Blood Web Changes = New Legacy Skins?

Please read!
Before anyone says it, "They already said they weren't going to bring back Legacy skins out of respect for the older players!" Yes, that is true. But this post is in regards of recent developments coming to the blood web.
Now hear me out, "Legacy Skins" were created in the first place as a "reward" for anyone who had to endure the old blood web. This is all well a good, since they deserved a reward for the older blood webs for being so punishing to anyone who had to endure them.
But think about it... "Legacy Skins" were created from a Blood Web overhaul... and since this seems to be happening again for newer players... Does that mean something similar will happen for the newer cast of original Killers and Survivors? Will Doctor, Hag, Huntress, etc get their own Legacy skins from this new development? Same with Feng, Ace, etc? I ask out of curiosity, but also because it would make sense if they did this for the generation that came after 2016.
This may not be a HUGE overhaul like what happened in 2016 of course, but it is indeed something that is decreasing the difficulty to acquire perks and add-on's, which was the general point of the overhaul from the past. That's why I bring this up of course, its the "principle" of it I suppose?
2017- Early 2018 cast
Now, when I say "newer cast" I mean Killers and Survivors like Doctor, Hag, Huntress, Feng, Ace, David, etc. The cast that were made around 2017- Early 2018. I'm NOT referring to Killers and Survivors like The Legion, Plague, Jane, Jeff, etc. As they're from later times, like Late 2018 - 2019.
What does everyone think about this? Should they add newer Legacy Skins because of the new Blood Web changes? Or should Legacy Skins in-general just fade into obscurity and die off with the older players? Its a interesting topic indeed and i'd like to read everyone's opinions on this.
Nah, this isn't a massive enough reduction in grind for that. It just helps maxing out characters and getting the perks we want on them, which is all we really needed.
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That could very well be the case yes, but it would be interesting if it did happen wouldn't it?
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Tbh old legacy was more like thank you from the devs to players who played their game a lot back in the day when it was like 10 times more buggy and broken then it is now. Since then they said many time they don't want to exclude new players unless it has really good reason.
I presonally hope they will never do something like get a special skin for each prestige you gained since prestiging isn't worth it and I have all perks on all killers and on my favourite survivor without prestige (with 3 exceptions but all licensed) so I grinded far more then someone who has only those P3s but no perks on them but I wouldn't get those skins only because I didn't want to waste BP on crappy looking P3s that I will replace with far more prettier skins.
Overall I wouldn't mind since it's just skins but I think it would be dumb since SO MUCH has changed since 2016 and even with more content it's so much easier to progress bloodwebs now.
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My idea: you remember the glowing effect of the lunar event? Imagine for each maxed out perk on a character with p3 you get a "dot" so as more perks you maxed out as more glow you have on a character. Obviously the glow would be a separate cosmetic piece and can be used on any cosmetic part.
Opinions? Because I'm quite sure legacy will only come back when DbD is about to die out and the devs will sale them for money to get the last cash grab out of the game.
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I agree with this, but when you think about it from lets say my perspective... You have so many P3s done, and it took so long to finish them. And after you P3 them and get all the perks there's no real reason to actually continue playing that Killer or Survivor... Unless you want to mix things up I guess, otherwise there isn't a real point to it since its all done.
I like to think of it as a completionists reward for working so hard for something not many players have. Especially on the lesser used Killers at higher ranks, it can be a real challenge to get a certain Killer to P3 that has... less to be desired powers.
And yes, while I've come to accept that a lot of people don't like exclusive skins anymore, does it really matter when the skin actually makes it harder to sneak on Survivor, and for Killer its indifferent. But then you could say "Why does it matter if you get the skin anyways then? Why make this post if you agree that the skin doesn't matter?" The post is more of a "What if" kinda thing I suppose? Since exclusive skins are a dead concept on DBD now, but its fun to think of something like this possible happening I suppose right?
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Would you like to add to that?
