If I were to use keyboard and mouse on console for dead by daylight would I be banned?
I dont wanna start over, but since this is my favorite game to play, i think it would be helpful to get used to keyboard and mouse via dbd.
No, you won't be banned
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how do i do that i can't get it to work
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honestly i haven't tried setting it up yet but i got the pc, and it doesnt seem like it would be hard to set a mouse and keyboard up to a console
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No, but you'd be an ######### for it. Giving yourself an artificial advantage rather than playing on the same level field as everybody else. Bravo sir bravo.
Let me guess "I'm just used to mouse and keyboard." Good for you. Then play on PC.
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You won't be banned by the devs or anything, but I'm unsure of the rules and guidelines of what Microsoft/Sony consider as bannable. You should consider looking into that, since it was originally bannable from what I recall back in the day, but with games such as Cringe-nite allowing it, it shouldn't really be considered bannable on there.
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Nurse and Huntress are significantly better with Mouse and Keyboard. Also, it's way easier to hit survivors that are trying to zig zag or 360 on you. It's also easier to juke as a survivor with Mouse and Keyboard. It doesn't have to be a shooter.
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Why are you insulting me XD. I just dont wanna re buy the game and restart considering I have 2200 hours. The problem is that Im not used to keyboard and mouse at all. I would do this in hopes that it would help me get better with it. Of course when I got better I wouldnt need to use it.
It would only be used as training.
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As bannable as using discord on pc to give yourself an advantage.
(Not bannable)
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To OP, there's nothing stopping you from using mouse and keyboard; infact some games on PS4 even have full support for it, such as War Thunder. Also dont listen to people saying you'll have an advantage, it ll depends what you're more comfortable with, some people play PC with a controller better than others with a Mouse and Keyboard; again it depends what you're comfortable with.
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If i can play Fighting Games with a Keyboard & Mouse on PC, you can play DBD on consoles with a Keyboard & Mouse yourself.
people need to get over themselves, its not like you can't buy a keyboard yourself. If everyone can do it, its fair game!
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If I am being honest, I would not feel comfortable doing so unless BHVR officially implemented it on console as an option.
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You won't get banned, i find it a bit unfair cause it helps you a lot, especially with the killer.
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Pretty sure kb+m on consoles is a question for the consoles and not DBD in particular. I know it's obviously pretty controversial in some genres but unless games can opt out of console kb+m support I don't think anything would get in your way.
Not really a fair comparison. There's a difference between something without a clear answer/"use at your own risk" like kb+m on consoles, MLGA, custom icons and all of that, and something that has been explicitly confirmed as okay by the devs (voip applications).
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I know its not a real comparison.
I mocked the guy before who called it "advantageous" (cheating ) for killers. Maybe shouldve quoted him.
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i would only use survivor bc i dont know how to use kb+m yet lol
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Mouse and keyboard isn't optimised for ps4, especially not for DbD. There is a huge delay between the a keystroke and the input getting registered and executed. You are more in a disadvantage with m and k, especially as killer. So stop talking bs without having knowledge
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See PS4 brothers will not forgive...
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It depends from the players but ok XD