My Suggestion for a future DLC killer & Survivor

Lynx_Playz Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

Firstly, the killer would be pinhead from the hellraiser movie, which aired in the 1987, and for the survivor, I thought of introducing kirsty as the survivor (since they both had a connection throughout he movie).

Now, let's move on to the perks and memento Mori for Pinhead.


Weapon = Styria Sickle

Perk 1 - 'Aichmophobia'

Perk 2 - 'Diabolical Behaviour'

Perk 3 - 'spiteful Play'

Memento Mori = "This allows Hellraiser to mount his victim on to a near by hook and impale them with needles to the eyes and hands, then grabbed by a demonic hand"

And now for the survivor (Kirsty) and her 3 perks she has.


 Perk 1 - 'Endurance'

Perk 2 - 'Knife Escape'

Perk 3 - 'boxed up' 

The Endurance perk allows kirsty to sprint whilst in normal and dying State. Making it hard for the killer to keep with her.

Knife Escape, when grabbed by killer at a generator or snagged in a near trap, she'll defend her self by allowing to stab her pursuer to stun them for at least 15 seconds. (When upgraded, it increases to 30% then, 45%)

Boxed up, means when you've been hooked twice by the killer. A box icon will appear somewhere in the map. When found it will activate a small lullaby to distract the killer for the meantime.