New survivor idea: Elena, the witch.

Survivor idea;
Profile: Goth schoolgirl
Elena, the witch.
1- Blinding hope: "As I was being chased, I could feel palm getting warmer, the lights brighter, the air thinner. My Goddess spark was still with me."
Creat a beam of light emanating from your palm by channeling echoes of light from the campfire.
Cause blindness and stun after 4s/3s/2s of being hit in the face with it for 2s/3s/4s. To recharge your light, you have to get chased by the killer for 60s/50s/40s. Cannot be used if not fully recharged.
2- Flame of truth: "As I was once again breaking up a totem, the idea came to me. Maybe just maybe...we could use them somehow..."
By channeling the darkness from the totem through the flames of the campfire, you and the killer's reveal your aura to each others for 3s/4s/5s.
3- Will of the ancestors: "As the pain took me, a miriade of voices arose; Old and soothing, they promised me solace from the pain of this unending nightmare."
By attuning your soul with the campfire flame, you are able to leave your body behind and walk as a spirit.
It allows you to do everything you can normaly do but you cannot see anyone including the killer and cannot use magick.
Also, if you take any damage: you are sent back to your body, get hurt in the process and gain the flickering light status for 60s/50s/40s. If the killer finds your body, he can hit it to force you back in and instantly down you.
Additionally, the survivor will turn light blue with static for 3s every 10s. Also, the survivor's husk will emit the golden light marker(like when you use the add-on, on the map).
Status ;
1- Flickering light: Prevent the use of light magic in addition of the exposed and blindness status.
2- Radiant soul : Using more than 1 magick perks will cause the survivor to emit a faint orange glow and soft crackling sound.
Leave comments and ideas ty for those who read it all! ^^
This is really cool, really like the idea of the survivors having some magical abilities, but imagining Dwight shooting lasers of his hand is kinda weird.
Blinding hope: Should make it so it takes a couple seconds to blind killer (like the flashlight) sense this is basically a free extra item. Also does the time add up between chases? or if you lose the killer for .002 seconds does it start over?
Flame of Truth: how long does this last? Looks good other wise. Duration should be decent for how situational this is.
Will of the ancestors: really cool, feel like the killer should have some way of telling its an projection by seeing its aura or something of the sort. Basically this could lead to an enter team just hiding and sending these bad boys out. This is just a safer way to play the game. Also can you cancel it?
Radiant soul probably isn't necessary at all. Making noise and producing light would make it much harder to hide form killer.
Post edited by thisdude9001 on0 -
Blinding hope; would be cumulative, you don't lose it if you escape the Killer. It would be similar to a ressource meter, actually the exact same thing as a regular flashlight.
Flame of truth; I forgot to put the time but it would be something like 3s/4s/5s.
Will of the ancestors; Yes the survivor would turn light blue with static for 3s every 20s.
Radiant soul; it's exactly for that reason, to "nerf" all the skills a bit more.
Ty for your comment and opinions tho it's really appreciated !
Post edited by TheUnendingNightmare on0