The Reason Behind The Toxicity

ACoolName Member Posts: 177

We have all suffered some sort of BM, be it at this game or another.
One side suffers fromthis issue more than the other. Of course, Killers.
Yet why are survivors so toxic sometimes?
Well, if we look at it, they don't start out like that. At least not all of them.
If You watch streamers, you'd find that most survivor main streamers are Extremely toxic. Maybe not in words but in playthrough.
So let's say Individual X just purchased this game. He searches up some youtubes, finds some decent playthrough videos not promoting toxic, tries them out and either : fails horribly because of his being A newbie / the match making trolled him with a full perk so ewhat experienced killer.
Or if luck smiled, he wins and escapes.
Now in any end, X will continue playing, until the dreaded moment comes where X decides he wants to watch streams.....
And X sees the toxic playthrough, and how easy it is. Plus, It's the 'Pros' way of doing it. So of course X will switch to Toxic Easy-Mode, thinking that he's playong like the pros. And when he wins, he believes he's joined the Pros. So any time he'll lose, X will get angry, as X thinks this is the optimal play. Pair that up with streaks of wins and escapes,so anything that breaks this streak is bound to nail in a tantrum.
@weirdkid5 Also mentioned something very important : Mob mentality. When Three more Back you up, you feel right and justified.
And now to add some psychology, as I saw another post taking this route.
Few human egos truly accept their weaknesses. Everybody likes to be the strong, the superior.
Here's the contradiction : You'd think they'd play killer then, right? But well, this game promotes itself as A survival Horror.
Even in survival horror, You're the one who escapes the Nightmares. This still brings in satisfaction. And in those games, losing isn't as Painful as in Multi player games, where it is kind of humiliating.
To get back on track, They play survivor and lose. They think ":Man! I can't fight back!! "
"I can't fight back" : If you see the meta, it allows full on confrontation.
DS: get caught, laugh at his face
SB: He ain't catching U Fast Boi
SC: MMORPG heals
Adrenaline : Yeah, I'll just get in this last chase for some points.
BT: Save, farm, he/she might live or not, who cares, Killer gonna run after the injured
Flashlights : The devs stated this is a 'weapon' for survivors. What more would you want (other than a gun)

BMming is also literally looking down on your opponent. It's saying ":I'm better, stronger, and smarter than you" And the human ego loves that.

In summary, Toxicity Starts very early, from people not understanding the base of this game and hiw it is supposed to be played, to The streamers promoting Toxicity, survivors Are exposed to This a lot more than normal, decent playthrough.

Anybody else got any explanation (other than it being 'fun' aka appeals to Sadistic needs)?


  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    It’s human nature to want to dominate their opposition. For many, just winning isn’t enough. They have to dominate and taunt to show superiority. Mostly it’s because they use games such a Dead By Daylight as a way to vent their frustrations in life. 

    Survivors see the Killer as “their boss at work” they wish they could taunt and bully and make them feel like crap. They were bullied early in life, and want to bully someone else. They love the feeling of “I’m supposed to be weak, but I can overpower the big bad Killer.” 

    Some Killers do this as well. Meg can serve as a stand in for that ######### ex-girlfriend that cheated on you. David King can serve as a stand in for that jock in high school you hated. Ace can stand in for that ######### ex-husband that cheated on you. Ect. 
    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Psychology by Daylight

    I wonder if Jordan Peterson is a killer main or survivor

  • ACoolName
    ACoolName Member Posts: 177

    well i do dwell 'just a lil bit' ( monto fans, plz) in psychology.
    all it takes now is for Jack93879487209562756038745 to come and comment then this whole post becomes a meme.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    Psychology by Daylight

    I wonder if Jordan Peterson is a killer main or survivor

    Dead By Daylight does offer a look into the human psyche. 

    Specifically morality and consience. Ever notice people will go full suicidal, just to try to save someone? Ever seen a Killer take mercy on the Survivors when there has been disconnects? Ever seen the “token girl player” with three guy players who will throw themselves at the Killer, just to try to save her? It’s not just BM honestly. 

    I’ve used this to my advantage many times as Killer. Chase the girl player, the boys will drop what they are doing, and come out of the wood work. To which I simply go after and put one of the boys on the hook, then chase the girl again. Never actually go after her, I just use her as bait to get the boys to come on out. 
  • StigWH68
    StigWH68 Member Posts: 22

    OMG Write a book :D

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @MineAntoiya said:
    Psychology by Daylight

    I wonder if Jordan Peterson is a killer main or survivor

    A four women SJW, I mean SWF would join his lobby and he’d surely dodge.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @SovererignKing said:
    MineAntoiya said:

    Psychology by Daylight

    I wonder if Jordan Peterson is a killer main or survivor

    Dead By Daylight does offer a look into the human psyche. 

    Specifically morality and consience. Ever notice people will go full suicidal, just to try to save someone? Ever seen a Killer take mercy on the Survivors when there has been disconnects? Ever seen the “token girl player” with three guy players who will throw themselves at the Killer, just to try to save her? It’s not just BM honestly. 

