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Why are PS4 waiting time for survivors so horrendous???

Takes 4 to 5 minutes to find a lobby and once you get into a match (if the killer doesn't leave in the lobby just because someone has a different skin and/or an ítem equipped) the game kicks you out randomly, why does this happen so often? gotta love waiting 5+ minutes to get into a match just to get dodged, get kicked out in-game, get camped, tunneled 3 times in a row. at lest fix waiting times huh?


  • Bone_Idol
    Bone_Idol Member Posts: 31

    Maybe the PS4 survivor population is dropping off. I play on PS4 and a lot of survivor and I have these same issues. Personally I don't understand lobby dodging, like you can tell a survivor is good by looking at them. Each to their own I guess

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    Unlike the other platforms, PS4 seems to constantly lack killers, as in less than 20% at any given time. Which means that Survivors have to wait just a bit longer so killers can be recycled.

    In other platforms, I believe killers still have a longer waiting time than survivors, due to the fact that they lack survivors, as in less than 80% at any given time. It's just how it is.

    But at least in my current experience (PS4 US East, generally in Red to Green Ranks) the wait time for Survivors isn't that bad. 3-5 minutes maybe. Compared to killer wait time, which is around 0-1 minute to start a lobby and maybe 0-2 minutes to fill it with Survivors. It's not that of a big difference.

  • derperson
    derperson Member Posts: 130

    TL;DR The newish pipping system is forcing killers to draw matches out to ensure they meet the requirements for pips. Killers drawing out games means less lobbies for survs to join.

    Maybe it's the changes to the killer ranking system... rank is the only real representation of status/progress to competitive players, so they're going to emphasize improving their rank. The best ways for killers to do that is to draw matches out to satisfy the reqs to pip.

    I started to draw matches out, but I got tired of fitting the pip system. I was to the point that I was avoiding tunneling at all costs, even when the only survivor left is the last one I hooked (just kidding), but matches were averaging 30 minutes, with the final 10 minutes trying to catch/find a hiding survivor.

    I just gave up and started running perks that gave me the most bloodpoints, and make matches end more quickly. I can't get above rank 8 without ruin, and getting a 4k is hit or miss, but I still have fun, so...

    But, if other killers are trying to rank up by drawing matches out, then there are going to be less lobbies for survivors to join.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    90% of surv are 4man swf on ps4 based on my experience. Killers might be tired about that.

    If a game brings you too much stress, you quit. Simple.