New chapter The Full Moon

McKinney04 Member Posts: 2

A chapter involving a new killer which is a normal human male that power allows him to tranform into a huge werewolf which increases speed and strength(allowing to one shot survivors) that lasts sixty seconds, but has a cooldown of 180 seconds.


  • Impala
    Impala Member Posts: 145

    Sounds like Myers, but unbalanced.

  • McKinney04
    McKinney04 Member Posts: 2

    Myers stalks his victims this would be an uncontrolable beast that could be alter to be really cool or terrifying still has a heart beat just bigger stronger or could stay as a werewolf with diffrent powers granted ghostface and Myers are kinda the same as well just one can get knocked out of stealth

  • HasterPhenix
    HasterPhenix Member Posts: 23

    HAHAHA YOUR KIDDING ?! ok it can one shot survivor in his werewolf form, but it can't do damage to survivor in his humans form, like this, it has to approche survivor with zero terror radius, but when the transformation, a big scream of monster pop up and the terror radius become the bigest of the game, the survivor have a big scary moment and the most horrific music of the game and your killer/monster has one attack range like EW3 and better mouv speed.