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I don't know about that one, it just seems easier to have the skin be similar to the original ones from 2016. If they actually did humor this idea to bring them to a newer cast of Killers and Survivors though, they could mix it up to reflect the newer cast, it doesn't even have to be orange tbh, it could be something completely different.
Its not just limited to the original Legacy Skins.
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God, get off this entitled kick. Behaviour shouldn't have their hands tied on making changes for the good of the game because they're afraid of a bunch of players screaming ME WANT PWEASENT. It's a video game, the hours you've put in are not a life accomplishment.
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Exclusives shouldn't be a part of any game and original legacy took a much, much, much longer grind to prestige than the current one. The only thing that I would expect from the devs is some bloodpoints for all current players depending on how many levels they have reached on all characters (including those after level 50) to make up for the unnecessary amount of bloodwebs that they had to go through.
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Seeing new legacy skins would be awesome.
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Stop bitching, legacies were one time only rewards. Grinding was real, no entity eating nods, there weren't any bp increasing perks, neither escape cakes nor bps. Prestiging won't change, you'll only obtaining more perks, so there's no point.
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Nobody's bitching, its just a "what if" post. I'm not begging for it to happen, its just an post to throw opinions around.
Relax man.
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I don't care what your conditions are, legacy is not and never, ever, ever, not in a hundred quadrillion years, EVER, coming back.
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A "what if" devs stated since 2017 it's never gonna happen. Inb4, you can't compare legacy to Bill on ps4 or not human killer, different bounds that were broken.
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if people actually even made the newest killers high level, then they should also be rewarded, since that's harder to do than the older killers like doctor...
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There actually was entity eating nods before the bloodweb change. It just was starting eating later than nowadays.
Also, bps was existing back then aswell. Not only that, the rarity was lower (brown offering) so it was even cheaper to get them.
Also there was like a bp farming wraith (bot) in every 5th lobby which made it quite easy, I remember back then how pissed I was not to be able to play a normal game and having another farming bot killer
People have a wrong image of old prestiging. It wasn't that much harder than it is nowadays.
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Again, its just a "what if" its not like it will even happen. I didn't say anywhere "OMG PLEASE ADD LEGACY SKINS I WANT TO BE AN ELITE!!!!" Its just a post to see what people think about a possibility like this.
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I really hope they will do something because im devo 10 with every pg p3 full perks.
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Yeah, people say a lot of things will never happen... Than they happen lmao.
Think about it like this, if this was EVER humored, if we had a shred of a possibility of this happening... What would you think about it? Whats your opinion on the subject of Legacy Skins as a whole?
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Newer players write it off as something that could never happen, but when you ask the actual players that have it, most of them could care less lmao.
Like yeah, its nice they have it, but most of those older players have left the building. So why would it even matter if it happens again or not? Would it really effect anything... From a realistic stand point, it wouldn't. Of course you could say "So if it doesn't matter... why was this post created? If it will never happen, why are we talking about it" We're talking about it because this is a somewhat similar situation to how the skins were created in the first place.
So its interesting to see what people think of a scenario where this might happen again.
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Boi you're so wrong. Entity didn't eat entire nods because bloodwebs had differnt shapes, bps and escape cakes were added in the summer feast, months after the legacy threshold. Plus, farming bots were efficient only if you used the bot, otherwise just time consuming as survivor (and not everybody liked to farm)
Post edited by YaiPa on0 -
Just skins people want to flex. It would be disrespectful towards the OGs who played the game and grinded their asses. Also, it's not the skin itself (the orange entity touch), rather than the concept of bringing back skin rewards that are not justified (it could been evry skin).
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It's not a big enough change for something like this to happen tbh
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The only thing correct here is that yes, entity did eat nodes.
But you're totally wrong about offerings. BPS did not exist at all. The ONLY offerings that existed were the category-specific bonuses, and perks only added to in-game point generation, unlike WGLF and BBQ.
