We should put Slenderman as a killer

Like my question post, I think it would be interresting to add Slenderman, I don't know I thought it would be a good idea... he could have the same mechanics like in the game stop it slender but I little needed and not instant death by looking at slender but it would be cool if he could go invisible and if you look at him too long you get a sort of blindness like the doctor but worse... this is just an idea I had in mind


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I think that would depend on whether Slenderman falls under copyright or not. AFAIK he was a creation of creepypasta then became famous when those girls killed another girl and said he told them to do it. If it's like big foot or something I could see it happen, but if it's like Dracula then probably not.

    Slenderman-like character though... I'd be willing to bet something like that is coming. How many other killer tropes can they do?

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    Why did you make two of these posts? Lol
  • Jeremy_Plays
    Jeremy_Plays Member Posts: 4
    I made two accidently, sorry