BHVR releases 6 A+/S tier survivor perks...

None help with looping a killer for 5 gens
Survivor mains:
These new survivor perks are neither S nor A+, far from it. But the killer perks aren't either, so it's fair.
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Right... Let's throw a hypothetical at you, you break a totem right after spawning right in front of it, Little while later killer hooks a surv you use baby sitter, run, you get smacked by the killer but Q&Q through a window and into a locker you heal in 8 seconds and the killer finally gets to your group of lockers you jump out and stun him by this point ~3 gens are done and the hooked surv is now healed but you are right none of these perks can replace the meta so they can't be A+ or S lmao
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These aren't top meta perks.
They are definitely usable, and I'll have fun working them into builds, but they certainly aren't top meta.
There's a lot of dick move perks to screw over your teammates or deny them points though.
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@DudeDelicious On the basis of my knowledge about this game.
If you disagree, then in your opinion, which new perks are A+ or S tier?
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Everyone is so excited for the perks while I am over here seeing the massive potential in Demo's power lol if the conditions are right and those conditions are small I am betting it will be upper mid tier. I am ecstatic and very excited to take full advantage of The Demogorgon.
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I am too, although i am slightly disappointed in how simple the power is...
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@TrueKn1ghtmar3 I agree with you that the perks are pretty good. More memes than meta but still very good. The best one is inner strength imo. It encourages people to do totems (direct counter to noed, so the whining stops) and you heal ultra fast compared to other methods...
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Me too <3 I am still sad we didn't get the Upside-down, that ability is my all time fav ability in all of fiction besides necromancy. Crossing one dimension to catch them and trap them in another, just epic.
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Imagine even getting looped for 5 gens with the current perks in the game anyway, lmao.
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Honestly I'd add it to my build but there isn't anything i can take out lol
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I mean, the only perks i think that seem decent are fixated, inner strength and second wind. None of the other perks will really shake the meta at all, since some of them are niche perks that are worse than other niche perks that relatively do the same thing, or just plain bad. For instance, why would you run Babysitter when you can just run borrowed time? Same with better together, just run Bond. Camaraderie will probably be bad for solo play, and maybe have some use in swf.
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That's my point, everyone considers them trash because they don't fit with the meta of loop a killer for 5 gens then get the adren proc for win like how much of a braindead strategy do you have to run?
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So you use Q&Q, Babysitter, Inner Strength & Head on. Even if you can pull off this chain of events (it's a big if, not only because the killer hears the locker sound), it's still great from a killer's perspective because you won't be using DS, BT, DH/BL, Adrenaline, Unbreakable.
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I dont think better together is ment to gather survs but assist those in solo to inform which gens to touch and which ones not to. on a gen? Yes. See the aura of another gen/survivor? Yes. Find another gen or work into a 3 Gen Strat. And babysitter helps lead killers into chases with strong loopers instead of tunneling the weaker player
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I don't use any of those crutches anyways lol doesn't take too much skill to run a build out of any of those just an account and a few hours on YT
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They're "trash" because they don't change the meta like every killer is crying for.
Why run anything other than BT when 95% of killers come back to the hook.
Why run anything other than Dead Hard when killers are faster than you and the boost will get you to a loop.
Why run anything other than DS when 95% of killers come back to the hook
Why run anything other than Adrenaline when it's a heal + boost for killers that slug at end game.
Killers run the same combination of about 8 perks anyway.
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Out of curiousity, which build do you run?
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They’re alright.
The scratch-marks perk seems strong.
None of them are meta changing IMO.
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1. As a surv. I've never touched any of those perks and i have a pretty good escape ratio.
2. What 8 killer perks are you referring to (i probably only use one of those given how required they are)
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Finally somebody who recognizes the potential of Fixated! (It's not A+/S tier though.)
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Lightweight, SB, spinechill, empathy. I have no issue avoiding the killer until i want to be found and with how loops are it's almost no skill to lose them 5s later or keep them after me for the next 1m 30s
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Well record a vídeo when you do it and show us
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I agree if i see BT i laugh since they are back on the ground after 20m (even less if im wraith)
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Oldies but goldies. :) Some people might consider SB as "crutchy" as DH and BL, though.
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Lol i only use it to get ≥20m away from the gen after spine chill procs even if the killer searches the area they're only wasting at least a minute of their time without finding anyone to smack or chase
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@TrueKn1ghtmar3 Do you main Claudette?
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Inner Strength and Fixated look really good.
Actually Fixated looks broken? I can't imagine this making it past the PTB.
But I'm not complaining. Fixated is the perk I was waiting for for years.
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@Mochan Why do you think Fixated is broken? It only works on walking, not on running.
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Lmao yea, but not cause she is invisible at p3 (i havent even prestiged her once) but because the swirl is strong in her lol 😆
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Honestly if i removed anything it would be empathy for fixated so i can laugh and watch my scratch marks disappear faster than a quick hunt wraith
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@TrueKn1ghtmar3 I knew it! Make her P3 and you will be the perfect poster boy for Claudettes! 😉
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It makes your walking speed 76% not as fast as running, but now it's going to be a lot easier to juke killers because you can get away without leaving scratch marks a lot easier.
