Can we get nicknames in DbD?

ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

And deactivating the steam profil in the end chat?

Guys, I get it.

And many people doesnt share my opinion.

But after my 650 h, I have enough.

After every killer round, I get some stupid comments under my profil or on screenshots.

  • german toxic killer
  • dont camp,dont tunnel, dont slugg you noob
  • DbD is balanced and killers can counter SWF
  • why do you play only powerful characters like Spirit
  • ######### you cancer Doc
  • dont cry and try too improve noob killer
  • You can counter SWF and killers have strong perks vs SWF

I dont even care.

If I go to a gen and I a person on the hook is on my way, then I check it.

I tunnel, if I think this person is rly bad and I can get a fast kill.

I slugg, if I think I need map pressure, because the survivors got 4 gens in 2 min.

And I play normal, if I think the survivor arent good.

I have my own playstyle and I play every game different, because I face different survivors.

And dont try too explain your opinion about SWF.

SWF can break this game and they can destroy many killer, because they get 30 survivor perks for free and they can gen rush to death.

Because they can call out my position every time.

And this is my opinion, you cant change it with stupid comments under my profil.

You just destroy the fun for me, because Im a friendly player in my other games.

I tried to be friendly in DbD, but I got still hate comments,

because I win the match.

Could we get an option for deactivating the steam profil name

and then we can chose a nickname?

So the other players cant check the profil,

because they still write under my screenshots, if my profil is private.
