Killer perk idea: "Hex: Eternal Suffer"

One more totem spawns on the map.
Every time Survivor is trying to break different hex totem not being Hex: Eternal suffer, it will be replaced into another totem which is dull totem. Once Hex: Eternal Suffer is broken, another hex totems will not be replaced.
- Once totem is broken, it will be rebuilt once every 80/60/40 seconds
- Survivors' breaking totem speed is increased by 8/6/4%
- Hex totems will not be rebuilt after breaking it
Hope you guys enjoy this fanmade idea and I accept every criticism.
I don't see a Practical Purpose. If you want to make it like this. I suggest make it so that hex perks are guarded at the start and each time a generator is completed for a certain time.
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Nice idea I see it in action but I should also say something that the hex totems get a rebuild/trancefer time that the perk disabled is for some seconds.
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It would be better if it was more like Haunted Ground. If an active totem is interacted with(including all other hexes), you receive a notification. If the totem is destroyed, another is lit and the destroyed perk remains active. Eternal Suffering has 3 tokens, and consumes a token a perk is saved. It cannot save itself, though.
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Oh, and maybe the totem can have an effect on the survivor at well, like maybe revealing their aura or giving them Exhaustion
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I like the idea BUT survivors would riot...