What killers do you think could need some buffing?

ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

I’m honestly curious to see what others think about which killer could use some buffs to become viable even against optimal survivors. Right now, some killers do seem like they are just a little too weak. However, keep in my mind that map reworks will buff all of these killers a bit anyways if maps get more mindgameable loops and if the huge maps maybe become a little smaller.

Also, there is no reason to get offensive towards anyone. This is just to see people’s opinions on this matter, and everyone’s opinion can differ.

Personally, I feel like Trapper, Wraith, Doctor, Leatherface, Clown and Legion are the ones who could use at least some small buffs, even with the upcoming map reworks. They either lack in chase or in map pressure a bit too much in my experience.

Not sure about Plague, Myers, Pig and Ghostface, but at the moment I do believe they do not need any buffs with the upcoming map reworks. Ghostface just needs his detection fixed.

Also, I fear that Hillbilly could eventually need a very small nerf once most maps are reworked and there are more mindgameable loops on each map. My reasoning behind this is he is probably the only top tier killer that will benefit from map reworks and more mindgameable loops, since the other top tier killers are good because their ability allows them to be very good in chase no matter the loops on a map, while also having map pressure, but not nearly as much as Hillbilly does.

Certain ideas I have on how to buff the low tier killers would be:


Should carry 2 traps at base, and his traps should spawn more towards the center of the map and close to gens



Could use a movement speed increase from 126.5% to 135% while cloaked, and his speed burst duration after uncloaking should be buffed from 1 second to 1.5 seconds



Maybe increasing the base range of shock therapy(and adjusting his addons that further increase the range), and maybe having the illusions emit a terror radius



His bottles should automatically refill when downing and hooking a survivor, and the slow down of his gas should be increased to 20%. Alternatively, some ability for map pressure, like damaging gens from farther away with an ability that does on a cooldown would also be great, since he has pretty much the worst map pressure of all killers, and his chase potential doesn’t quite make up for it in my opinion.



Maybe increasing his movement speed while using Feral frenzy a bit? And perhaps decreasing his terror radius to 24 meters.



  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    I don't think any killers need a buff. Billy needs a small nerf. Maybe a chainsaw cool down extension.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    I agree with many of these ...though I'd also argue Michael could use a different kind of buff to help him a bit more , Billy will be fine as though loops will be less bs there will be more pallets plus they're still keeping plenty of good loops regardless..on top of this survivors will not be the same..they will soon enough be significantly stronger

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197
    edited August 2019

    Didn't the devs say that they want a 2 escape rate and that most killers were getting more than that. And those stats were before the healing nerf and egc and hatch closing?

    Wouldn't that mean certain killers should be nerfed?

    At what point can we stop saying "buff this killer, buff that killer, nerf survivors, etc" and start saying "git gud"? Red ranks are supposed to be more difficult. Not auto 4k just for loading in smh...

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Implying killers should always lose? 2k at red ranks is a depip..no..thata implying both sides are the same skill level..plus..the stats are wrong due to massive rage quitting

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @immortalls96 Not recently, past month or so but I have played most killers and verse them a lot and can tell from my experience.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I'm not wanting buffs for killers because I lose as them. But just looking at their capabilities,and from my observations and experience, I do feel like some killers need some small buffs personally. It's also not like the buffs I suggested are particularly big buffs anyways. And nobody wants an auto 4k. It's just about having more killers that have a chance to get a 2k against optimal survivor teams, and at rare times even a 3k or 4k, just as much as survivor should also have a chance to be able to all escape an optimal killer.

    I do think that just looking at the survival rate to judge the game's balance isn't the right thing to do, since dc's and survivor killing themselves on the hook affect those stats a lot.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @SleepyWillo THANK YOU, the game is supposed to be difficult at some point, this author listed like every killer and wants a buff when all yu need to do is play the killer and git gud. lol.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Really? You think Wraith and Leatherface are viable?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Pretty sure there can be people who play killer as well and still feel like no killer needs a buff. If that's their opinion from their experience and observation of what every killer is capable of, that's fine.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @Pulsar I main wraith when I play killer and mostly double pip my way to red ranks easily so yes, very viable. Leatherface is fine too, no the easiest to play but just where he needs to be.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    No that's not the case. From my experience and observation of the killers, there are just some that don't have the capabilities to cope with optimal survivor teams, to at least be able to have a chance to get a 2k.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Trust me..you havent played enough...devs apparently expect killer to make fast downs..get a farm map or pallet haven wreckers against good loopers..that will not be consistantly viable..like..at all..now killers like hag and a couple others can do it..but that leaves a huge portion of the cast who cant

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652
  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @ad19970 Its hard to discuss when you say optimal survivors because the killer can have add ons, so can the survivors and there are many possibilities. I am rank 2 and some days I escape a lot and some days I die consecutively while in a swf.