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Scratchmarks are buggy on a lot of maps. You will end up shaking your head because there won't be anything to see...
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It should be 67.8%. (56.5% normal walking speed increased by 20%)
It sounds like a decent perk and I can see myself using it, but I wouldn't consider it broken.
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1 of the most problem will be the killer perk that if he hits woth basic attack to a survivor that is in dying state will explode and regress all gens nearby this with doc with pop goes to wisle will be insane
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Those Perks are not near A+ or S-Tier. Like always, new Survivor Perks are not good enough to be used. The Meta Perks are those Perks which are in the game from the Beginning and first few DLCs. To get the Metaperks, you just need to buy the Basegame and the Halloween-DLC and you are good.
Just to break down:
Babysitter-->This Perk does not have any real use. If the Killer is far away, it will not change anything. Yeah, you get some form of Aura Read, but if you want to know where the Killer is from time to time you can use Alert. It does not really promote an Anti-Tunnel tool, when the Killer wants to tunnel, he will not stop when he sees your Aura. When the Killer is near, BT is way better.
Camaraderie-->The point that a Survivor needs to be near you to trigger this Perk makes it useless. If it would work that if the Killer is near you (I dont know, 16m as well), it would be ok, because it would counter camping a little bit. But if the Killer is camping and someone is near you, it is an extra 14 seconds which will most likely not help to get off the Hook. It could help with being two- or one-hooked, but this should not happen in the first place.
Second Wind-->This Perk helps with being efficient, but I dont think he is good designed. I feel when someone unhooks the Survivor, he should also be able to heal that person. It is ok, but I dont think that it will be good enough to be Meta.
Better Together-->Not even close to Bond. That is also one thing, they release some Aura Read Perks for Survivors, but Bond is always better. But still not bad, but nowhere near A+ or S.
Fixated-->Walking faster is nice, but thats it. For the Scratchmarks, I see it only used by newer players to actually understand how Scratchmarks work. It can help with Stealth Gameplay, but Stealth does not seem to be the way the game is developing into (Legion, Plague and even Ghostface are good examples for that). It is also nice to test some things like how LIghtweight or Dance with Me work with Stratchmarks, but thats it. The people who are able to loop Killers for long time will not need this Perk at all, because they already know how this is working.
Inner Strength-->That is the best Survivor Perk out of those 6. It encourages to do Totems, BUT this also helps the Killer. A Survivor spending 14 seconds to cleanse a Totem will not be on a Gen for 14 seconds. That healing is faster might be true, but considering the Survivor has to find a Locker first and has to wait there 8 seconds, should negate the Time Bonus here a little bit. I think it can be dirty with DS, but thats all.
So yeah, not really strong Perks. At least I dont see any of those Perks to work in my Lineup. If I would like to use something like Inner Strength, I would go for Adrenaline tbh, which I am not using currently.
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You won't be able to combine Surge with PGTW. PGTW explicitely requires the killer to kick the gen. But Surge and Surveillance should work together.
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people will still cry at noed when inner strength literally encourages dull totem breaking
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While reading this I missed it or you did, babysitter only works outside the TR
Fixated is good for beginners, also an improvement in walking speed is nothing special
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None of the new perks has the potential to outclass the top tier perks we have right now. Or does anybody see a Metashift with what is upcoming?
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Its not hard to avoid the TR js, i can go almost entire matches where I'm in the tr once or twice
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These are viable perks, not top tier. I get that the idea of 'meta' corrupts some into being unable to distinguish the two concepts.
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How does fixated look broken? I really hope they won‘t touch the perk until it comes to the live build. The only thing i would like is if they gave the 20% increased walking speed to injured survivors as well.
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I feel its really strong for stealth players. Well we'll see.
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Better together is S/A+ tier???? Lmaooooo
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B tier at best and very situational
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I'm still musing over whether Camaraderie is junk or actually somewhat useful in SWF like you said.
I mean, it basically gives you an extra 15 seconds of repair time before you have to go save your friend, so around an extra 8-17% gen repair progress?
I'm tempted to say it's junk. I know when I play killer, if a survivor is seconds from sacrifice, I'm going to hard patrol the area at the very least.
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Probably to make it friendly as I see this dlc bringing in new players
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These perks aren't all that great tbh. But It's too early to call right now, we have to see it ingame and see what syngerizes with it. The only two perks that seem to be good are fixated and inner strength. Fixated is gonna hurt Spirit and Nurse a bit, or atleast spirits that don't use headphones effectively. Stealthing will be a bit more viable.
Inner strength could be strong, do a totem at the start and when you escape a chase just chill in a locker for 8 secs and you're healed. That's great for all stages of the game (early/mid/late) and keeps you from wasting time healing. It's gonna make sloppy pointless. Also, Make your choice is gonna counter Babysitter hard.