Gens speed is way to fast and need nerfing in some way

for context see this video by Tru3talent

2:20 seconds into a red ranks game, with NO RUIN but he does have PoP, 3 gens are done with a 4th at 75% completion. this proves that gens either need to be nerfed or a new objective needs to be added to the game to slow the game down further. now it was without ruin but when the game balance is to a point where if you don't run ruin you can have a game like this then it is a problem, then you are building a loadout with only 3 perks not 4. unlike people who run adrenaline they CHOOSE to run 3 perks for most of the game, this is either run 3 perks or your games can end in a shorter time than it took you to find a game lobby.



  • TheCankleBreaker
    TheCankleBreaker Member Posts: 49
    edited August 2019
  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    edited August 2019

    Well I am tracking 100 solo survivor games at rank 1.

    I played 15 games last night, and the average game time was 19 minutes long.

    I had zero games less than ten minutes long.

    Also, 13/15 Killers used Ruin making it by far the most used perk across the board.

    Post edited by altruistic on
  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited August 2019

    @altruistic Because you're solo.

    Get a 4 man squadette with toolboxes 1 skeleton key in case of issues and run DH, Adrenaline, DS and BT. All need to be R1 or be good in chases.

    Don't heal/no totems always be on gens don't go for saves unless the hooked person on coms says they left and someone else is in a chase.

    Then report numbers otherwise it doesn't matter of course solo is harder and not representative of the issues.

  • Grim
    Grim Member Posts: 250

    Games could use with some slowing down, but Solo and SwF must be brought closer together.

  • michaelkhj
    michaelkhj Member Posts: 77

    I don't know if the video was to show how the gen rush is broken or how the NURSE is broken hahaha

    anyways 5 min duration of the first match, even the nurse did some mistakes hahaha imagine without mistakes... everyone would be so excited to play against a nurse that can end the game in less than 5 min right? ...

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited August 2019

    Erm he's playing omega blink nurse, yet he only pressured about one gen's space in the first minute. The person in the basement is doing nothing useful, for example.

    That said, this is a symptom of that god awful Azarov map; survivor or killer, I hate getting it because the first few gens matter most when it comes to pressure.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,327

    I'm not really surprised. game speed has been a problem for long time, so what he's showing is just evidence of what is already proven and known. in that game, the survivors split up and did generators separately, so he couldn't have applied map pressure. Lucky he was playing omega blink mori nurse or he would lost.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    this guy has been playing since day 1 pretty much and has maintained red rank status on both survivor and killer, he is even able to make M1 killers able to get 4k's in red ranks because he understands mind games and how this game is played. As well as he understands balance better than most people, he even asks for your opinions on balance while constantly using different killers and builds at red ranks as killer to see what is viable and what is not, what works what doesn't

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    im not saying he is my god this is just him playing a game that was recorded to show as proof that this is a problem, he only won because he was OMEGA BLINK NURSE, with a mori and they had 1 person on their survivor team wasting time getting basement chest and dieing for it. imagine if he was a regular billy or some other killer without a mori, he only won because it was omega blink nurse with a mori. anything else and it would of been a 4man escape without anything he could of done to stop it

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    her addons not the nurse itself, the omega blink addons + mori is the only reason why he won this. any other killer with any other perks with any addons etc, would of lost this game. BHVR even said they will be looking at nurses addons. but base game nurse is NOT broken. addons break her

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    That is quite short-minded. There is no guarantee that the Gens would have been rushed that fast when it was not vs a Nurse with a Mori.

    When you rush Gens, you are not playing DBD. You are not rewarded either, you are neither getting many BPs, nor you will pip (which are the two things that show if you have won or not).

    I mean, two people ran Plunderers Instinct, a Perk which helps to slow the game done on its own, because people grab Chests (one of them could have found a good Toolbox btw., the other one most likely not, since he also had Pharmacy). Neither of them brought a Toolbox from the Start.

    But you will rush Gens when you are playing vs a Mori Nurse. Everyone would do that. So I would not say that it is guaranteed that they would have been so fast on Gens vs any other Killer or a Killer without a Mori.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912
    edited August 2019

    tbf this streamer is only pretty average at the game so you cant take this clip serious. just look how long it takes for him to get the first person down (he even has omegablink and still needs ages). he wonders why the gens are so fast meanwhile he is camping and slugging in the basement. even blinking back to it. ofc gens gonna be down if you dont know how to apply pressure and patrol the gens WITH omegablink.

  • YaYeet
    YaYeet Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2019

    Typical survivor main.butthurt.instead of seeing how fast gens get done and that nurse requires a skilled player to play properly and not get looped around high objects you come to this topic to cry about nurse.get the ######### out of here

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Typical Killer Main, only focussing on one problem but ignoring the other problem shown in this video.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited August 2019

    He still manage to kill them all, I don't see any problem.

  • LegendCZ
    LegendCZ Member Posts: 61

    Problem is, he uses Nurse, if he had any other killer, he would lose on the whole line. He won only because he is great with Nurse and Nurse with The Spirit are only killers which have a chance end chases quickly.

    I dont see ANY WAY same results could be achived with trapper, wraith, clown etc. It is simply not possible to deal with this with such immobile killers.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    just proves how REQUIRED it is, without it you don't got enough time to put enough map pressure on to win

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Doing a second objective is a get idea for players who already know how to play the game. The problem with a second objective is that new players already struggle with doing gens and chases. Giving another objective will make it extremely harder for beginners, especially during Rank Reset.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    He did bad. That results in a lack of pressure, that results in gen being done.

