New to PC DBD need help with controls

art Member Posts: 9
Hey guys! I’ve been playing dbd on PS4 since it came out. I have 3 p3 characters and know how to play the game well. Just got dbd on my new pc and I can’t adjust to all the buttons. I have a gaming mouse with two bottoms on the left side. I find it hard to hold shift to run while using wasd to move direction. I’m not a pc player but I’d like to know the best/common button mapping on keyboard and mouse so I learn the right way off the start. I’m a survivor main btw but killer control mapping is also welcomed. I know that I can use controller but I want to learn mouse and keyboard. Thanks!


  • ZiNc
    ZiNc Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 250

    The default settings are pretty common across games. The only thing I change for most games is placing crouch on "C", personally. Other than that, most of the stuff should probably stay as-is, aside from the skillcheck button (space, default) if you'd like.

    Good luck with it!

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Change the hook struggle from the spacebar to the mouse scroll wheel (up or down, it doesn't really matter).

    Makes life so much easier.

    HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY Member Posts: 49
    The default layout is probably the most easiest one to use, unless you’re able to create one that suits you. 

    How long have have you been playing on the PC for? I have over 5k hours and I know that if I don’t play for more than 2 days (even just having 1 round) and come back, then it’s like I’m starting for the first time. after a game or two it starts to feel normal again.

    Just keep playing, you’ll get used to it eventually. You’re rank 20? It’ll be a good start to get used to the controls. I’ll say don’t try doing all the amazing jukes (360, window juke [where you spin and the killer hits the window], etc.) as you’re still getting used to everything. The more you play, the more you’ll adjust.
  • art
    art Member Posts: 9
    The default layout is probably the most easiest one to use, unless you’re able to create one that suits you

    Just keep playing, you’ll get used to it eventually. You’re rank 20? It’ll be a good start to get used to the controls. I’ll say don’t try doing all the amazing jukes (360, window juke [where you spin and the killer hits the window], etc.) as you’re still getting used to everything. The more you play, the more you’ll adjust.
    Ok thank I appreciate the tips! I guess I’m just not used to using my pinkie for gaming but I’ll just learn the default controls and wiggle with mouse scroll wheel like mc_harty mentioned. So based on what everyone is saying it’s probsbly not a good idea to program my additional mouse buttons with actions that are meant for keyboard. When I first installed I changed run to m1 and crouch to m2 but that will probably mess me up since now I’m pressing and constantly turning mouse. 

    Guess ill start my leveling up with Claudette. Plan is to get her to level 40 for self care, then get David’s WGLF @ level 20(need the points since I’m back to zero). Then jump to my favorite character meg and get her to p3. Might as well snatch urban evasion from this weeks shrine since it’s my favorite nea perk. 
  • Abyssionknight
    Abyssionknight Member Posts: 69

    Personally I just changed sprint and crouch to be buttons on my mouse, and scroll wheel to be hook struggle.

    Though I have a Razor Naga, so my mouse has a lot of buttons on it right under my thumb, and I'm used to using them for a lot of things, so it's optimal for me. Changing sprint and crouch to mouse buttons might not work as well for you if you're not used to using those buttons, or if they're in a position that's not easy to touch.

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    The only change I make is switching skill check and hook struggle from spacebar to E.