Thank you so much, Devs!!

I remember how a few months ago there was a debate in the forums about PGTW. Most people agreed that its time should be increased (before, it was 30 seconds) but a developer came to share his opinion. I don't remember who he was, but he said that with 30 seconds it was perfect and that it worked great. He gave many arguments about it and convinced a lot of people, although there were still people who wanted a buff.

Guess what happened next.

A few patches later they buffed PGTW from 30 to 60 seconds!! Although a developer personally came here to share his opinion against the buff, I'm sure he still discussed our debate with the other devs and it seems that they decided to buff it. I want to say thank you very much, now it is one of my favourite perks. The community managers do an amazing job, YOU are the responsibles of most of the healthy changes to the game!!! I thank you with all my heart!
