Killer totems in Dead By Daylight are stupid.

Ok, so why should I take up an entire perk slot for a totem when survivors seem to have memorized all of the spawn locations to the point that I can't even see the totem have any effect on the game other than giving the survivors points for me to have less perks. There should be changes made to the ways totems spawn and even then, survivors shouldn't be able to nreak it at the start of the match with the exception of haunted ground. I feel like for ruin, survivors should have to complete 1 or 2 generators in order for the totem to spawn. For Devour Hope, the totem should spawn only after it becomes active. For NOED I don't run it because I dislike that perk but for someone who does like it, you could discuss that yourself. I'm mainly concerned about Devour Hope and Ruin. The Third seal should only activate after a survivor has been hooked. Again, I want my totems to have an effect before its broken. It's too risky with how toxic survivors tend to be. Every perk slot for a killer is important. I also think there could be an alternative solution. Maybe I'm an idiot for thinking this way. I wanna hear what other solutions y'all may have or even a better way to do what I discussed. Please tell me what you think.


  • xnes_galax
    xnes_galax Member Posts: 149

    I think the whole "hex totem" mechanic is wrong. These perks should be high risk high reward, but tbh they are more like "if the RNG help i win the match for a perk, otherwise i'm with 3 perks". What i mean is that RNG is a problem. Sometimes survivors spawn near a totem, sometimes they are in a super obvious spot like near a generator and sometimes they spawn in a super easly defensive spot.

    I would like to see a rework to all the hex totem in general, but i don't really have any idea right now.

    Talking about your suggestion

    The idea of totem spawning when the perk is active is cool. Breaking all 5 totems before should negate them and this seem a great incentive to do Dull totems.

    Ruin : i mean, most of the time i don't even care about it, but forcing people do to an entire generator will completely destroy solo. Randoms already waste the entire match doing nothing if ruin is up. Imagine them walking around looking for 5 totems. Yeah, they should get better at skillchecks, but still. Not a bad idea overall.

    Devour hope: this could be kinda broken. One instadown becomes guaranteed, but at the same time, you are using a perk slot for it. People often remeber when the hex is and think is haunted ground, but as soon as you get your insta down, it explode. Maybe making it active when you get your second token?

    Third seal : actually, this shouldn't even be an hex perk. I get that is an Hag perk so it has to be an Hex, but its a bad thing. Making it active first hook means encouraging bleed out builds, since it would take effect but will also be unbreakable. I suggest making it show up when you hit all 4?

    Haunted grounds : with your suggestion, this perks will need to be changed. If the totems spawn instantly they are obviously haunted ground. Making it active whenever another hex perk is active seem a good idea, but would make impossible to use it alone. Maybe when all 5 totems goes down you get the one shot for 60 sec?

    As i already said, i d rather see an entire rework to the hex totems system.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    yup, this is why ruin is a waste of perk slot.

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231

    I'm a killer main and honestly I can care less cuz u just gotta protect them there is a perk that will let u see when someone touches ur totem so u can stop them, but yes it does get annoying they need to make it so the totems will randomly spawn instead of it always being in the same spot