New Perk Rankings

PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

Killer Perks:

1) Surge - Really good perk to slow down gen progression. Could be super meta if it combos with other perks such as PGTW and Overcharge. Might possibly even be be a bit broken on 3-gen strat docs.

2) Mind-breaker - ######### your exhaustion perk basically. Only downside to it is that it only applies to gens below 50%. Still really good nonetheless.

3) Cruel Confinement - This perk seems very situational. It only activates 5 times per game and you must be near the generator to get the benefit. I can see this perk being almost wasted. Let’s say two gens pop at the same time across the map while your in a chase. It doesn’t help you at all.

Survivor Perks:

1) Inner Strength - A tier for sure. It rewards you for doing your second objective, and can be saved for later, and heals faster than self care. The only downside is that totems are a limited resource and you’ll most likely only get one, maybe two activations from it. Might become meta.

2) Camaraderie - Good perk to combat camping. Gives your teammates a little more time to get the rescue. I can’t count the number of times I’ve died seconds before my teammate could make it to me, so the extra time is really nice. Probably not meta but we’ll see.

3) Second Wind - Nice time saver perk. The passive healing allows you to focus on gens. Has a couple downsides though. First it works a bit like deliverance in that you must achieve a prerequisite for it to activate. If you get hooked before you can achieve this it doesn’t help much. Second it punishes you for getting tunneled. Since it does not work while in the terror radius of the killer, meaning that you will remain broken until you get downed or lose the killer. I really wish this was changed as it would become a great anti- tunnel perk.

4) Fixated - Neat perk that will help with mind games. This will probably be used by newer players most likely since vets usually know when to stop running. The faster walking speed is really nice though. As many have already said it will pair really nice with sprint burst. I’ll probably mess around with this one a lot.

5) Babysitter - Ehhh not that great. Does nothing to help against camping killer, and doesn’t really help much if the killer is not camping. Plus if they run MYC, you are actually kind of screwing yourself over. I’m just gonna stick with BT thanks.

6) Better Together - Trash Tier. Absolutely useless if your swf, since you can just tell your friends what gen your on. The aura reading isn’t worth it either since bond is better in every way. Besides survivors working on different gens is actually the best strategy so this perk really has no use.

Well these are my thoughts on all the new perks. Overall I like most of them. I’m super excited for this new chapter and the map looks AMAZING. Please stop making trash tier survivor perks like better together tho.


  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,900

    Idk how to format this but this seemed best.

    Mindbreaker might also work as a soft-counter to gentapping. If you have an exhaustion perk and tap a gen to stop regression you might not get to use your exhaustion perk. A very soft counter though as walking for 3 seconds even if a chase isn't very difficult and only works for gens under 50%.

    Inner Strength was made due to complaints of noed so people would have an incentive to do totems.

    I'm interested how useful Fixated will be against Spirit.


    Better Together can help your teammates avoid the gen you're working on while they're being chased and you'll know if you should go for a save when your teammate gets downed.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited August 2019

    So you think 14s longer time on Hook once per match is way better than Perk that helps solo players gen Rush Killer, reveals Survivors and on top of that give near Survivors information that you are working on a gen? Hmm?

    Also babysitter is good support Perk.

    Nah man, that one perk on the Hook is the worst of them all. "Maybe meta..." LOL

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Please tell me how it helps solos gen rush? Working on separate generators is actually the best strategy for gen rushing. Also you’re wrong, it does not reveal the killer, only survivors. Plus like I said it’s completely useless if you’re swf, as all the info it gives you can babe shared through voice comms.

    So yes, more time on the hook is definitely better than practically useless info.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited August 2019

    1) true it's Survivors, my bad but that's still good

    2) Teammates near you will come to help you on gen or avoid it while in chase.

    I am 95% solo player so I found this way more usefull and interesting then "just 14s on Hook" Once per match.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Don’t get me wrong I’m a solo player 99% of the time too, but I just like perks that give benefits regardless of wether or not you’re swf or solo. Plus as much as I would like to have faith that my teammates would see the gen aura and try to avoid running to me while being chased, there are just too many potatoe/toxic players and I could see someone actually try and bring the killer to me on purpose.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Yea, some players can troll you like that but for "better" teammates it's a good info perk. But there is of course some % of ######### who will want to ruin your experience and have a blast of fun themselfs

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,069

    Can't wait to try Mindbreaker on Pig.


    Survivors can't immediately SB away from a gen when pig surprises them with a dash attack.


    Pig gets successful Dash attack hit, gives survivor the standard strike burst of speed, 3 second timer runs out on Mindbreaker effect and SB activates around the same time as they get hit giving the survivor a double SB effect.

    This is just speculation because SB isn't as common as it used to be, so I'm unsure of how effective Mindbreaker will be on Pig, but securing that first dash attack hit on survivors with SB is still a good thing in my book. Nothing makes Pigs Dash attack feel more useless than charging the dash around the corner from a gen, only to come into view and see every survivor SB away and out of range. Mindbreaker will alleviate that frustration, especially in the beginning of the match, but probably also provide a swifter escape for the target survivor after they take the hit. Kinda double edged, but... we'll see.

    As for Cruel Confinement... I'm ecstatically anticipating using it on Haddonfield, and having survivors lock themselves in on the 2nd floor of the houses. If they do that against a nasty killer like LF, Shape, or Billy, and the killer is at the base of the stairs, the survivors are screwed. It may actually make playing that map as killer more enjoyable.

    I've always said that killers in general should apply a 10% regression to gens when they kick them in order for them the have more pressure on survivors, and prevent the tap and run tactics survivors use around regressing gens. Surge hits all gens within 32m with a kick that does 12% damage and starts regression at the cost of downing a survivor. I can see this becoming a damn near essential perk for killers like Ghost Face who can instant down a survivor with his basic attack after stalking them to full. I'm really looking forward to trying it out.

    As for the survivors, I can't wait to see what mind-games I'll be able to play on killers with Fixated by creating misleading scratch mark trails. Second Wind and Inner Strength are investment perks with a good payoff to them that encourage team healing and totem cleansing, which in my mind is fantastic for the game. NOED is gonna have a hard time activating when every survivor starts viewing dull totems as invested med-kits. I'm also extremely confident in my ability to run a killer around, so Babysitter will be great for me to run distraction from killers while my unhooked teammate makes a clean getaway, so I'll definitely use it if only to taunt the killers.

    I'm really looking forward to the PTB!

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    I am curious about the 3 second timer for mind breaker. Will the timer count down while the survivor is running? And yes Haddonfield would probably be one of the best maps for CC, but I can still see it being useless when gens on the the other side of the map get popped. But yeah the rare instance of trapping survivors on the top floor would be so worth it lol. And yes I cannot wait to mess around with Inner Strength and Fixated. I wish I could join the PTB on PS4 :(