New killer: The Judge (Judge Joseph Dredd)
Stats: movement speed - 4.6 m/s; terror radius - 32 m, height - tall
Base weapon - A "Daystick"
Ability - Stun grenades
Mori - execution by a "Lawbringer"
The maximum amount of grenades you may have to use is only 3 by defult. To refill this amount, u need open a locker (box with grenades is in down right of a locker, so it won't interrupt with a survivor hiding inside - all cathed survivors are always in a left part of a locker).
Hold M2 to prepare grenade for throwing, then release M2 to throw/press M1 to cancel throwing.
Stun grenades work like a flashbang: if a survivor (not a player, but his character) looks at the grenade at distance of 2 meters while it explodes, he gets blinded(full blindness by white screen in case of 90 front degree/0.5 second white screen flash in case of 45 degree at the flanks) and deaf by tinnitus for 2.5 seconds (movement posibilities are ok though). If a survivor doesn't look at the grenade, he just gets deaf. Deafening though activates a "Invisivility" buff (yes, this one that comes with The Stranger Things chapter) for The Judge for a very short time - it needs mostly for hiding the red light for mindgaming.
1) I am the law - You are none, but an executioner of The Entity's will. Speed of grabbing, locker grabbing, picking up a survivor, placing a survivor on a hook is increased by 50/75/100%
2) And justice for all - Justice is not only about a punishment, but also about a redemption. If a hooked survivor escaped from a hook (no matter how) being out of your terror radius, he gets an "Endurance" buff. If he didn't lose it when he becomes healthy, this buff turns into an "exposed" debuff that lasts 20/25/30 seconds.
3) Fight fire with fire - To counter the criminality, you must be as tough as it is. While in a chase, each following action that is equal to last survivor's action is 3/5/7% faster than normal (breaking a pallet right after dropping, vaulting right after vaulting, hit cooldown after hook breaking process, gen breaking right after a repairing process and etc).