The new survivor perks are not good enough



  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    The numbers aren't the problem.

    These perks have no use in a game, survivor already have better perks that help them more in a match.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Well then pick up the 2nd one, not the first, it ain't rocket science kid

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    If you read the quote that you took I put hooked the second one

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    Survivors are already in the power role and already have amazing perks. Adding perks that would replace meta survivor perks would ruin the game further.

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699

    in my opinion, they are great as they are. They aren't meta, but look at them.

    Stranger Things is a really popular series right now, and the devs knew this would bring in a lot of players.

    Fixation: Teaches survivors how they shouldn't run everywhere. (Could also be used in high ranks, but only to know where your scratchies are so you know where to juke. also for SB players)

    Inner Strength: Teaches survivors that they should just cleanse totems.

    Better Together: Good Aura reading perk, which helps survivors group together. Good for solo, and (imo) newer players.

    Second Wind, and Babysitter: Made for older players, not newer like the others.

    Chamberine? Idk, I forgot: In low ranks, people are scared to go anywhere mainly. So for low ranks, having extended hook time does sound good.

    If it's what I genuinely believe it is, this is mainly meant to be "Baby'z f1rst ch4pter" as most of the perks are beginner friendly (with the 3 exemptions in my eyes meant to be there so non-new survivors mains don't get bored). Plus, as I said, this'll bring in a TON of new players, and maybe the devs knew that as making the perks.

    However, if most were made for serious, competitive players then O O F.

    Even though I'm not a new player, and I genuinely believe it's meant to be for beginners mainly. I'm still going to buy it since I LOVE ST, and I must play Steve "The Hair" Harrington.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Inner Strength and Second wind have a good chance to be meta.

    Fixation is great for learning to juke Spirits.

    The other perks are good in specific builds but def won't be meta.

  • ArrowTheGreat11
    ArrowTheGreat11 Member Posts: 306

    You guys are sleeping on Inner Strength. You do a totem at the start of the game, then get healed instantly after spending 8 seconds in a locker any time after that. Combine that will Q&Q and Iron Will and that’s a really good build

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Iron Will isn't needed.

    It's a great perk don't get me wrong, but it doesn't have a synergy with this perk in particular.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,306

    I think Inner strength is only good perk that survivors got from update. you cleanse a totem at the start of the match when killer hasn't found survivor and in 8 seconds, you get full heal with no teamwork involved up to 5 times using a locker.

    The rest of the perks either have too many drawbacks or aren't numerically strong enough. For example, Second wind requires you to heal someone, get hooked and then for a killer to not go after you. I understand that they don't want you to get a full heal during a chase, but requiring to heal another survivor just so you can heal yourself after a hook safe is really bad drawback. that will make that perk difficult to use. If it was just that you get a heal after getting saved from a hook when outside of TR, it would be solid perk. Camaraderie is a perk that is suppose punish facecamping, but ironically, If i see the survivor's hook state get paused as a killer, I'm just going to look for the person around the hook and your essentially giving me free information to camp a hook, On top of that, The duration for pausing struggling phase is too short to punish facecamping, If this perk lasted 60 seconds, then I'd really consider leaving hook or fear losing the game, but 15 seconds is not moving needle. Babysitter is perk that is suppose help the person who get rescued, but the irony is that the player who got rescued does not get information for where the killer is coming from and the person who rescues the person is giving the killer free information to chase them. So the player who got rescues might just run into the killer by mistake and the person who did unhook is getting a drawback. I think a fair buff for this perk would be that both players see the killer and the killer can't see the survivors because killers shouldn't be getting advantages for survivors running perks against them, they're meant to help survivor, not the killer. Fixated has unusual condition of needing to not be injured to get walking bonus speed, that should be removed. That condition alone completely removes it's viability. Better Together is for made for Prove thyself so it's for co-op generators, and it's more like reverse version of what bond does for you, but instead it's for the teammates. Feels like redundant perk that won't get used due to more useful perks.

