My First Official Killer Tier List (3.1.1)
Reminder that Hag is amazing!
I don’t agree with the Wraith or LF placement or plague placement. Other than that it is a pretty good tier list.
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i agree that the hag is amazing, i even asked you for tips and perks builds for her when i asked if she was red rank viable and i've been having a blast with her, make your choice works so well with her i almost feel like it's a must.
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I don't think LF is worse than trapper or pig, I'm very successful with him at red ranks (with a good build of course) I would've put him in B tier. Trapper should be F imo, he's so bad at red ranks xD other than that this is a pretty accurate list, good job!!
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I'd put plague somewhere at B tier and clown at C tier. Otherwise looks mostly right.
How exactly is this official btw?
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You thinking they’re C tier? I wouldn’t have a problem with Wraith or Plague C tier. Just don’t like the no cleansing META with Plague. Wraith is a bit add on dependent for my liking, but I still love playing Bell Boi. I’ve seen you talk about his hit and run strategy. Imo it’s the ONLY viable one at rank 1. I can definitely see them C tier. Not LF though.
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I can see Clown C tier for sure. Plague I can see C, but B? not sure. Why do you think she’s B?
I’ve never actually made a killer Tier list before. I’ve dinked about with rankings in other threads, but never have I created a thread to showcase it. Not to mention I’ve changed my mind time and time again.
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@Groxiverde I’m surprised you think trapper is so bad! Lol. I like him a lot at rank one! I think he’s underrated. Leatherface seems to be underrated from part of this community. Curious to know why, because I’m always open to change my mind. And thank you!
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@Clockso And imagine this, Make Your Choice isn’t even a must with her! It’s almost a luxury. That’s how good she is. And I’m glad you’re having fun with her.
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I'd say Plague and Wraith are better but other than that I agree.
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Confusing Tier list until you realize what it is:
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@Ember_Hunter Trapper always has me on the edge of my seat. I hate not knowing when a loop is safe or not when he’s chasing me!
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Exactly. Not fun, I can't juke or loop him because I am too afraid to step in his traps :(
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Why does everyone create a thread for their tier list? It feels like their is one a day.
Good tier list either way mate
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Few reasons:
First of all she can keep everyone injured at once, which is the primary aspect. Unlike with Legion this sticks unless they give her corrupt. Especially important since most plagues will run thanataphobia. This is comparable to Myers tier 3 (a little weaker but still comparable) but requires less setup and lasts longer unless they cleanse
Second she gets bonus to tracking, because when infected survivors interact with something it becomes infected, thus alerting the plague that something has been touched. Also sickness counters iron will.
Third, with addons she can get corrupt after breaking everyone and get an easy win that way if they don't cleanse. And if they do cleanse then you get an easy win because they cleansed.
Yeah I know that last one is addon-dependency, which is a big part of what is holding her back from A tier. But she's at least on par with Myers.
Her main drawback is that she's limited in what builds she can use, since thanataphobia is pretty much required. However she has more than enough benefits to justify B tier.
Also if they cleanse then corrupt is great.
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Because it is an easy way to express opinions without boring people with TLDRs :D
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She also hard counters instant-heals.
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@ScottJund I can definitely see Wraith above Doctor, Legion and Leatherface. Possibly Clown as well. Anyone else that you see Wraith being above? Not sure that I do.
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I wish when I solo or SWF, people stop cleansing so I can up Plague higher in my fun tierlist :(
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Um....I think you might have misplaced plague lol xD
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@Gardenia I honestly had her C at first! I ended up putting her at the top of D. Been playing her a lot lately at Rank 1. She’s a lot of fun.
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@NuclearBurrito Definitely fair reasoning for B tier.