Even worse, the current values we have for offerings, 50/75/100%, were 25/50/75%. The most you could ever add to one game was an additional 6000 BP (which wasn't even enough to buy one outer node). And they were NOT cheaper because item cost was based on its position in the bloodweb, not rarity.
Which means you could spend 8000 bloodpoints to receive an offering that after a perfect game would only give you at most 2000 additional points.
OT: Stop asking for Legacy. It's not happening.
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it would also be fine if they finally gave me my legacy back!
i swear to god, im so pissed whenever i read a dev responding to legacy return questions with "but that would be disrespectful to the players who earned their legacys back in the day" - yeah but keeping them locked away after your bug took them from me is much more respectful, right? (i do support them in their opinion to not bring them back for everyone, but cmon. i earned them just like the others!)
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I guess I could say, if that's the case why would it matter if it happened.
But then you could say, "why was this post created if it doesn't matter?" its kinda of a paradox. I suppose in the grand scheme of things none of this matters, Legacy Skins in-general, or exclusive skins. Its just bragging rights to say "HEY! I HAVE THIS AND YOU DON'T SUCKA!"
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I'm not asking for Legacys, I can see nobody actually read the post. I asked what your opinions were if we ever did get Legacy Skins again.
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Yes and no, its a decently sized changed to the format of how we get rewards and perks, but no to it being that BIG of a change, like the 2016 one was.
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I feel really sorry about you. I know many friends who experienced this bug aswell, some stopped playing because of that because they lost 15+ legacy pieces which is really disgusting. No clue why devs still haven't restored legacy for those poor souls.
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Why are people so obsessed with legacy skins?
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The stigma, the "legacy" of the skin I guess?
This post like I said 5 times now, isn't me asking for the skins though, i'm just asking peoples opinions on a scenario where new ones were added to the roster.
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Yes it should be a thing. Anyone saying “this change isn’t enough” is because they fail to realize or haven’t been playing long enough to realize that there have been A LOT OF LITTLE CHANGES before this bloodweb.
If you don’t recall, common offerings only used to give you HALF of the bonus bloodpoints that they do now.
Same for yellow bloodpoint offerings AND the green/rare ones used to give you only 75% bloodpoints.
Please don’t act like you UNDERSTAND the grind we went through if you were never here for even that change.
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So are you agreeing with me or?
Cause the first part of that seems like you do, than the last part of what you said seems like you don't.
You don't need to be from 2016 to understand how bad the grind was, I don't understand why people seem to think this way. It doesn't matter if I was from 2016 or I just started today, what DOES matter is that I understand what it was like back then, and have seen what the metas, the struggle, and roster was.
Its funny you think I have to relive 2016 to understand that the blood webs were abysmal, how Generators and hooks worked, face camping, putting traps under hooked survivors feet, etc. I'd gladly play DBD in 2016 just so people stop coming to this conclusion, its not like it would of made a difference on how I view it anyways...
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@FireHazard apparently it has to be explained how bad it was because “this change isn’t major enough in the bloodweb” seems to be the only change that the people against a new skin understand.
Im 100% FOR an exclusive skin, even if it’s not legacy. Seems console players are lower class citizens if you ask me.
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This hardly fixes anything, let alone enough for legacy. This isn't a fix. This is a wet, bloody, dirt covered band-aid.
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What is with all this "band-aid" bs, it literally cuts the grind in half at level 50, what is everyones problem, it doesn't matter what devs do because it gets called a "band aid" it's a pretty significant change that will make it easier for newer players to establish themselves with a decent set of perks without having to spend 100s of hours doing so, stop being so ridiculous.
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Who knows, its just the mentality and toxicity that was breed from it that caused this way of thinking to occur.
Lets be honest, it doesn't matter if what I said actually happens, it would just be nice. People deny its existence because they probably don't even have any of the prestiges to get it, hence they deny it because they don't want to miss out on something because of their laziness.
