Nurse is Worse than Old Legion

Vlyse Member Posts: 24

Daily reminder that Nurse is completely broken with 0 counterplay (no, stealth isn't a counterplay) and has no real cooldown for misusing her power.

Billy, Spirit, Hag/Huntress, Freddy all top tier killers with counterplay in a chase and are examples of what strong killers should be. The chase is what's fun for survivors and nurse completely removes this element, in the most boring and direct way possible.

Fix Nurse now. The community has several ideas how, just pick some.


  • TurboTestosterone
    TurboTestosterone Member Posts: 56

    You guys are exhausting with this bullcrap. Nurse is the equivalent of a sweaty swf. She's fine dweeb

  • Vlyse
    Vlyse Member Posts: 24

    So, Old Legion was fixed ASAP because him chasing you was an inevitability that you would go down no matter what you chose to do. This is NOT fun. The Nurse works exactly like this, if not worse. A blink power is broken in a game where the other side's power is simply their ability to move left, right, forward, or back.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,032

    @Vlyse Nurse is easily described as an broken car, you have to put work into fixing it, but Legion's, ahem, 'fix' is like fixing a ford

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    1 Freddy is not top tier.

    2 Nurse is fine without add-ons.

    3 Range and extra blinks add-ons are too strong, but devs already said they will rework them soon.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    oh look its this post again.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    We're all humbly awaiting your video on how to stop top tier nurse play. Solo btw, no SWF. :) Since you're such an expert n' all

  • drkiwie
    drkiwie Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2019

    Have to agree with the comments nurse seems fine and Freddy is B tier at most.

    I think ppl just believe nurse is op because they aren't used to having to mind game killers. Which to survive a good nurse you most definitely have to do.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Thats omega blink nurse ... if they only touched that perk I would be fine, but they arent, they are going to touch all of her (that sounded wrong) ... Its going to be horrible.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047
    edited July 2019

    Dude, this is Omega Blink ( a combo known to be broken ), most of these blinks wouldn't been hits without these add-ons.

    Also, not every killer needs to be loopable for 5 gens on Disturbed Ward.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,032

    I...never said I was an expert, I was just saying its hard to fix Nurse as one change can easily ruin her, and if you think she is strong now, hope you remember when she first came out

  • Vlyse
    Vlyse Member Posts: 24

    I have 2500 hours. When I play Nurse, it's exactly like that video. All the way to Rank 1. When I go against other Nurses, it's exactly like the video posted above. Landing precise blinks on survivors from far away isn't difficult and it isn't particularly different to master. Survivors are extremely immobile. And you can do this consistently without addons.

    For those saying to 'get good' this isn't even a skill-based or competitive game. The devs are focused on making things fun (Which is why red addons exist for both sides). The Nurse does NOT fit in the Fun category. She doesn't fit in the Skill category. And she's not scary. The Nurse is just broken and goes against everything Dead by Daylight is supposed to be about.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Theres nothing worse then old legion..... just think about it...... a noob hitting you 3 times with FF and then about facing, moonwalking and watching your bar drain till you fall......... theres no other worse feeling..

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    That's funny because after reading your comments you basically made it sound like shes not a top tier kiler but easy to stop. So come on, let's see it.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,032

    I am not, she is top tier with add-ons and without, its just that she has many counters that survivor mains ignore because they want only EZ killers, thats all, I just wanted to get that out of my system

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited July 2019


    Besides the question if the Nurse is op or not, I find it always fascinating when survivors say "xyz is no counterplay". Have already read the same from survivors to perks, mindgames and so on.

    Stealth is imo the strongest abilitie survivors have. Sure, with it, you can't run around like a guy who had step accidentally in a bee hive (at least thats how lopping sometimes looks like from a killer perspective ^^), but you can win with it easy matches, if you have the nerves to play a whole match as stealth character.

  • Vlyse
    Vlyse Member Posts: 24

    You singled out Freddy, but there's nothing easy about the rest of the killers I mentioned. They're the base of what strong killers should be. They can end chases fast but also have clear weaknesses. Hillbilly can be anywhere on the map in an instant but is stopped by loops. Hag sets up fast, unsuspecting traps that can put her anywhere on the map but also can be destroyed. Huntress can snipe people across the map. Spirit has legitimate mindgames that works both ways.

    "Mindgaming" isn't a clear weakness on Nurse. She sees exactly where she's going. You juke the blink once, twice, maybe even three times and the Nurse is still on your tail two seconds later amidst blood marks, scratch marks, groaning, and regular breathing. Two seconds isn't enough time to lose her. There's no reason to stop 2 feet behind a wall you backtracked, that doesn't work against good Nurses. She'll know you didn't run away or she just has Whispers.