    TL:DR Survivor perks could be strong but they need buffs to be more competitive with other perks in the long run.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I'd see Second Wind procing quite a bit.

    Healing people isn't uncommon unless you are facing a Legion or Plague. So the conditions aren't that difficult to fulfill. The other conditions are just:

    A - The use case itself, I wouldn't call it a condition so much as a trigger.

    B - The terror radius thing

    It's not THAT hard to stay out of the Killers terror radius unless you are in a chase. Plus it synergizes with both BT and the new Babysitter perk (but not DS). So just run the perk, heal someone whenever you can and then when you are unhooked you can just go straight towards a gen without worrying about healing.

    Hardcounters Sloppy Butcher.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Otherwise the other perks aren't meta contenders. Useful for specific builds but not on their own merits.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,306

    You know what also counters sloppy butcher? Inner strength. In fact I haven't spoken a enough about why I think this perk has most potential to be game-breaking. in fact, it doesn't just counter sloppy butcher, it counters any and all perks or add-on's the slow healing, which includes huntress add-on, clown add-on, billy's add-on's, Dying light, Thantophobia,Coulrophobia , Sloppy and most of those things were pretty bad already, but they're useless now. Lockers block aura's, so this means that Nurse calling is also ineffective against this type of healing. Due to other perks, You can't physically prevent this perk from not working. Suppose you get hooked, Someone Unhooks you, you jump in a locker, If a killer doesn't grab you, you full heal, If he grabs, you decisive strike him and If you wait too long, you can head-on him and you get free escape with full heal. That's why Inner strength has big potential to be meta defining perk. This can occur up to 5 times per game. Second wind is really nothing compared to the potential that this perk has to offer.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Russian Roulette Spirit says hi.

    But yeah Inner strength is great. I wouldn't say gamebreaking but it's certainly a meta candidate.

  • BadgerT40
    BadgerT40 Member Posts: 48
  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I see stealth survivors all the time, but I don't lose them afterwards, especially with IAE, and other aura perks. Stealth is not reliable anymore. They loop or they go down fast.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    This thread. Just ridiculous. There is a perk that lets you see your own scratchmarks and let's you walk 20% faster. And another that further helps against camping and tunneling. The new survivor perks are just as strong as the new killer perks.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Totally agree that fixated should also increase the walking speed by 20% when injured. But generally i feel that the new perks are going to be very good.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356


    Disagree. I feel like most of these new survivor perks can be really good. Definitely not weaker than the 3 new killer perks.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356


    I mean with gimmicky stuff I guess you mean the 2 healing perks? But healing one full health state or cleansing a totem are both objectives of survivors anyways. Especially if the killer has a Hex Perk. Why is it gimmicky if you heal someone else or if you cleanse a totem? You just get rewarded for doing that certain objective of yours. Second Wind in particular. You're not wasting time when you heal someone, nor when you cleanse a totem.

    Then there is another anti tunnel perk which seems pretty strong, with the only problem at the moment that it will be countered too much by Make Your Choice. Fixated is a great perk to juke and lose the killer, especially with those extra 20% walking speed.

    Better together also sounds like a great perk, not quite as good as the others though, and Camaraderie strikes me as the only meh perk that probably won't see much usage. Might be wrong though.

  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162

    What is "play good" for you ? Escape ? Most of the time I gain like 20 000 - 25 000 points by playing survivor, that's a lot. As killer, even if I kill only one person (or none of them), I gain most of the time 30 000 bloodpoints. With chili I can double my points, beast of prey to gain more bp in chase + distressing,

    So no. I want to gain more points easily like the killers in others categories than objectives for the survivor.

    As killer, double points with chili = ez.

    As survivor, double points with the shxx perk of David = not ez + farm land.

  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162

    Thanks, I know that perk.

    I want others perks. Something like gain more easily bloodpoints in categories (some perks are shxx for the survivors for that). As killer, that's more easy with perks to farm.