  • Derp
    Derp Member Posts: 157

    Stealth Killers like Wraith, Pig, and GhostFace are getting a pretty big buff with the undetectable status effect being implemented soon so we should wait and see how strong they get. I'd say Doctor really needs a rework the most since he's hands down the worst killer at the moment. He's the easiest to loop when using his ability and there's no point in knowing where the survivors are most of the time since he's just an m1 killer that wastes time shocking just for the bp. I think his ability needs a rework completely, kind of like Freddy. Just increasing his shock range or illusions isn't going to solve anything but I can't think of any suggestions atm.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @immortalls96 don't chase the loopers if you have an issue with looping. Target the weakest player on the team, these are just a few strats.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    That's true. There is quite a lot of rng that can affect the outcome of every match. I'm not saying that what I wrote is a fact, it's just my opinion. It's almost impossible to say exactly what could need a buff or not. Just, in general, if killers and survivors use similarly strong addons, those are the killers I feel could use some small buffs. Of course it will vary what addons exactly a killer and a survivor uses.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @Pulsar You want me to 1 v 4 you with a swf or something?

  • Predator3174PL
    Predator3174PL Member Posts: 302

    Why Billy needs to be nerfed? He is very loopable. His instadown can be avoided by looping and 360s in proper time. When he uses his ability he is loud af, so you know he's coming.

    Some killers need a buff. I wouldn't say Trapper should get buff, but Doc, Legion, Wraith and LeatherFace should. All of them are depended on their addons (specially Doc in my opinion; his base ability's range is a joke), which sometimes are bad or usuless…

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    No. You admitted you haven't played killer in a while. Against optimal Survivors, Wraith will be at a serious disadvantage. So will LeatherFace. Because their powers' aren't good. At all.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Quite possibly. Many people don't enjoy playing against him, which is weird to me though since I really enjoy going against him. I just fear that if he gets reworked, it will take quite a while. Which to me personally is a bit of a shame since design wise, especially visually and lore wise, he is one of my favorites. Just the idea that he drives survivors mad in addition to killing them I really like about him. Lore wise, he almost seems like the strongest killer in the game to me.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371
    edited August 2019

    @ad19970 Yea man, buffing a killer can make it really hard for noob players to play against them. I acknowledge that some killers are harder to use but each one has a different play style and it is important to learn that play style before asking for a specific buff.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    To be fair that doesn't really work if every survivor is really good at looping. Which is what I personally mean with an optimal team. There is however a chance to catch survivors in bad positions though, especially with stealthy killers.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @Pulsar I have played wraith in the past month, haven't consecutively played. His powers is different from another killer such as Billy, who can insta down easily. Wraith is a loopable killer but thats why you avoid loopers.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Sure, but I don't need to learn to play a killer perfectly optimal in order to judge what the killer's potential is. I mean it can also help if you watch others play them more or less optimally, and just by knowing the game, all the factors that can affect a matches outcome, and the capabilities of a killer with his abilities. Of course, you can't know everything for certain, once again, and when I say judging, I don't mean I know for a fact, just being able to form an opinion on what killer could possibly need a buff in my opinion.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @Predator3174PL A small nerf to the chainsaw would be great. Yes he is loud but thats not a huge issue and wont make or break an escape by the survivors. He can consistently rev his chainsaw and down multiple survivors at once. 360 him is not easy or you must be very good because after a year of playing I cant easily 360 him.

  • Haraak
    Haraak Member Posts: 119

    Its amazing how you talk like knowing something and you just say one stupid thing after another lol.

    Ignoring the troll, for me every killer need a buff except nurse billi spirit hag and maybe huntress. You can argue about freddie and mayers being well balanced and maybe we can get an agreement.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    But he can't really instadown you when you are at a loop. If anything, you can loop him and then force an M1 hit against you. Which is why many people don't consider him op. if anything, I'd rather consider Spirit op than Billy, though I feel like she is in a fine spot as well balance wise, just the counterplay to her seems a bit to luck based maybe.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084


    Starting with all of his Traps should be fine, with Bag Add-Ons increasing the Number of Traps. Gives way more chance of planning and preparing and not the awkward situation that you have to decide wether or not you want to walk full Map away to get another Trap.


    Movement Speed while cloaked sounds fine, Speedbost not necessary IMO. But Movement Speed should be increased, Cloaking during a Chase is not really worth it, since the benefit is VERY small.


    Mouldy Electrode Range should be Baseline.


    Same Mechanic for his Chainsaw like Billy - it gets automatically started once fully charged and you can rew it until then. Also Add-Ons should be changed, I would even be happy with a complete Rework of all of his Add-Ons, because they are either Clones or useless (mainly the Chili)


    Rule Set Number 2 Baseline. Maybe increasing the RBT-Timer, if too many Survivors die from the Traps. I dont think that her ability needs buffs, but it can be a little bit more spicy.