    No issues here.

  • Smashen
    Smashen Member Posts: 85

    1 Gen needs 80sec, 80charges

    The first gen was done at 54sec into the game. So 2 people must have been doing that Gen. 2 Survs need 44sec for a Gen.

    Claudette found a toolbox in the trial but she was on that near 90% Gen. And because she was doing the Gen next to the basement he found her and put her into the Basement with that other Survivor.

    At 2:20 or 140sec into the game those 2 Survs that completed the first Gen at 54sec into the game did 2 seperate Gens from 0-100%. So it took them 86sec. They traveled 6sec to the next Gen and they had 80sec to complete them.

    Note: This Map is absolute garbage imo because even if you finish all the Gens on one side of the map the only thing you get by doing this is 3 Genning yourself on the opposite side of the map.

    I was very curious if the numbers add up and as far as I can see nothing crazy is going on here! Just your daily Azarov's.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    Now calm down everyone. Of course, when you don't play at rank 1 daily and vs some top notch survivors, "everything may be fine for you".

    But imagine playing the game for years (like I do) and constantly go against 3 to 4 man swf with combined 17000 to 23000 hours, the azarov maps and farm maps are not fun and you can basically barely "win" (2 kills) with nurse, every other killer you lose (even spirit) and have to accept that fact. This is how the game is balanced right now and I accepted it a long time ago.

    The devs clearly balance around rank 10 and that's the problem. I doubt even one of them has the experience / skill to go against 5000 to 7000 hours survivors on farm maps, optimizing every loop at least 3 times and using every window to full extent, basically making no mistakes and falling for no mindgames because that's a fact with that many hours. Nothing killer can do here. Spirit fury is a joke and countered easily, Bamboozle just forces more pallets but there are enough anyway...

    And that's not even considering meta perks survivors use (DS, Borrowed, Adrenaline, Dead Hard, etc.) plus one to two survivors with unbreakable (you can forget slugging), one survivor with key sometimes, one with fast toolbox and one with map for totem (forget ruin).

    That's also the reason why with the current balance this game will NEVER be E-Sport ready, not even close.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Generators do not need changes as that will anger the survivor side, they just need a different thing than skill checks that happen on generators that in a manner harm survivors but not injure

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    To say he is not good at the game shows how you are just not a fan. The guy has got to rank 1 every way possible as both killer and survivor, using every killer (not just one). He has got to Rank 1 with no perks/add ons, with only no mither, with peoples choice builds. you name it, this guy has done it. The nurse game above was a paid build and he had not played Nurse in a few days. So going in cold on Nurse is never easy as its a muscle memory reaction mechanic. Gens are done insanely fast in this game. To address the "i go against better/harder players quote that is being dropped every 3 posts, you are all taking it out of context. True compares who he gets matched up with when he says that. As he is playing solo. When you compare the unorganized crappy team he gets with what he vs (often SWF) you can see his point clearly. I watch several streamers and when you compare Tru3 vs who is on the creative council Fog team, you know why the Killers are always balanced to Rank 10.

  • boondocker76
    boondocker76 Member Posts: 13

    No you need better map pressure is all

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    he does not make the statement of "I just face better survivors for some reason." lightly, he even gave an example how just the game before that 1 gen took 5 minutes to be completed in a game against the legion, this game 1 gen is done before the 1min mark and just over the 2min mark 3 gens are done. seems like a BIG difference between those 2 games

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    On that map you have to pick a side to defend otherwise you will fail, he just needed to pressure the gens on his side.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    constant red ranks pretty much since release for both killer and survivor while sometimes crippling himself by doing viewer suggested builds, and still getting 4k's with m1 killers like wraith, clown, old freddy, etc. yep he is pretty bad

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    he says constantly about when he gets outplayed by complementing what survivors do, and his "I just vs better survivors" is not without supported proof, he gave an example of JUST BEFORE THAT GAME, 1st gen took 5 min and it was a legion. here? 1st gen done in 54 seconds. I think that's a bit of a difference

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394


    Yes, let me pressure a giant map like red forest, coldwind, haddonfield etc. as a killer without map pressure. People who say this sort of stuff are so dense and ignorant, and the worst part is, devs listen to this and do nothing about gens.

    Also let me ask you this, why must killers always tryhard and sweat about pressuring gens, while survivors can mess around EVERY game they play? Why can't killers mess around and still get 4k's? Oh wait, because if you do, gens will fly by.

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    How do they have to try? There's a bag full of tools they can use to smash a killer into the ground. 4 man SWF with, say, 3 toolboxes and a key, all with DS and Adrenaline will destroy any non-viable killer if they're good enough.

    I know what I'm doing when I'm not sleepy AF, I know my mindgames when I'm ready, but those mindgames only get you so far when they have tools to destroy you.

    As for what you said about 3 gen strats, it's so easy to not let a killer 3 gen you. On bigger maps, those 3 gens will be even more split than on smaller like new Badham and the game. If a survivor decides to do 1 of those 3 gens, the other survivors can just do the other. If they see through your plan, you're through as well.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Franklin’s Demise counters those items pretty easily and actually gives you pressure, I always just play normally against swf, Almo has actually said that their stats prove that swf isn’t a huge advantage.

    You can actually force a three gen strat as killer and it can work as long as your chases are short, you slug people and keep a constant patrol. You won’t always win though and that’s just how it is, a 2k is still very possible with “non-viable killers”.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Why does everyone act like killers don't have add-ons or offering or perks

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    Please give me a list of things killers have that'd make a drastic change