Killers that are actually scary and have map pressure (ideas)

Why don't we actually make killers that are actually scary then, so far we have myers with him popping out of nowhere, sometimes ghostface if he gets the exposed status on you, imo hag with her unexpected traps, prayer beads spirit, and coxcomb wraith. They themselves might not have the best gen/map pressure cuz once you go up against them a few times you'll expect what's coming and their power just doesn't let them go across the map in general, except maybe hag.
I was gonna suggest a killer that can make fake UI alterations for survivors, such as making it look like someone got hooked. The killer would be a survivor in disguise on the hook to lure in other survivors to rescue them, once rescued the killer (survivor in disguise still) can either reveal themselves or be healed by a survivor for an extra bonus in their power, idk reveal themselves and gain a movement speed buff like 20% (probs a bit overkill). But then again SWF just completely nullifies that ability lol. Just fun to speculate I guess :D
What would be your idea to make a killer that has actual map pressure AND is actually scary (not omegablink/5 blink nurse pls ;-;)
Ive got a rather crude concept for an ability.
The Warden
- 115% speed
- The first ability creates walls in front of them after a short delay, those spread to nearby objects. This would be used similiar to nurse's charge, increasing the distance between the killer and the spawning wall the longer the charge time.
- Second ability would be to spawn traps over long distances. Those traps would have a rather big trigger radius, and spawn a even bigger circular cage around the trap, with some of the first ability's walls inside too. The cage walls last for x seconds or if the trap gets disarmed.
- I'd like to copy IdV's map ui for this secondary ability to display a crude sketch of the current trial, showing the generators and currently placed traps. The killer would pull up the map screen and then click where to place a trap, which would arm over some seconds.
- For both abilities, the walls would try to connect to snapping points in already existing structures, like the ends of walls or the points where they connect to other walls. Both ends of a pallet would count too. And obviously pallets or windows which get covered by a spreading wall are disabled.
- For "fair play" the spikes of the wall would appear on the ground, then linger for a short delay, and then shoot up to full height. (Similiar to doctor shock)
Edit: Now that ive written it down for the first time, the secondary ability is quite similiar to Evolve's dome, just with counterplay.
For this I'd rather use the already existing entity styled walls than "brick walls which suddenly pop up". Or entity spike walls covered in some barbed/bladed wire.
(In the concept I have in my head, survivors touching the walls would be slowed while being too close to those walls and accumulate a debuff which'd injure survivors at 100% charges of that debuff, with more debuff accumulation when the wall shooting out from the ground hits a survivor. But those two points might be too much for current survivors. )
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@kermit_snacc_choke A killer disguised as a survivor can't work because of SWF.
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YH I know I said that in my post lol
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I overread that part, sorry. Now I wonder why you would make a suggestion of which you know that it doesn't work...
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I literally said that it's just fun to speculate.. Did u even read my post properly?
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A disguise killer would maybe work if he'd overwrote all survivor skins, and make survivors see survivors as other survivors or as the killer. Such a killer would need to screw with a lot of interfaces.
When its just the killer transforming into a survivor, that concept is doomed. (Especially since that killer wouldnt be allowed to attack out of disguise, could only sabotage stuff and definitely wouldnt be fair to have instantdowns, we all know the ideas of balance here)
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A shame too because I think that’s one of the most suggested killers now. This isn’t a balance talk but there’s quite a few things SWF and comms make invalid
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Even if skins would be overwritten, it still wouldn't work as long as the SWF players talk to each other.
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It's a shame that this game is labelled as a "horror" game cuz rn it's literally toxic tbagging and dc simulator lol
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Ever played a "who is the killer/werewolf/witch/parasite" with people on comms or estabilshed teams before the round starts? Not nice for those who arent part of that team.
Whenever i see those disguise killer concepts im reminded how often i cheated on those parasyte maps in warcraft 3.
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@johnmwarner Yup. The idea is popular and requested so many times, yet voice comms make it simply not possible. Some things just won't happen.
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I just realised, what if we had medusa as a killer... Could she place statues around the map and whoever looks at them gain an immobility penalty of 1 second? Maybe thatd be OP cuz I have no idea lol, thoughts?
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As long as the view detection would work as reliably as the Ghostface reveal, it would be far from OP...
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This is Identity V's first killer, unlocke d for everyone from the start, similiar to the trapper.
He can place or throw up to 2 dolls(well theyre as big as him or trapper) which work as sentry wards, revealing the aura of survivors in their presence. He can swap places with them and gets a speed bonus afterwards.
Then he gets rage tokens from certain actions. This enables him to turn his dolls into ai-controlled killers that hunt survivors/break pallets on their own. (A teleport/swap would disable the ai again). I forgot to mention that he can also just burn a rage token to summon a clone of himself to follow the nearest survivor and attack him.
This is their FIRST KILLER. This kind of map prssure would be flamed to hell in dbd.