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Does Noed Need to be Changed???



  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    his recommendations of legion were needed, just they completely busted legion in his rework

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    The only change I want to see for NOED is add some sort of "tell" that will tip off a survivor you have it. I suggested elsewhere that a very very low percentage of skill checks would not have a great zone. Something like 1/50 skill checks. This would be the clue that the killer has NOED, which then encourages survivors to slow down and look for totems. Because at the end of the day that's what you want as killer, for the game to slow down. If you lose your one shot + speed boost but made the game like 5 minutes longer because of it, is it not worth it? I think so. Then there really would be no excuse for letting NOED proc because you will know when it's in play.

    Alternatively, they could make the NOED proc when the last gen pops instead of when the survivor gets hit. I think the most lame part about NOED is just that you don't know until you get hit. If you got the notification when the last gen pops then it would be way less lame because you know to play more cautiously now. It's not going to be a "does he have NOED?" *survivor gets hit*, yes/no, type of thing.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    Not more right.

    More important for sure. As youre able to influence more ppl using your platform.

    And there are lots of evidence, game was more popular in 2018. Showing a decline in players.

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    Agreed he was butchered but he needed a nerf shouldn't have been that bad, made him useless but he should be punished for stab spam but not completely destroyed lol

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    Gotta disagree, he had so much going for him with very little counter play. so na he needed more of a nerf but still they made him more useless than many killers

  • SenatorAcadia
    SenatorAcadia Member Posts: 72

    Noed doesn't bother me when I'm survivor and when I play killer I use it a lot of the time. Maybe I'm the killer being 'rewarded for failure' as is often discussed here but meh.

    I'm not great at killer so lots of times it never even comes into play because I can't catch anyone. But sometimes it's fun revenge.

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    I think it's honestly fine as is. If you're worried about NOED or wonder if a killer has it, pop totems. There, they absolutely don't.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    Do dull totems. I can't tell you how many times a killer running NOED has hit me at the exit gate only to find I've broken all the totems. Do dull totems. NOED is a wasted perk if you do dull totems.

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    Ok then. The hatch should be removed. It rewards failure.

    End game strategy is a thing.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    NOED is fine as is. It counters, in a minor way, gen rushing, but it can be beaten by cleansing totems, or if the totem is found after all generators are completed. SWF gen rushing pricks who ignore doing anything except rushing the gens at all costs with new part etc can be punished, albeit slightly, with noed. Many a time I've played a less than A tier killer, had a bad match to a harassing and gen rushing jerkoff SWF team, tea bagging me every time they drop a pallet, taking advantage of every loop, ds, dead hard, adrenaline, borrowed time, makes me want to track them down irl, then the last gen is done and I down and hook one of them, and I'm so annoyed that I'm like, okay teabagger you're gonna die and I camp, which I do not like to do, and they are so arrogant that they come and I have turned what should be a 0k or 1k match into a 4k that is to noed and survivor hubris. Survivors can VERY OFTEN be complete toxic holes, and imo drive killers to be toxic in kind.

  • TheKnot
    TheKnot Member Posts: 31

    Any complains about noed are absolute bs in my opinion. For 95% of the game, the killer is using 3 perks. Meanwhile, as a survivor you’re given maps pretty much every 2-3 bloodwebs if you need them. Otherwise if noed to you is a huge issue. Just cleanse totems. Learn maps to know where they can or can’t spawn

    or run no mother, So you can’t even tell the difference ;) lol

    the perk should go back to how it used to be, and just give you a one shot mechanic instead of being a hex. You guys don’t know how good you have it.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732