Or, it could just be because they want to "respect the old players." The funny thing is, I've talked to plenty of old players who has and had legacy skins (When I say had, I mean they had it legit, but because of the whole save file erasing problem they lost it and weren't given it back.) And you know what? They couldn't care less if they added new legacy skins or not, CRAZY RIGHT?!?!? It really doesn't matter unless you're some elitist from 2016 that feels entitled to it. And not many 2016 players are like that, except the ones that were known to be toxic.
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Unless the perks and prestiges are handed to them, it will always be considered a "band-aid." If I no-life and play this games for 5 days straight, I can P3-50 any Killer/Survivor. The issue is, if you do it more casually, this could take weeks, or even a month before you actually P3-50 something.
Might I add, despite it sounding short within 5 days, 4 if i'm sweaty. Most people will see that and not realize that's literally non-stop match after match after match, it'll still take 10s of hundreds of hours...
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It is a nice change for players who are already knee-deep in the game. But it doesn't help new players at all, because it doesn't do anything to ease the ramp-up process when you're just trying to get your hands on a few decent perks for use on even a single character. That's the more important factor, and part of the reason why @Caretaker is characterizing this fix as a band-aid.
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Cuz that's all they do. They claim to listen to feedback, but they don't. They just shoot out a random fix that pretty much no one likes, and then make excuses for it. Then people like you try to butter up to them and act like they never do anything wrong. This "grind fix" doesn't help new players in the slightest and it barely helps old players. Here's a post where I did the math on the insane grind that DBD has, and why this is just a bandaid.
6 for the survivors, and yea, it helps late game grind and that is nice. However, that doesn't help new players at all. They still have to grind out 19 survivors to level 40 to open up more perks for their pool. If they just start out they don't have the free perks from the other survivors. So 14 would equal about 42, but a bad/useless perk won't really make even a new player that happy. It actually starts to feel bad after awhile.
They still have to obtain those extra perks, meaning they're not getting new perks anyway so I'm not sure if that'd be a huge problem to just soak up some items. Not to mention a lot of people tend to stick to specific metas anyway. I've noticed the updates, but I still say tier 1 perks would solve a lot of the grind issues.
It's roughly 1.20~mil to get level 40, so 22,800,000 BP to unlock every teachable. Now imagine trying to get one to P3. That's another 4,500,000 BP just to get to P3 assuming you get perfect webs and only need 1.5mil to hit 50.
Now, you don't get perks every early level, but you do get more than og webs, but iirc there are still dead webs with no perks. So that wouldn't add to the overall perk total which is 57 teachables+15 open pool perks. That's 216 levels, per survivor. Assuming level 50 with a perk in EVERY web, which I'm pretty sure can't happen is 166 levels left. 50k~ to get a full web at 50. So if we go off new webs that's 83 levels needed, which is 4,150,000 BP to max out. 74,700,000 to max all survivors assuming they are level 50, and excluding the P3 grind.
This doesn't even cover if you want to prestige/max out killers. So, sorry but I don't see the new change as much of a fix to anything. Especially with the updates to make low tier perks nearly identical to their tier 3 counterpart. I'll be honest it seems like there is no actual desire to fix the grind and we're gonna be forced to just dredge along through awful perks to finally finish a build, and then even more grinding to say, "I maxed out x character(s)."
This fix doesn't even help new players. Easy fix to the, "No perks from 14-30." Change the way the perks show up. Every 2 levels you get a perk. Boom. Easy fix.
So, no, you stop being ridiculous and thinking this random bandaid slapped on will somehow alleviate the grind. I don't even care about legacy, the grind is absurd and this fix is not a fix. It's just something flashy they can tack on so people are appeased and ignore how insanely bad and unhealthy for new players it is. To say this is somehow helpful for new players who have to unlock 19 survivors worth of perks, and 17 killers worth of perks is just a lie and I'm worried how many people are trying to use it as a legitimate argument.
