Why Steve Harrington and not Jonathan Byers?

I decided to start watching Stranger Things to get a grip on what this killer could be, but while watching i noticed one of the characters who was picked for a survivor being Steve although he's kind of out classed by Jonathan. So why not Jonathan instead? I could think of a few things like maybe he grows as a character later in the series, Jonathan's character kind of fades or maybe the devs just don't want a Quentin 2.0 but other then that Jonathan seems like a better fit. Can anyone who keeps up with fill me in? (without spoiling it of course.)
Because everyone will love to play as and main mom ;)
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So... are you asking for spoilers or what? Because the only way to tell you anything is to spoil it
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dam really? well alright i guess i can only find out by watching it then
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I don't know how much you've watched but Steve has a big character development throughout the 3 seasons, he quickly became a fan favorite and in season 2 get one of the best and interesting friendships in the show.
Jonathan, to me, felt like he was just kinda there. He doesn't get much on screen time on his own. He's almost always seen with either Nancy or Joyce.
Before the teaser got released I was hoping to get either Steve or Nancy, and I got both! I'm so hyped!
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That is a lie, why would you say that? He is the bully and he dies in Season 1. The only reason we get him is because he has cool hair, alright?
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wiki says he's alive tho
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I kinda took a dislike to Jonathan as a creepy peeping tom, who would try and steal your girlfriend (?) But that's just my moral compass...
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Alright, you called my bluff, just tried to safe it for you :(
Stranger things is a great show, all 3 seasons are really really good. Knowing anything about it might already ruin parts of it for someone who has not seen it, even small things like this.
Like you, i would have thought the same, if i was just at Season 1 and i knew we would get Steve (#########?) instead of jonathan for stranger things.
Just watch it. Dont read any comments, enjoy 2 fantastic seasons, and come back later after Season 2.
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Because Quentin and not Nancy
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Steve has become a fan favourite, even though in Season 1 he's a high school teen bully but later in the series he becomes a protecting older brother who has a good relationship with the kids. I would of prefer Johnathon and Nancy, maybe they could add him later.
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also dont get why jonathan isnt the survivor maybe the did not received the license for jonathan
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View S1 through Steve's eyes. Steve is a total hero sand Jonathan gets what he deserves... Aside from a lingering death.
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Because Jonathan adds nothing to the TV series, Steve was the best choice.
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lingering death? Wiki says jonathans alive
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tbh i should stop lookin at the wiki though. Seeing who's alive and who's dead could bring some fat spoilers
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lol, no sorry, he DESERVES a lingering death... spoiler alert... he doesn't get one...
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Honestly I think the fangirling/fanboying is to blame for us getting Steve and not Jonathan who I rate higher.
Having said that if it wasn't for the fangirling/fanboying we might have only got Nancy.
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I was putting off season 3 for when I get a new bigger TV with active HDR but I think I'm going to have to dive in before this board kills it for me.
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Steve is a more popular character and Jonathan looks a bit too much like Quentin
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Explain please?
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Jonathan was a creep taking pictures of nancy.
And Steve deserved better.
Tbh... I was hoping for hopper as the survivor
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Way more people would buy Steve.
Scoops Ahoy cosmetic alone will be huge. They can also do a bat cosmetic.
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I Really wanted Hopper i Really like his character btw using the forum it Can easily be spoiled for you be careful
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Because Jonathan looks just like Quentin. If Quentin wasn't based on a real person, my wife and I agree that if they made a dbd movie, dude who plays Jonathan would be cast as Quentin.
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Everyone asking why not Jonathan but I just want Jim Hopper /(;-;)/
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Steve is more badass. Jonathan came out of nowhere and got into a successful relationship with Nancy, but in S1, Steve and Nancy were a couple. Seeing how close Jonathan and Quentin would look in-game, it would look weird to say the least. Plus, Steve is beloved by the whole community for his personality. Right choice, right time.
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Steve grows a lot throughout the series while Jonathan remains a pretty boring individual who only really acts like a sidekick to Nancy. Also he's kinda creepy.
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Also Steve's hot so jot that down.
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Agree. He is mostly introverted and somehow boring.. Steve was clearly the best choice. Although I would not say no to hopper :D .. and a pity that eleven is too young!
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Jonathan looks like a wet rat looking for a food.
(this is an extreme exaggeration, I'm just preferring Steve to that other one)
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I wanted steve and billy but hey we got steve at least