  • sirnewbington
    sirnewbington Member Posts: 78

    lots of pessimism here. both new survs have some solid perks

    Baby Sitter promotes altruistic playing and allows you to see the killers aura while the unhooked surv doesnt leave scratches.. they can straight up dip out of dodge..

    Better Together is LITERALLY a killers nightmare because it promotes gen rushing, particularly for solo survivors.

    Fixated give you an edge on the killer by seeing your own scratches allowing you to mind game the killer, assuming you're not an utter potato.

    Inner strength adds incentive to do totems, giving survivors an easy counter to NOED which yall gripe about religiously.

    Congrats.. looks like survivors got a solid 4 decent perks from the DLC,

    Killers got surge tho.. RIP Ruin meta haha

  • Kuroyu
    Kuroyu Member Posts: 54

    stop with that attitude. I remember old times where survivors were hella strong and the devs not listening to killers at all. I think we can agree that the game was survivor sided alot for a very long time. But lets face the truth: Its getting balanced and is solid at the moment. I agree that there are still some things that can be overworked or removed but these things are on both sides. In the end this community has many people who play survivor and killer and should know it better. Don't just look into one side. Don't start to argument on survivor side if you for example always play with friends. That wouldn't count either we have some solo survs too and smaller swf groups that aren't 4. Anyway its ok to have a view or be frustrated and its appreciated that people like you still argument in this forum but not this way

  • Kuroyu
    Kuroyu Member Posts: 54

    I'd say you're right. It is hard to replace meta perks thats why they are meta perks (lol) but perhaps the devs could start changing the perks constantly to have new meta build? Idk its lots of work to think of new concepts as they publish DLCs all the time.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    there are only few actually bad perks in your list. you probably listed all of that because YOU don't like to use them. i say for example dying light and third seal are actually pretty good but u refuse to use them because they're not OP and meta perks..

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Lmao ok nice bait, we all know what side this game is catered towards and i don't need to spell it.BTW the killer perks aren't good either.

  • BloodyTapp
    BloodyTapp Member Posts: 108

    I mean, not all of them are meta candidates but they're still much better than Solidarity, Autodidact (which needs a rework the most of all perks imo), Saboteur etc.

    I guess a few really good synergies will have been found in a week or two. Don't be so early to judge

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047
    edited August 2019

    There doesn't exist any OP perks. I bet you can't tell me 1 OP perk.

    Third Seal is a Hex perk, so it can be destroyed in the first 30 seconds of the match + SWF teams hard counters this perk.

    Dying Light is trash, it forces you to tunnel your obsession with a Mori, without a Mori there is no reason to use this perk.

    By your logic, I can say survivors have a few bad perks, but you don't like to use them because they aren't "OP meta perks".

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Most killers are camper and tunneler, so DS and BT are required. Then, we need an exhaustion perk. So we only have 1 free slot, usually for adrenaline. We can't use any other perk if not meta

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    This is may be true in low rank but the higher you go the less you see

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    I absolutely love the new survivor perks.

    Maybe you should stop being a meta slave and it will be fine

  • BadgerT40
    BadgerT40 Member Posts: 48

    Play good as in help you’re team and do the o objective

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Killer sided my ass, we have a small amount of strong killers

    Survivors on the other hand now have a ridiculous amount of second chance perks, insta heals, keys, etc

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Im just gonna sit over here using a nice assortment of perks for BOTH sides and get excited about possible uses of the new perks.

  • THEghostface
    THEghostface Member Posts: 296
    edited August 2019

    Fixated is for sure going to be a new meta for Sprint Burst users. A ms perk faster than Urban.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    umm.. excuse me XDD every worthy survivor perk normally gets nerfed. also 'few strong killers' yup there are a couple op killers like nurse and spirit, then a great amount of good and balanced killers, then only a few actually bad killers who could use a buff.. also yes we have instaheals but killers got instadowns right? and some ridiculously op add ons.. so instaheals are no big deal compared to that. alsoo keys are pretty useless i mean we still have to finish the gens? and by second chance perks you mean anti tunnel camp and slug perks? oh jesus christ

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Name every strong killer besides Nurse as her add-ons are being tweaked

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    uhh i would say every single killer is good especially with their ridiculously good add ons. only legion, wraith, doctor and clown could use buffs. then there are nurse and spirit who are now god tier especially with their op add ons, zero counterplay.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    So are we just ignoring how weak Pig is after the introduction of EGC? Even her ultra rare add-ons are awful. Rule Set No. 2 should be base kit and Amanda's Letter is worthless due to its huge downside.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    You find LeatherFace good!

