Chapter Idea - Critical Impairment

Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

Killer - The Mime

Garner Lucien was the lone, mute child of a family of farmers in southern France. While his parents would often be the only ones out working and tending the fields, Garner would typically be out watching street performers or be hidden in the barn while using scraps to make outfits and costumes for himself.

Garner's parents neglected him in favor of the farm up until he was 18 and was kicked out of home for not being a part of the farm. He left with nothing but one suitcase and two outfits. Both of which were white t-shirts that he had painted black stripes on so that he could imitate the mimes he would see performing on the streets. With no proper schooling or any other knowledge, Garner decided to become a street mime.

He mimed for 15 years while living in the streets and sewers of his home town without making much of any money at all. His clothes grew old and raggedy on him. He became so skinny and pale that he no longer needed to apply make up or chalk to his face to appear white.

The hunger and insanity of homelessness began to get to Garner. But that wasn't enough to drive him away from the one thing he could do, mime. He used his singular ability to trick people. Any food he would see in people's hands would be used as a prop, only to wind up being consumed for his own gain. But this wasn't enough. Garner soon resorted to luring people into secluded areas of the streets for the sake of his "act" before robbing them of anything they were carrying and killing them afterwards. He didn't care for the people around him, nor the ones he took the lives of. Garner played the act for himself and himself alone. And that was good enough for him.

It was then on a dark and foggy night; Garner had woken up in the middle of the night and decided to take a walk around the moonlit town in search of any people wandering alone and defenseless... But Garner found himself all alone. Not a soul in sight. Not a sound apart from the howl of the wind. He wandered on further until he came across a forest on the edge of town with a small campfire... Garner Lucien was now in the realm of the Entity.


110% Movement Speed

28 meter Terror Radius

Tall and lanky figure

Pale skinned, the Mime wears a small, old, tattered striped shirt and black shorts with a black beret.

The Mime wields a black, battered suitcase.

Killer Power - Fun Box

The Mime has the ability to generate walls of light to block off survivors and himself.

By pressing the alternate attack button, the Mime extends his hand out and shows a white rectangle on the ground. Upon releasing the button, a wall of light will extend out of the ground. The Mime can cancel this action by pressing the attack button.

Each light wall is about 2.5 meters tall.

Light walls cannot be placed if there is a vertical obstruction or player. Horizontal obstructions are tangible by the light wall.

Only 4 light walls can be placed at a time. (this can be changed with add-ons)

Light walls will disappear after 45 seconds (this can be changed with add-ons) or if struck with the Mime's melee weapon.

The Mime can see light walls auras at any distance.

Killer Perks

Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

You have very selective hearing and don't like to interrupt. The your terror radius is 30%/40%/50% quieter for survivors who are within hearing range of a generator.

Sign Language

You can understand communication without the need for speech. Every time a survivor emotes or quickly crouches and un-crouches within 32/64/unlimited meters, their aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.

You're Next

Each kill brings people to the scene of the crime. Seems like they're eager to be next on your hit list. Every time you hook a survivor, all survivors within your terror radius have their auras revealed to you for 2/3/4 seconds.

Survivor - Natalie Marshall

Natalie Marshall, 25, was born blind and grew up in Paris, France. She learned to live easily with her disability as it heightened her other senses to the point where by just listening and touching alone, she could paint a mental image of someone's entire home upon first entry. If it weren't for her glasses and milky eyes, you wouldn't even know she was blind.

Natalie got a job in the medical field working to help those with sensual disabilities find their own work-arounds just as she did. She enjoyed her job and the happiness it brought to her patients.

In her free time, she would enjoy going out each night on the town. While she couldn't see the lights in the dark, she could still picture nearly the whole city with how long she had been there. But everything changed when she went out to feel the night breeze in a park and never returned again...

She woke up in an unfamiliar setting. Within seconds, she pieced together a dense forest with no exit or entry. Nothing with her but a lone campfire. Any trouble you'd think she'd have in the Entity's trials, she can deal with just as easily as anyone else.


Natalie Marshall is about 5'6'' with shoulder-length, black hair and a bright complexion.

Natalie comes with 2 base outfits. A casual button-up with long, dark pants; or a navy blue medical uniform.

Survivor perks

See No Evil, Speak No Evil

What you cannot see cannot find you, right? While repairing a generator, the generator makes no sound unless your camera is looking at the killer. (killer stealth abilities don't apply to this perk) Failed skill checks can still be heard. This effect applies to 1/2/3 other survivors on the generator with you.

Sensing Struggle

You've been in these places for as long as you can remember, the only things different are the people and where they are. When another survivor is in a chase, you can see the survivor's aura within 24/32/40 meters.

Higher Power

Being so close to the Entity increases your aura ability over that of the killer's. While on a hook, the killer's aura reading ability is decreased by 8/16/24 meters.


  • thisdude9001
    thisdude9001 Member Posts: 96
    edited August 2019

    Power is neat! Some more info would be nice. Mostly how wide are the walls? Also would recommend some sort of delay between uses. This can easily block off vaults and pallets so there would still have to be some sort of counter-play.


    Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil- Neat! A bit to good compared to Monitor & Abuse.

    Sign Language- Pretty original, I like that. Might not be so good at higher ranked games with SWF.

    You're Next- Time is probably a little to short.


    See No Evil, Speak No Evil- Does it stop all noise or just the repairing noise? If it stops all this is probably to good.

    Sensing Struggle-Seems like a weaker Bond

    Higher Power- This is neat, but not really a counter to BBQ&C if that is what your going for.

    So yeah overall I like this. The power is to good allowing the killer to block off all possible escape routes for survivors. Also flashlights should burn through them similar to hag and wraith. Also did a great job organizing your ideas.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    The wall length would probably be about 2-3 meters. Add-ons could also work with that. A delay of maybe 10 seconds would be good too.

    Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil is supposed to only apply to generators. You could stack it with M&A.

    See No Evil, Speak No Evil only stops repairing noise.

    Sensing Struggle has a greater range and applies specifically to people in chases.

    Higher Power isn't supposed to be a direct counter to BBQ, but more of a better and more useful aura canceling tool than Sole Survivor.

    I also like the idea of flashlights burning the walls.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    The sign language perk is such a cool idea lol