The stranger things chapter is an exciting look into the future of DBD.
I can't believe so few people are excited about this. Stranger Things is such a large title! It's crazy seeing how far this game has come over only 3 years! If the devs are able to acquire the license for Stranger Things, imagine what other things we could see in the future. Come on guys, let's look at the positives, this is exciting!
Pretty sure this got number 1 trending on YT and was trending on Twitter big as well. A lot of People are extremely excited.
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Thinking out of the box, lets say a new horror icon was getting a movie and that studio wanted to generate LOTS of hype. They could get in contact with BHVR and make a deal, they could have a licensed chapter of their Killer and Survivor plus a map and that would be advertising, one BIG advertisement for that movie in a game. They could release the chapter before the movie to increase ticket sales when the movie comes out and this is a win/win for BHVR because if it releases before the movie then they're safe. If the movie flops then so what they already made their score in cash from all the suckers who thought it was going to be good and if the movie is good then everyone who didn't buy the chapter will buy it then.
BHVR can start focusing on current gen Killers and licenses, target small or big budget films and offer them this advertisement and if they're small then they won't be paying a whole lot because the film makers can't demand a ridiculous amount because they don't have the credibility. A lot of plays can be done properly after the chapter, a lot of money from the right places, cash cow.
New horror tv series? BHVR gets the exclusive, see a sneak peak of the show's characters because you can play them. ''There's quotes on these perks, when do they say that in the show, does my character die? Will the identity of the killer be revealed with the DLC?'' All of this is what the customer is thinking before the show comes out and while they play the DLC, advertisements.
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I love it honestly. This chapter is gonna be good, so many fun new perks! Locker build here I come!
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I mean looking at the level design it seems like they are starting to get more AAA ish in the style, design, and depth. Which I generally like. Each place felt unique like the game map.
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I'm definitely excited. Pretty sure that the new killer Demogorgon, with the right values, could be another viable killer even at red ranks.
The new killer and survivor perks look particularly fantastic.
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Missing the survivor in the inverted world. At least when it's on the hook.
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There are many people excited about it, but typically, a Forum has normally the use of a complaining station.
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Sadly the killer power is really nothing unique or exciting, a missed opportunity if you ask me.
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Most of the issues you mentioned will be fixed with dedicated servers.
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I also know more issues than that but new players will be mostly fine without those issues.
Dedicated server will be a huge improvement to the game. It helps with matchmaking, lobby times as killer (new people have an easier way to start as killer), etc. etc.
This game isn't as near as perfect but they won't "embarass" themselves by that. The demogorgon has a whole new mechanic and status effect around her. I agree with you that the power should've been something more iconic, but you need to wait to see the power completely shown. Still, it isn't that bland.
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Exactly, I was surprised my lengthy thought didn't get more attention.
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when is stranger things coming to ps4?