    I’ve used this to my advantage many times as Killer. Chase the girl player, the boys will drop what they are doing, and come out of the wood work. To which I simply go after and put one of the boys on the hook, then chase the girl again. Never actually go after her, I just use her as bait to get the boys to come on out. 

    But how do you know which one is which? And what about the token gay shirtless David? Or what if one is a (bear)trap!?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    The reason?
    Its quite simple, broken balance and no intention to provide a healthy game athmosphere when we are talking about banns etc.

    Lets talk about streamers for example, there is the side who doesnt give a ######### about the game and basically interacts more with the chat than they play the game, thats fine but its more like an IRL stream at that point which gets interupted by occasional skillchecks
    Then there is the side that tries to play the game competively, this is where the unbalance shines through. Survivors just shitting on killers and rendering them completely useless on one side or killer mains who ######### on boosted survivors who dont actually belong to rank 1 (thanks emblem system btw)
    And then there is the side who just makes money from being toxic, trying to bully killers so hard that they DC and then feeling proud about their accomplishment.

    As a normal gamer, after having observed a few streams in DBD, I ask you, what side do you want to participate in?
    Play competitively in an absolutely broken game without ranked rewards or be a toxic shithead or derank and have fun with meme builds?

    No matter what you do, it will be called "tunnel/camp", "toxic survivor" or toxic deranker tring to bully noobs

    Welcome to DBD :wink:

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Master said:
    The reason?
    Its quite simple, broken balance and no intention to provide a healthy game athmosphere when we are talking about banns etc.

    Lets talk about streamers for example, there is the side who doesnt give a ######### about the game and basically interacts more with the chat than they play the game, thats fine but its more like an IRL stream at that point which gets interupted by occasional skillchecks
    Then there is the side that tries to play the game competively, this is where the unbalance shines through. Survivors just shitting on killers and rendering them completely useless on one side or killer mains who ######### on boosted survivors who dont actually belong to rank 1 (thanks emblem system btw)
    And then there is the side who just makes money from being toxic, trying to bully killers so hard that they DC and then feeling proud about their accomplishment.

    As a normal gamer, after having observed a few streams in DBD, I ask you, what side do you want to participate in?
    Play competitively in an absolutely broken game without ranked rewards or be a toxic shithead or derank and have fun with meme builds?

    No matter what you do, it will be called "tunnel/camp", "toxic survivor" or toxic deranker tring to bully noobs

    Welcome to DBD :wink:

    You actually get bothered by words? I play both sides, to rank 1. Currently I have about 40 double point offerings on my p3 wraith I have to burn through. The games so far haven’t been bad, if all 4 escape, I still get like 25k not counting BP bonus, in that case upwards of 100k. Usually I get 3-4 kills. Only ever losing or being bested when they are all fully decked out. Makes sense, I’m supposed to lose 50% of the time, and if requires THAT to even bring it to 10%, meh.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited July 2018


    On PS4, if you dced like that, everyone would want to rip your heart out. On that system, survivors don’t get any compensation, and they can lose file progress from the previous hour.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    edited July 2018
    Jack11803 said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    MineAntoiya said:

    Psychology by Daylight

    I wonder if Jordan Peterson is a killer main or survivor

    Dead By Daylight does offer a look into the human psyche. 

    Specifically morality and consience. Ever notice people will go full suicidal, just to try to save someone? Ever seen a Killer take mercy on the Survivors when there has been disconnects? Ever seen the “token girl player” with three guy players who will throw themselves at the Killer, just to try to save her? It’s not just BM honestly. 

    I’ve used this to my advantage many times as Killer. Chase the girl player, the boys will drop what they are doing, and come out of the wood work. To which I simply go after and put one of the boys on the hook, then chase the girl again. Never actually go after her, I just use her as bait to get the boys to come on out. 

    But how do you know which one is which? And what about the token gay shirtless David? Or what if one is a (bear)trap!?

    Usually they have cutsie girl name. Really the tell tale sign is simply chase her. You see EVEYONE running around trying to muddy her tracks for her and take hits for her. 

    The token gay shirtless David... yeah, that’s a little harder to discern. I will take note of anyone who gets “special protection” and use them as bait. I won’t camp you, but I will chase you around to get the others to come on out. 

    Its surprising, but psychological warfare works in DBD. And not just at Pallet and window mind games. Like today, every time I chased some girl with the name “Luna” her boyfriend or husband who was a Decisive Strike Jake came flying to the rescue. He was so predictable. Even though I hadn’t hooked her once and he was on his death hook. He was the first to die. ;)
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    In any game that involves interacting with others, there'll be toxicity. Just how it is. It's prevalent in this game because the report system doesn't work so there's a lack of action against this type of behavior.

  • ACoolName
    ACoolName Member Posts: 177

    You all gave good points, and at the end of the day, it's up to ban system : as long as no measures are taken to fight toxicity, nothing will change.

  • ThePunkPirate
    ThePunkPirate Member Posts: 9

    I mean I just recently bought the game during a sale on PS4 and holy cow. I can see why so many put their profiles to private. I cant remember the last game I played where I got a random message mocking my lack of skill when Im new.

    The survivors on here are nearly as bad as trying to pick up LoL. Its ridiculous.