Devotion, Franklin's Demise
What shouldn't even be tried:
Play With Your Food. You lose tokens the moment you activate the ambush, whether you fully charge it or not.
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Getting Pig topics a lot as of late.
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"Buff Piggy"
Like everyone wants? XD
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Well I mean when they nerf her for no real reason and then act as though they intend to skate around questions, giving no real clarification as to why things were done, that's going to lead to some topics lol.
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That's true, but I just realized how many topics of it there are when I looked at the page. You think people might look at one of those instead of creating a new one.
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That requires people actually looking with their eyes and doing work based effort lol.
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My bad I forgot that was a thing. That kinda effort is like looking for a p3 claudette on suffocation pit.
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"What shouldn't even be tried:
Play With Your Food. You lose tokens the moment you activate the ambush, whether you fully charge it or not."
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Oh yeah. I went through EVERYTHING during my testing of the new ambush. You even TAP that ambush button and you lose PWYF stacks.
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Agree. Her traps needs some buffs
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That is just dumb as all hell.