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New killer idea: The Grip

LuluTheLion13 Member Posts: 52

The Grip


Has 3 tentacles on each side of his body that can stretch so far and pull a survivor back to his location. His tentacles can stretch up to 12 metres. His tentacles have to have a rest of 20 seconds before he can use them again.


A slimy killer with blood and slime dripping from each tentacle. Green skin with lumps spreader around the body.


Tom Rider was an ordinary man with an ordinary job, just got caught up with the wrong crowd. After years of committing crimes, he finally got sent to prison for a total of 5 years and also got tortured during those times. (You know what punishments were like back in the day) One of those punishments was having your head kept underwater for so long. Infact some people died. But Tom didn’t... Another punishment was having your arms stretched out so far, they would sometimes dislocate and that is exactly what happened to Tom. Once he had finally popped them back in he had his break, he decided to go outside and found out that the prison was kept in the middle of a huge lake!! He wondered how he was gonna escape and thought to himself, the only way was to swim across. During the night when everyone was asleep. There were a few guards outside. Tom broke through the bars and was so stealthy, he got to the edge of the island and started swimming through the lake. Lights turned on, sirens went off and police immediately came to the scene. Tom said to himself, ‘I can’t go through this again, nevermind a couple of years extra for trying to escape!’ Saying that made Tom anxious, he knew the only way out... Was underwater.


Poisonous Grip

When pulling a survivor closer to you, they also lose one health state and you suffer a cooldown of 2 seconds.

Opposite grip

When shooting a tentacle at a survivor, instead of them being pulled to you, they suffer a stun of 3 seconds and you get pulled to them.

Exposed grip

When you hit a survivor with a tentacle. That survivor becomes exposed for 20 seconds. (No one gets pulled to anyone)


Long distance damage

Allows the killer to break a generator from 4/6/8 metres away. The killer will still have a breaking timer + 2 seconds. Killers will have animations e.g. The huntress will throw a hatchet at a gen, The spirit will through her katana etc.

Fortunate Chase

Allows the Killer to break up to 2/3/4 pallets that haven’t been dropped.

Sabotaged repair

You become obsessed with one survivor. Each time your obsession gets put on the hook, repairs for generators will go 6/8/10% slower. If your obsession gets sacrificed. All repairs will go back to normal and you will become obsessed with another survivor.

The grips normal attack will be it’s tongue. He injures people with his tongue.


The grip will wrap his tentacles around the survivors waist, sticks them up in the air, then using all of his force, he will slam them into the ground. With another tentacle he will stab them in one arm. The survivor will go onto their backside (facing the killer) and the Grip will use his other tentacle to stab the other arm. (At this point the survivor cannot move as both of the survivors arms are pinned to the ground) Then using another tentacle, the Grip stabs into the heart, takes it out and eats it.