    Nobody in the red ranks play Stealth, why ? Because it's boring. You can do it , yeah, but no one wants 40 minute matches even if they're winnable. It's boring to play like that. The chase is what's exciting in this game and keeps players queuing up for more. Interaction between survivors and killers is what players actually want. Which is why Nurse is comparable to Old Legion. Old Legion had no enjoyable interaction with survivors.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    So there you have it, you get dumpstered like every other survivor no matter the rank or skill, because there is no counterplay to that broken pos.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 700

    I do love reading survivors write "i keep running around this same thing over and over again and i keep getting downed by a nurse over and over again. I guess i better keep running round this same thing i'm sure it will work out eventually"

    Stealth is the best counter play to any killer, but because survivors want to mindlessly loop everything they'll dismiss it as unfun. There's nothing more fun the repairing a generator under the killers nose, or watching a ghostface frantically. search the area for you before their marked for death wears out, or watching a myers running dying light walk right past my obsession ass.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Stealth IS a counterplay, I use it against nurse a lot. If you don't like using stealth then that's all well and good, but you don't get to invalidate an entire viable counterplay just because you don't like using it.

    We got the same drivel with NOED's counter because "It slows down the game destroying totems"

    I'm not getting into the argument over who is op or not because i made my thoughts on that very clear. But I am so very tired of seeing actual counterplays dismissed because certain people don't use them.

    You don't HAVE to use them. But you do not get to say they don't exist because you personally don't like it.

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    I will stand by Nurse being okay, some of her addons need tweaking, but overall she isn't THAT bad.

    but you can't claim stealth is a counterplay when killers have so many aura reading abilities... hard to sneak around when you're glowing bright red.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Well I do agree that nurses extremely powerful how the hell is Stealth not counter play.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Double backing and Dead hard are Nurses only counters. Double backing is when you move in the direction nurse faces to blink so that nurse over blinks, and her second blink doesn't have enough range to successfully reach the survivor. Dead hard counters all killers swings, so that's why its best exhaustion perk. Another common counter-play is breaking line of sight, then choosing one direction so the nurse has to guess which side to blink.

    The major problem is that experience nurses can counter-play all these counters consistently. The best nurses are reactionary, For example Nurses can blink across walls then observe the direction you'll take and adjust their second blink to hit a survivor using line of sight trick. Nurses can also adjust their blink by changing angle of their camera to make long or short blinks, so double backing is more of gamble then an actual counter. Dead hard does counter nurse, but it's only usable once in a chase and not really saying much about nurses balance. The add-on on nurse further remove counter-play, Like having 3rd blink allows you to bait dead hard's and further range will allow you to blink faster, further range and rectify your mistakes on nurse. Nurse was designed when the game had 100% fast vaults, no bloodlust and perfect infinities everywhere. The only reason why Nurse exists right now is to defeat SWF groups that are massively overpowered. It makes more sense to weaken SWF and Nurse than it does to make Solo survivor as good SWF and to put all killers to Nurse's level. You can ask any rank 1 survivor/rank 1 killer and they'll all give you same answer more or less regarding Nurse and SWF unless they're bias towards one side.

  • Kerbert
    Kerbert Member Posts: 415

    5 blink nurse is OP. As for normal nurse, git gud.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Ok I'm going to tell you this now stealth is not completely destroyed by Aura reading perks.

    Learning how to to work around aura reading perks is a key component of stealth if you can't do that you're bad at stealth.

    That's like someone saying nurses calling is overpowered and uncounterable whilst stupidly healing in the terror radius of the killer.

    Hell one of the most popular aura reading killer perks BBQ and chili had multiple counters before the whole locker buff was added.

    Whispers gives a general location it doesn't ping your exact location it just means that the killer is more inclined to start searching for you rather than just walking past it I didn't see you.

    Moaning whilst injured I'm honestly not even going to give you the time of day with that one because iron will exists.

    Also stop using it's not fun is an argument. fun is a very subjective that matter, something you find fun about playing this game is not going to be something other people find fun. We are not a hive mind just because you don't find it fun does not mean everyone must feel the same way

    The nurse has probably the worst tracking capabilities in the game stealth is an option if you want to go on against her just because you don't find it fun doesn't mean it's not a counter.

