

Someone purposefully stopped Struggling and let themselves die because they didn't want me to get any more kills from people coming to rescue her which is, well, fair enough. But she also called me a Soft-Camper. The hell is a Soft-Camper? Someone who checks their hooked Survivor when you lose track of someone or someone who stays by their hook when BBQ and Chili shows 0 results? I dunno. They weren't overly toxic about it so it wasn't that big of a deal, but I was just wondering if Soft-Camping is a commonly used term and it's exact definition, cuz I've never heard it before.

The hecking heck is a Soft-Camper


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Camping is when the Killer doesn't allow for a free unhook.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @Orion said:
    Camping is when the Killer doesn't allow for a free unhook.

    Lmao, yeah.
    But what the hell is Soft-Camping? That's what I'm on the hunt for. Seems to be as hidden an answer as the meaning of life.

  • BlondeMegPls
    BlondeMegPls Member Posts: 66

    Face camping: Standing in front of hook staring at survivor
    Camping: Keeping survivor in line of sight at all times
    Soft camping: Keeping in heartbeat range at all times
    Hard patrolling: Dipping in and out of heartbeat range, checks surrounding area and then goes back to hook over and over again
    Soft patrolling: Patrols nearby gens/objectives and hook equally

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @BlondeMegPls said:
    Face camping: Standing in front of hook staring at survivor
    Camping: Keeping survivor in line of sight at all times
    Soft camping: Keeping in heartbeat range at all times
    Hard patrolling: Dipping in and out of heartbeat range, checks surrounding area and then goes back to hook over and over again
    Soft patrolling: Patrols nearby gens/objectives and hook equally

    Interesting. So here's what I take away from that...

    Facecamping: Camping, but there's no skill involved so please stop.
    Camping: Not necessarily bad, but not the best thing to do.
    Soft-Camping: That's the kind of camping I do when I do it occasionally as a strategy when exit gates are open, so I guess they weren't wrong in calling me a soft-camper, though that wasn't really what I was doing in that match.
    Hard Patrolling: So... protecting a hook when you know someone is nearby.
    Soft Patrolling: So just playing the game. Awesome. That's more to lines in what I was doing than Soft-Camping.

    Well, thank you. Not really my place to rant out dumb terms, all I asked for was the meaning of Soft-Camping and you delivered, so again, thanks.

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    Not Camping = Going to the far side of the map and facing the corner like a 2 year old in a timeout until the survivor is unhooked and fully healed.  Unless you play nurse, then that's still camping.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Soft camping is when you don't move to the other side of the map before the unhook hapens
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    I guess you could consider it to be patrolling... not sure though because I've never heard that term out of the hundreds of different kinds of "camping"
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Mrrgle_the_Mediocre said:

    @Orion said:
    Camping is when the Killer doesn't allow for a free unhook.

    Lmao, yeah.
    But what the hell is Soft-Camping? That's what I'm on the hunt for. Seems to be as hidden an answer as the meaning of life.

    It's when the Killer won't allow for a free unhook, but from a distance.