Chapter Idea: The Mythical Sentence

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
edited August 2019 in Creations
Basic Stats:

Terror Radius: 32 meters

Movement Speed: 4.6m/s

Height: Average

Power - Ethereal Dimension

Press the power interaction button to send all survivors to the Ethereal Dimension. Survivors in the Ethereal Dimension will have a 2 minute personal timer to find 1 of the 5 mirrors scattered around the map to escape the Ethereal Dimension. Once a survivor uses a mirror, that mirror cannot be used by a different survivor until all survivors escape the Ethereal Dimension. The timer will pause if the survivor is in a chase, in the killer's terror radius, in the dying state, or is hooked. The Witch cannot see the survivor's timers, but she can see who's still in the Ethereal Dimension.

If the timer runs out, the survivor will become exposed and can be killed by the killer while their aura is revealed to the killer as long as they remain in the Ethereal Dimension.

Once there are no more survivors in the Ethereal Dimension, the killer must repair all mirrors used by the survivors. After all mirrors are repaired, the Witch will be able to send the survivors back to the Ethereal Dimension after a 30 second cool-down.

Secondary Action - Transformation

Walk to a mirror and perform a 8 second animation to repair it. For every mirror you repair, you will be able to trap a generator, vault, and a pallet by attacking them with your melee weapon up to a maximum of 5 trapped objects. Trapped objects can be determined by their dim purple glow, and can be disarmed by survivors who are in the Ethereal Dimension. Once a survivor interacts with a trap, they will be transformed into a small bunny for 30 seconds. While survivors are in this form, they move at a reduced movement speed and cannot interact with anything for the duration.

The killer can grab survivors while they are in this form, which automatically transforms them back to normal.

Ultra Rare Add-ons:

Dark Magic - Become Obsessed with a survivor in the Trial. Your Obsession's timer decreases at double than the normal speed. Once the Obsession's timer expires, all survivors' timers will also decrease at double than the normal speed.

You cannot kill the Obsession when their timer expires.

Hawk Feathers - Hawk feathers resembles the predator of the bunny.

Transformed survivors stay in their bunny form until they hop within an 8 meter range of a normal survivor.

If all survivors are bunnies, all survivors auras are revealed to you.

Perks: The Witch

Hex (Jinxed) - You have a Hex connected to dangerous patterns.

When you attack a survivor, all healthy survivors are revealed to you until they enter you terror radius.

If all survivors are injured, all survivors will reveal their auras to you for 3/4/5 seconds every 15 seconds until at least one survivor heals to the healthy state.

Survivors will be notified about this Hex when all survivors are injured.

The hex effects will persist as long as the related hex totem is standing.

Denial - You want let the survivors get the best of you. After 6/5/4 survivors are unhooked when you're further than 32 meters from the hook, this perk activates.

When at least one exit gate is opened, if this perk is activated, attacking the exit gate switch with your melee weapon will automatically close that exit gate.

The closed exit gate can still be reopened by survivors.

This perk deactivates once you close an Exit Gate.

Rampant Destruction - When a generator is completed within a 48 meter range to you, the closest pallet (dropped or not) to that generator will be destroyed by the Entity.

Once all generators are completed, gain a 10%/15%/20% action speed increase for destroying pallets.

Xara Kenzie

Xara was your typical girl, she liked school and focused on her work unlike other girls her age. However, she is Obsessed with mythical creatures, and it drives her curiosity to find out more! Rumors have it said in the caves, there's a wormhole that drops down into a new world where all logic gives way to chaos. After doing years upon years of research, Xara was able to pinpoint the appropriate location of this mythical cave. She went ahead and planned everything, including supplies, routes, and a friend of hers. A month later, after a long wait for Xara, she packed her stuff, and headed out with her friend, to find what will be her last expedition.

A few days later, a witness cameback with blood all over his body claiming a claw attacked him as his friend was dragged away.

People disregarded his claim as he was insane, and he was jailed for first degree murder in the court of law.

He was sentenced to death, but he never reached his day as he killed himself the day after his sentence.

Perks: Xara Kenzie

Third Eye - Your senses are on high alert. You're permanently affected by the Oblivious Status Effect at the start of the Trial. When the killer is within a 32 meters to you for 15/13/10 seconds, the killer's aura will be revealed to you until the killer leaves the effective range.

Gain 100% more Bloodpoints in the survival Category.

Mythic Chaos - After taking a protection hit while a survivor is being carried, this perk activates. The next time you're unhooked within the killer's terror radius, gain the Endurance Status Effect for 15 seconds.

The perk deactivates when you take damage while you have the Endurance Status Effect from this perk, and you will suffer for the Mangled status effect for 120/90/60 seconds.

Common Sense - You can determine the wiggle progress of survivors being carried by the killer within a 16/20/24 meters. If you take a protection hit and the survivor wiggles free afterwards, all damage taken while that survivor was being carried will be reverted, and you'll suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect until you enter the Dying State.

Increases your chances of becoming the killer's Obsession.