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I mostly agree with the original list though I would put Wraith at the highest point of C tier at least. Even though he is add-on dependent he's actually not that bad. In-fact with the right add ons he can have a great deal of mobility, pressure, and strength. He's a very interesting character
I would also put Doctor in C-Tier as well. Yes, he may have been power creeped hard suffers from some bugs and just general bugs when it comes to his shock but he can be strong in quite a few areas
Aside from that can't really disagree with much
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@BlueFang I can definitely see Wraith C tier. Can’t say the same about Doctor though. He’s pretty much in line to get Slaughtered at Rank 1. I do love some of his builds! Lullaby x Doctor forever <3
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Yep, my bell boi loves hit and running. :D
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Check this out:
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Change Doctor and Spirit's placements, then we'll be set as best friends 🙂
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Billy is above Hag. She's good but her main problem is that her power has a hard counter (flashlights) and she is a defensive type of character, where Billy if offensive.
Generally speaking, defensive strategies are less effective than offensive ones in many games, DBD included. The fact you can run clear to the other side of a map, where she has no traps and be completely safe is what hurts her. Billy doesn't quite have that problem. His power is always lethal, where Hags is only lethal after she's placed traps.
Also I think Wraith should be bottom of C tier. He has the ability to move around faster than normal killers and has stealth he can use to get closer than normal to survivors, letting him generate more pressure than any of the killers below him. He also has good variety to tactics he can use with his add-ons, where all the other killers around him are just made stronger by add-ons.
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Overall agree, although I think you went a bit harsh on Plag and Clown.
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@thesuicidefox I just personally think hag is stronger than Billy. Hag is area of control. Not map control. Hag is more lethal overall than Billy. Traps don’t take a long time to set up and when they’re up? Oh my. Hag can work around flashlights. All you have to do is adjust (different trap placement. traps at corner of loops, not obvious trap placement, no traps CLOSE to hooks —— you shouldn’t do this anyways, trapping away further sets up for more pressure.——) Billy’s power isn’t always lethal I.e loops. Hag > Billy IMO.
And yeah Wraith C Tier is totally reasonable.
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@Chaddad2169 Where would you place them?
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It's mostly the same apart from two.
1. I feel Freddy should move a bit further up on the B tier
2. I think Clown should definitely be high B tier due to his ability to cut off loops efficiently but he does suffer from what most killers suffer, map pressure
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@Kerbert Maybe on Plague yeah. I like D tier for Clown though. Good survivors know how to loop him (when to throw down pallets, extent chases, etc.). Good clowns can do very well too, but I don’t see a clown having that potential of Trapper (Multiple traps) and Pig (RNG) to put him in C tier.
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I actually agree. LF should be Z however. And clown.
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@Chaddad2169 Not ready to put Freddy above Huntress. Although I don’t think they’re far apart at all. Very close.
Clowns one Strength can be somewhat countered by good survivors. I think it hurts him quite enough to put him at D.
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@Masantonio No issues coming from me! Seems all pretty reasonable. Though don’t underestimate trapper TOO much. (:
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@Acesthetiic billy can deal with loops with curving, although it is one of the hardest things in this game to learn.
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@GrootDude One of my favorite things about Billy (:
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Trapper so bad at high ranks idk why he's so high up on that list. Also don't agree with other placements but I rather keep this short.
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Tell that to his 60% kill rate at rank one.
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Counting DC's, devs haven't released actual statistics and I don't remember him being up there for PC stats.
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@Mellow7 You’re more than welcome to critique. Let me know why you think he’s bad. And let me know other things you don’t agree with.
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Most recent thing we have.
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Legion,Clown ,Doctor and Plague are at least C tier.
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Yea but Billy can make stuff happen. Hag can't, she has to wait for survivors to come to her. I just think her style is too passive to be better than Billy. She's great when survivors come to her and all that, but when they don't she doesn't have much she can do. Billy on the other hand can force survivors to act, and he also has pretty good defensive options too.
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this is great
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@thesuicidefox I disagree with her being passive. She definitely causes chaos and is very active. And as long as the traps are ‘smart’, she doesn’t have to worry how the survivors play.
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Trapper is male
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@NuclearBurrito We’re talking about Hag lol.