Another spirit post.

I know this is a bit over played but can someone please look at the spirit. I like the concept of her powers but playing against her as a survivor is not enjoyable or winnable. When someone actually puts the time into her she is a really strong character but I see no counter to her when playing. I understand that she only sees scratch marks with her power; however, her mind game is to good. I know that the sounds a survivor makes is important when facing her but I don't run iron will all the time. Also, why is her terror radius is so low? When I'm the last survivor I don't even get the chance to hear her walk up behind me while I look for the hatch because it's that glass breaking noise is so faint. I play on console as well so I don't know if it is the frame rate or lag but she always seems to hit me while I dodge or 360. Again I know people complain but I really want to voice my issues with playing against her. She is a top a tier killer but I take facing a nurse or any other killer over her any day.