    Trapper needs buffs more than legion

    GhostFace is add-on reliant

    Every killer has a counter, Nurse and Spirit are harder to preform than the others and Spirit is hidden behind a pay-wall

    Nurse has a high skill cap

    and trapper again has some bad add-ons

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    i main pig.. why have i not noticed any issues? it's not like the killer has to be super op with no counterplay to be played. yeah i agree on the ultra rare add ons they need to be reworked, but it doesn't mean the killer is weak because it's not nurse tier

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    that applies to walking, my friend.

    walking is currently set somewhere around 50% movement speed, meaning that they would be able to walk at ~70%. killers have a base movement speed of 115%, they will not be outwalked by that perk.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    what's wrong with bubba?

    no, legion needs more buffs than trapper and that's a fact. trapper is actually good if you know how to play him. he doesn't have to be op meta thing to be good.

    ghostface is good especially because even if survivors look straight at u they get exposed.

    every killer has a counter yeah almost true, like i said nurse and spirit with their add ons dont. you know ds which every tunneler complains about, is hidden behind a pay-wall too?

    Nurse has a skill cap yes of course, i see no reason to make her easier to play. even so, it's usually just hitboxes and no skill needed..

    yes i think survivors have bad add ons too, not everything has to be super good and perfect? but not all trapper add ons are bad, there are good ones as well.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    DS, old MoM, Adrenaline, every Exhaustion perk, Spine Chill, Iron Will, and Self Care all say hello.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    ds is anti tunnel.

    old MoM was a little too strong, yeah agreed. but now it's trash.

    adrenaline only activates once, on the endgame. no use in the beginning or mid game.

    exhaustion perks are normally good yes, but nothing too strong.

    spine chill and iron will are fine. iw being my personal favorite perk

    selfcare is trash and a waste of time and perk slot.

    see? only few good perks, still nothing too strong. all the other perks are pretty much trash.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    but let's take a look at the killer perks. i see NOED, nurse's calling, BBQC, make your choice, surveillance, discordance, pgtw, haunted ground, ruin, spirit fury/enduring, whispers, thanatophobia, stridor etc

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    NOED: Annoying perk but just cleanse totems.

    Nurse's: Don't heal inside terror radius.

    BBQ: Hide in a locker.

    Make Your Choice: Play more cautiously, resort to stealth over anything else.

    Surveillance: Understandable, annoying and no actual counterplay.

    Discordance: Work on the gen alone?

    PGTW: Also understandable, annoying and no actual counter.

    Haunted Grounds: Resort to stealth.

    Ruin: Work through it, if you come across the totem, cleanse it.

    Spirit Fury, Enduring: Drop pallets early, it wastes more time than stunning the killer when this combo is being used.

    Whispers: Gives the killer a helping hand, is in no way shape or form strong.

    Thanatophobia: Gives almost no impact on action speed.

    Stridor: Practically useless.

    Practically all of these perks can be made useless by survivor actions and choices, just like how survivor perks can be made useless by the killer's actions and choices.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    when i cleanse dull totems i get tunneled. also yes i hide in locker but teammates usually dont. ruin is an issue when i play solo, because teammates dont bother to do gens even on high ranks. stridor isn't useless, it completely counters iron will..

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    anyway my point was, killers have way more useful perks than survivors ever. so no wonder if everyone runs selfcare, adrenaline, dead hard and ds, which aren't even that strong.