Feedback is appreciated! :)

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  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited August 2019

    So i dont really get this thing when youre in the dimension and the timer runs out you get exposed and you get killed that means a free mori? Cuz if it is kinda powerful now its my opinion i like the idea you did with the witch

    now about the perk the hex 1 its good it suppose to be powerful since its a hex kinda like to see in game

    Denial a change of a gameplay but i would change this maybe you can break a gen that its fully repair only if they powered all the gens make more intense games now the gen that you destroyed wont be a normal gen the repair speed will be increase only the gen that you kicked but youll see the aura for the survivor that its working on that gen any time

    Now the last 1 its kinda op combine this with BS its like spirit fury but without dropping to the killer

  • nan1234
    nan1234 Member Posts: 131

    The killer looks pretty cool, but the ability to Mori is too much strong. My suggestion is the longer a survivor is in the ethereal dimension, the more debuffs he’ll get. By debuffs I mean blindness(expect for mirrors), exposed, oblivious and etc. her second ability is very strong though, I don’t have another idea but I think it’s too strong.

    I likes the perks, the last one could combo well with the new killer’s perk. Don’t have much to say about them.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    The timer pauses while in a chase, in the dying state, on a hook, or in the killer's terror Radius. Even if you get exposed, the killer has to make their way to you in order to kill you. :)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272

    Swings between brokenly op or quite useless in my opinion.

    The touch of death part (i assume its like tombstone myers + mori allowed) is about the same as RBT, except theres no limited ammo but the death isnt as soon the timer runs out.

    The tranformation part seems iffy, the transformation lasts some long time and will mostly be a guaranteed hook IF its applied IF found by the killer. The way to get charges depends on the survivors. I just assume goading survivors into a trapped vault would be more useful than hoping thex dont notice the particle effects on a generator.

    Both abilitties could be seen as " omg howd that hit me, lame bullshit" by survivors and quite uninteractive with the killer. "Press the button to send ALL survivors" it's even worse than with old freddy who atleast had to tag survivors.

    Its an interesting spin on the rbt timer mechanics but i guess this lady would be less fun to play as to play against.

    (Pluspoints for female killer with standard stats)

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    As always I’ve got a few questions:

    1. With the ability to trap objects, how many of the same object can she trap? For an example, generators?
    2. While in bunny form, can survivors still vault and drop pallets?
    3. Do survivors or the killer see the aura to the mirrors?
    4. Are generators, vaults, etc. trapped in the ethereal dimension and normal?
    5. How big are the mirrors? Are they big and bright? Small and dull?
    6. Do mirrors move?
    7. Sexy or nasty witch? ;)

    Heres just a few suggestions you may or may not like:

    1. Survivors cannot interact with trapped objects in normal, but can in ethereal dimension. —— Gives incentive for survivors wanting to go to the dimension while giving you an advantage at the same time.
    2. Survivors have a choice to enter the ethereal dimension (only if there is trapped objects). They can’t immediately go back to normal and must wait for 30 seconds to leave. Timer is active during those last 25. (Something on the lines of that).
    3. Mirrors teleport to a different location after a certain amount of time.
    4. Lower the bunny duration. (Have increased time affected by add ons).

    My Feedback

    Love a lot that I read hear and find it intriguing. The Hex perk is actually something I thought of a while ago (yours is a bit more refined than mine is/was) and for that reason, it’s great lol. Other two perks are unique and fair as well. I think the power would SEEM OP, but as I got a pretty good understanding of it, it’s really not. Only thing that does seem a bit much is the bunny timer because of survivors not being able to do something for so long. The Add ons are quite powerful as they should be (: .

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited August 2019

    I like to answer questions, here we go:

    With the ability to trap objects, how many of the same object can she trap? For an example, generators?

    You can only have 5 objects trapped. Generators, vaults, and pallets share the same counter, so you can have 3 pallets and 2 generators trapped, but 0 vaults trapped.

    While in bunny form, can survivors still vault and drop pallets?

    No, imagine seeing a wild bunny in real life, that's how small they are. Therefore, survivors have a stealthy advantage while in this forum, but once they are seen by the killer, they are basically caught.

    It's worth mentioning that you can still escape through the hatch and use mirrors while in bunny form.

    Do survivors or the killer see the aura to the mirrors?

    Survivors will see the auras of all usable mirrors while they are in the Ethereal Dimension. Once they escape the Ethereal Dimension, they will no longer see the auras of all usable mirrors.

    The killer won't be able to see the auras of her mirrors unless it needs to be repaired.

    Are generators, vaults, etc. trapped in the ethereal dimension and normal?

    Yes, but in both realms, you can always tell a trapped object from a regular object by their dim, purple glow. You shouldn't be able to get hit by a trapped object unless you weren't paying attention.

    How big are the mirrors? Are they big and bright? Small and dull?

    In the normal world, they are just a typical mirror, but in the Ethereal Dimension, they glow very brightly. The size of the mirror is comparable to a Jigsaw Box from the Pig.