    Nerf Corrupt Purge (maybe minimum amount needs to hit to do Damage), but make Survivors cleanse. Either Dying State after a while when not cleansing (even tho this would be very close to Deep Wound) or a MASSIVE Debuff on all Actions. Something like 50% maybe, even tho this could be too much.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    No need to get insulting though, please. Eeveryone is allowed to have their own opinion based on their experience with this game.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @ad19970 I understand. I have mained survivor for a while and have seen my fare share of games and have seen a lot of killers and their abilities being used.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    It's possible but here's the issue with that strat..comms make it meaningless, during the time your searching for a new target gens are still being done , and..it means they can use the same strat to ditch you repeatedly..its more of a gamble than a strategy

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @ad19970 I guess doctor could use a little buff. Didn't mean to disrupt the conversation but thats really me perspective on things, most killers seem fine just a few possible changes but remember, just my opinion, sorry @Haraak didnt mean to make you anger.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Understandable. But you do also play killer? Just because I do feel like it's important to play both sides or at least get a deep insight on how killers work by watching others play them quite optimally against very good survivors.

    Also, your point on buffing killers will also make them stronger at low ranks is also always a point to consider, I agree. The best to do is to buff these killers than in a way that requires to use skill to use them most effectively, which is probably always something the devs struggle with a lot. That's why I also have no idea on how to buff Leatherface, cause just buffing his power I feel would make him just too good at lower ranks.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    There is virtually no way to prove that a killer is viable - just saying. People can always say "but those were bad survivors" to nullify footage.


    I agree that Leatherface needs: Small QoL buffs and (obviously) addon fixes/changes/buffs.

    His only "specific" purple addon (AwardWinningChilli) is weaker than ANY brown addon of ANY killer in the game even though purple addons are supposed to be game-changing.

    Bubba's purple: AwardWinningChilli

    (one of) Spirit's purple: Prayer Beads

    Spirit's basekit has little to no counterplay and on top of that her purple addons are game changing. How is that fair towards Bubba?

    Many people can do well with Bubba and 4k most of the time but that doesn't mean he and his addons are perfectly fine.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    It's your opinion though, you don't need to apologize for someone not liking your opinion honestly. This is just a game we are talking about in the end, anyways.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Trapper - Carry 2 as default. Can retrieve new traps from locker, no more than 10 on the map at a time.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Only thing I fear with a buff like that is that it will make him too strong at lower ranks. At least as far as I know he does exceptionally well at lower ranks. So a buff to his chainsaw would probably only work if the skill required to use his chainsaw most effectively would also be increased.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371
    edited August 2019

    @ad19970 I main survivor but sometimes play as killer, which is alwyas the wraith. I have other killers at level 50 like meyers, leatherface . Im definitely more of a survivor but I have played against many types of killers and most of them dont need a buff, in my opinion. Maybe doctor.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I think legion could use a few, simple buffs to make them feel less sluggish and give them a little more power:

    • In frenzy, change window vault speed to 0.9 (down from 1.1).
    • In frenzy, change pallet vault speed to 1.1 (down from 1.35).
    • In frenzy, increase movement speed to 5.28 m/s (from 5 m/s).
    • Reduce fatigue time to 3 seconds (down from 4).

    Just make sure that the cooldown addons can't be combined to create an instant fatigue. These changes would make legion much more fun to play, still have counter play, and might make using their power to catch up to injured survivors a viable strategy in some cases.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yes I fully agree. Though it's also not quite possible to prove that a killer isn't viable against optimal survivors. Or if it is, it's damn hard. But when looking at stronger killers, the lower tier killers do seem like they are lacking a bit. Just from looking at their capabilities.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371
    edited August 2019

    @immortalls96 True but every game you play isnt against a swf right? If it was then I would agree something needs to be done but some games are against randoms and its not every game that you ditch a a loper to come to a gen that almost done or something like that.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Those buffs could definitely work. I would prefer a smaller terror radius instead of increased window and pallet vault, but that's just me.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Trapper, Clown, Legion, Cannibal, Wraith and Doctor need buffs very badly, they are very underwhelming even with their best add-ons.

    Ghost Face, Pig, Shape and Plague could use some buffs, but they aren't as weak as the first line of killers.

    Freddy needs his add-ons buffed ( almost all of his green and purple add-ons are atrocious ) and Huntress needs ... to not get [BAD WORD] by so many maps.

    Hag, Billy and Spirit are fine for the most part ( even if Hag's purple and red add-ons could be buffed/reworked and Prayer Beads should be nerfed/reworked ).

    Nurse will get touched soon.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452
    edited August 2019

    Doctor, Wraith, Clown, Pig, and Legion could use some small buffs. I think Leatherface might need a rework tbh.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    To be fair, it seems like the devs want to buff solo survivors to decrease the gap between solo and swf survivors. I do think that solo survivors can still do pretty much as good as swf survivors, but it's much harder and probably also takes a bit of luck. So that definitely needs to be considered as well, and I'm hoping that there will be some fair buffs for solo survivors to close that gap.