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How are you agreeing with them, and also debunking them in the same comment? Doing the math it would take you roughly 8 hours just to get to level 50 assuming PERFECT web eating and you only need 1.5mil to get to level 50, AND getting 32,000 every game. Even with offerings, you're not gonna do that, especially as a survivor. Even more so a new player.
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Lets be honest, if they actually did another huge overhaul like they did in 2016, than it would kinda be weird not to reward anyone who already went through the grind...
And even if that's not the case, I feel they probably don't want to do that so people won't ask for exactly what this scenario is about lmao. We'll most likely never seen another exclusive skin for the rest of DBDs life-span, and that doesn't really matter. But its kinda funny if they did another overhaul and DIDN'T give people some kinda of reward.
Maybe Legacy skins as a whole is a reward for people who endured the mountain of glitches and toxicity and it has nothing to do with the blood-web at all...
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I understand that completely, but I'd forego a reward if I didn't have to drop a billion BP and thousands of hours into DBD to finish off all my killers/survivors. It's just not feasible and that's not right. There shouldn't be an "impossible grind" for those who want to achieve it. Difficult sure, but you're not doing challenges or anything special to prestige. It's just playing the game and grinding out bp.
There are many ways they could reward players that's not legacy. Give an Auric Cell bonus based on time/prestiges. Give a BP bonus back that goes over the cap to use when the webs change. If they wanted to do Legacy then announce it, but take a few months to slide it out and work on it so they're not rushed. The grind is not healthy, and hurts new players the most. This change only helps old players, and even then you're boned if the character you're leveling isn't 40+.
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I have a life too, this is from before I had a lot of time on my hands.
I'm just say, THATS actually possible to do what I said, I've done it before... And I was agreeing with Senzu actually, but giving my opinion on the subject on the side. I agree that the change is something decent, but its not ground breaking for the overall grind.
Its not really a overhaul, but its something, at least they're addressing it rather than ignoring it.
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These bloodweb changes arent really deserving of Legacy, nothing is deserving of legacy anymore, the people who grinded it out should keep their special skin, a different cosmetic sure I guess idk, but legacy? Nah
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For Legacy, this goes back to my original point of the post. Its only for like, the newer roster to get it. Not every new Killer/Survivor that came out after 2016, it should only go to characters like Hag, Doctor, Feng, Ace, etc. Not for the "newest" Killers/Survivors like Jane, Jeff, The Legion, The Plague, they're too new to really even get a Legacy skin, let alone anything exclusive.
As for the overall grind, yes its unhealthy at this current time, that's why they should just overhaul it again like they did before, and if they're feeling generous, reward people who went through it. It could be Legacy skins like the last overhaul, or just BPs or Auric Cells.
Cause lets be honest, its kinda unfair to give people from 2016 something, but not give the next generation after "2017 - Early 2018" Something....
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Doesn't even need to be Legacy, it can be something else, you could call it anything you want. Legacy is just a place holder for it, what I should of said was an exclusive LIKE what 2016 got with Legacy.
I feel they'll eventually overhaul the blood-web again, since right now the grind to even get a full roster of P3-50s requires a lot of dedication, and time that people don't have. I used to have time for it, which is why I have 10 P3-50 Killers, most have all the perks too. But I don't anymore, and if I want to even continue P3-50ing anything, it'll require more than casual play with how long a match is. A match is roughly 30 minutes each, and when you add on the amount of BPs from say a decent game, that's only like 60k MAYBE if you're lucky.
Even if you flawless every-match and get the maximum amount of points WITH BPS, Puddings, etc. It still takes hours upon hours...
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Don't get me wrong. I'd 100% rock legacy on my killers. I've P3'd them all. However, I'm willing to forego a compensation ala Legacy if they would just fix the grind. My proposed changes were Tier 1 perks, and a recycler. THAT would warrant enough of a change to give legacy or something else.
That I agree on, and what my original post was about. The response was no Tier 1 perks cuz, "Players would get all perks by level 14." on the survivor side. Which I retorted with my response and the whole spread the perks by 2 levels then.