    Do mirrors move?

    Never, because moving them would add more RNG. If survivors and the witch can memorize locations, then they should be rewarded for planning ahead in my opinion. :)

    Sexy or nasty witch? ;)

    The Witch attractiveness is comparable to the Hag. ;)

    Your Suggestions: I'm going to read through what you suggested me! :)

    Survivors cannot interact with trapped objects in normal, but can in ethereal dimension. 

    This is already a thing, you can't disarm traps in the normal world, but can disarm traps while in the Ethereal Dimension.

    Survivors have a choice to enter the ethereal dimension (only if there is trapped objects). They can’t immediately go back to normal and must wait for 30 seconds to leave. Timer is active during those last 25. (Something on the lines of that).

    There would be no reason to enter the Ethereal Dimension because the only way for the Witch to trap objects is to repair mirrors (repairing mirrors gives her 1 trap). If survivors don't ever use the mirrors by exiting the Ethereal Dimension, then there will never be a reason to enter the Ethereal Dimension to disarm traps because the Witch will never be able to repair mirrors for traps.

    Mirrors teleport to a different location after a certain amount of time.

    Maybe this can be made into a common add-on? What do you think?

    Lower the bunny duration. (Have increased time affected by add ons).

    Hmm, the reason why I have a high base time is because survivors can very easily tell a trapped object from a regular object. If you really don't pay attention, you should be severely punished by a long bunny duration.

    The only reason I could see a survivor getting trapped is because they want to prematurely set off the Witch's traps. Think about Hag and Freddy, survivors will prematurely activate them so you will have to waste time resetting them.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    With my first suggestion, I meant them being able to use them in the ethereal dimension. (Like working on a generator). BUT I NOW KNOW THAT I MISUNDERSTOOD LOL. For some reason I was thinking they’d (gens,vaults) be blocked by the entity?! The bunny time now makes a lot more sense and survivors would now have no reason to go to the ethereal dimension (like you said). Didn’t think about the ‘hide and seek’ factor with the bunnies and now realize that would be scary and fun as ######### to verse!

    Mirror teleportation would work as very rare or common depending of its strength in my opinion (:

    The Witch is comparable to the Hag??? That’s what I call sexy! ;)

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited August 2019

    I really like the idea but idk the bunny form for a whole 30s feel REALLY strong.

    Imagine being very unlucky and all 4 survivors turn into one. Nothing is being done at all for 30s and 2 or more potentially die.

    Especially since you could just trap all gens end game making it impossible for survivors to repair any.

    5 traps for 3 gens right ?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Trapped pallets, vaults, and generators emit a dim, purple glow, so you shouldn't be unlucky when you know what generators, pallets, and vaults are trapped. It's not like Hag where you have no idea where the traps are at, you KNOW where the traps are at as the survivor.

    If the killer traps all 5 generators (which is really rare since traps can be disarmed while in the Ethereal Dimension), then just wait for the killer to leave the area. After the killer leaves the area, turn into a bunny and hop away because you can easily hide as a bunny (you're really small, just hide in the grass or something).

    Also, the killer is really limited on their amount of traps, think about The Trapper, he will eventually run out of traps and will need to restock.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    It's not really during the game but really just end game. When there's not a lot of gens left and if we need someone to go into the wtv realm to undo the trap whilst dodging the killer, hoping the other players understood and are going for it and not just hidding.

    Like there's no chat in game, it would make it really hard to go against the Witch without a SWF group.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I can do some math, let's see how much this killer can slow the game down:

    If 4 survivors exit the Ethereal Dimension, there will be 4 mirrors that need to be repaired with each mirror taking 8 seconds.

    8 x 4 = 32 seconds plus (Travel Time) to get 4 traps. For simplicity sake, let's assume it take 32 seconds to travel to all 4 mirrors. We have 64 seconds to finish all repairs, and the Witch can now resend survivors back to the Ethereal Dimension (but it wouldn't be a good idea to trap objects while survivors are in the Ethereal Dimension, so let's assume she doesn't send everyone back)

    Now she has to walk to every generator and trap them, which probably take another 24 seconds. She can trap 3 generators within a range of 64 to 88 seconds.

    It's not that bad because survivors can disarm traps while in the Ethereal Dimension, and they can work on generators until their timer is almost expired.

    I say this is on the border of being too good, but we won't know for sure until it's tested. :)

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Like I said I like the ideas but some numbers seem a bit too high for me. Like 64m is A LOT.

    Definetly would like the devs to work on it tho. Really like the idea of "plane shifting" and magick.

    Have you had an idea for a survivor ? I had a "witch" but it wouldn't match the killer.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited August 2019

    Not bad but the perk Mythic chaos. I would make it so if the killer hit you, the carried survivor wiggle bar gets filled.

    I do not like the idea of insta heal tho. If 4 ppl would common would be hell. I'd like it more if it was heal overtime.

    Giving both the survivor and killer a chance.

    Post edited by TheUnendingNightmare on