A Multiple Killers Mode

BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

Is anyone else interested in a multiple killers mode? While there will be definetely be some balancing problems and they would have to work much faster then currently in order to fix them. I think a 2v8 mode would be really fun


  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    No thanks.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    They are already working on 2v10 in deathgarden but this game has been out for years and it hasn't really even been discussed that much

    I'd like it, but there will be the haters and the devs don't seem to be interested in alternate game modes, considering there's only been one this whole time

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    I feel like it should, at the very least, be an option for Kill Your Friends. I'd love to mess around with my friends with multiple killers. and it wouldn't really need balancing because its a private match thing. and actually it could be used to test out a 2v8 or whatever mode.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    edited August 2019

    @BlueFang while it is interesting how would perks for killers stack?

    What if both are running dying light or thantaphobia would they stack??

    What if both run mostly hex builds are we adding more totems? If a totem is broke which killers was it? Do we get double ruin, double huntress lullabye, Haunted grounds, Devour Hope, NOED????

    If both killers run rancor is there more than 1 obsession? Save the best for last, play with your food, remember me all of this would be a mess.

    What if you have two Pigs? How many boxes? Do you extend timers?

    Some maps are too small to support 2 killers are we locking those maps?

    Are we adding more pallets since it will be way more chases?

    How does scoring work for this? Do both sides earn bloodpoints?

    I don't trust BHVR with any of these decisions. In theory it could be fun but i see it if it went live to be a ######### show!

    Post edited by fcc2014 on
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Kill with friends with respawning survivors would go down really well in my opinion. More like fend them off the objective rather than kill kill kill

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    No, 2v8 would be just a real mess survivor sided. 1v4 is already barely balanced, since if one killer is chasing survivor the other 3 can sit on a gen. Now if two killers chase two survivors, the other 6 can sit on gens. Too unbalanced.

  • BackByDaylight
    BackByDaylight Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2019

    @BlueFang It is a fun concept to think but thats all.the truth is this mode would be very unbalance killers could block the doors and take game hostage and pretty much everything FCC2014 said would draw out extra time that could be spent on making the First modes we have perfect. The devs also said that there not doing it so pretty much stop asking there focus is on the main game and getting dedicated servers going and working on the balance and I'd rather let them put and create everything we need before i ask them for a new mode that makes sense right ? add me as friend and we could talk about dbd plans all day wewewe

    Post edited by BackByDaylight on
  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    True I understand that, but it would be fun to be able to cooperate with other killers and even party up with friends like Survivors can

  • Mfeitz
    Mfeitz Member Posts: 31

    Just want to say this, but the devs have already said they were not interested in the 2v8 game mode idea (in the last FAQ live or reddit if I'm not mistaken).

  • BackByDaylight
    BackByDaylight Member Posts: 92

    @BlueFang There interesting concepts but it really doesn't have any place in the DBD world as of now its best we let it go the devs even asked us to let it go in the QA basically. we could do that because they literally gives us free ######### and its like Christmas every three months for us lol. Im really excited for all the new things we have coming though i really dont find nothing wrong with the rankings system but i dont really want to play against high level players without an official team people really dont understand how ranking works to me. Clearly its sort of snowballs even if you die but depending on your actions you will still earn pips even if didn't escape. Sort of easy but this where it gets difficult if you're a 4k killer if you dont win the next game you de pip or black pip because you still perform but didn't or only killed two next game you pip but only pip once because thats considered i guess losing the kill streak.but they say there going to change it as a killer main this is where the penalty of hook points toward emblems is a double edge sword. Say if you down some near the gate and there a hook only near that area you have to proxy camp or thats a free escape but you loose points toward your emblems because you we're near the hook.Now if this penalty isnt here killers just going to camp thats a tough one to get around.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Just in KYF I guess. It would split the community and they cant even balance the main game which exists for 3 years now

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    Someone remembers the beta bug of one killer and 13 survivors?