    When I'm a survivor I personally enjoy stealth a lot more than I enjoy being chased does that mean they're looping is now not a counter to The Killers because I don't personally find it fun

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    That video is filled with bad survivor plays. You should assume nurse has bbq, so sitting still is a bad idea. And lol, that Bill made the worst play possible by trying to unhook in front of her, which is a bad play against any killer. Everything else was the survivors being outplayed. The only thing OP about nurse in that video is omega blink, which most agree should be nerfed.

  • Vlyse
    Vlyse Member Posts: 24

    Every time a Nurse thread appears the answer is "Use Stealth, she's a different kind of killer" Well, no. You can stealth and 360 ANY killer. Stealth and Mindgaming isn't any more effective at losing the Nurse or getting gens done in a game that is with the Nurse since her MOBILITY is so high she can be anywhere in mere seconds. That's not counterplay specific to the Nurse. Her Mobility is not "poor tracking capabilities" either.

    If you are stealthed, you are immobile. If she is blinking, she is scouting rapidly. She will find you. In several maps, Whispers basically pings your exact location if the killer has any idea how to play. But Nurse's mobility is so ridiculous that Whispers is just extra.

    Speaking of Stealth, bold points and chase emblems are part of the game and killer-survivor interactions are the spirit of the game. It can be fun to hide for a time, but that should NOT mean the second you are found you are downed without a chance. But that's what happens when facing competent Nurses. That's what happened when facing Old Legion. You being downed felt inevitable, like there was nothing you could've done better.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,156

    Dwight likes pizza 😊

  • newavitar
    newavitar Member Posts: 395

    Imagine thinking Freddy or Huntress is the same tier as spirit

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    This thread needs one of these:

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    While you are stealthing, your team is dying. Good survivors hate stealthy players. Why? Sure, some people find it boring. But it is because you aren't really doing much to help the team. Stealth doesn't mean you played well, it just means you will be the last one alive, with fewer points in doing gens.

    Stealth doesn't hinder good nurses. And I'm sure your teammates enjoy seeing you crouch around the map while they are on the hook while a different survivor is being chased because "Stealth!!!"

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Sorry to be this person but crouching around the map randomly is not stealth.

    If you think a stealth build is just using Urban evasion and doing nothing but crouching then you don't know what a stealth build is.

    Stealth is not only about sneaking around but it's how you avoid the detection if you're caught knowing how to mind game and sneak away is one of the key components of stealth.

    I'm sorry but there is a difference between playing immersed and actually playing stealthily

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    And I'm telling you that good nurses don't get fooled by that... If you are in a chase against a good nurse, you are getting hit. You are not dropping the chase and getting away.

    I love doing what you said against average or bad nurses. It is easy. It doesn't work against good ones.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Doing that consistently takes a ton of practice, game sense, and mechanical discipline. I would maybe agree with you if any idiot could pilot Nurse effortlessly, but I'm sure many of us have seen that an unskilled Nurse player looks to survivors as though they're playing with only half their brain intact. I guarantee you that if I logged on and played a Nurse game right now, I would not hit a single person.

    This is like asking for a top-tier Street Fighter character to be nerfed because top players win tournament-level competitions with them.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Part of my point is that Nurse is one of the few really challenging/demanding characters that you can devote any kind of substantial effort to, in order to climb toward a really high skill ceiling. Players who have put the effort in should reasonably be a threat to play against.

    Eventually, if even the better killers get nerfed, things will get watered down to the point where there are no strong killers in the upper ranks, which is a pretty awful balance target. I'd rather see more killers get pulled up toward Nurse/Hillbilly level, than have it go the other way.

    And I mean, I guess nerf her super multi-blink add-ons, since that's probably the most crazy part of her whole kit.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    I thought it was fun, if you were good enough you could just drop a pallets and loop around the pallets. if legion tried to use his power, the only way he was getting you was if he had speed add-ons or broke the pallet but by then you could rotate to another pallet.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Who in their right minds wants to play Haddonfield or Asylum with their ######### design anyways? I’d put Ormond and Yamoka up there as well for being awful maps.

    Nobody wants to run infinities on Haddonfield as Pig or get looped for 3 generators with Balanced Landing on the main Asylum building playing as Leatherface. I don’t mind challenges but nobody wants to play in those situations.

    I mainly play Spirit and Hag so I really don’t deal with loops for that long but I also play Plague a lot. Let me tell you, it’s not fun to get Disturbed Ward for three rounds in a row.

    Also, why is Thompson House regarded as the worst Coldwind map? I believe Rotten Fields and Fractured Cowshed are MUCH worse.