Matchmaking is totally wild these days

I´ve had to dodge numerous lobbies before I get to lobby < 300 ms today.

The first match I played was with survivors (all around 11) played against a killer with level 2. The next game (similar levels) played against a killer with level 20. 🤣


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I'm a Rank 16 Killer right now, all I've been playing against are Purples and though some are SWF they were friends with the lower ranks, from what I could deduce anyway. As a Survivor i get Purples as well and go against Rank 20 Killers, it is so hard right now and frsutrating to start over with this #########. I have a level 3 Hag with base perks with 10-15 minute lobby times at Rank 16 and then get all Purple Survivors, so annoying and unfair. I had a rank 5 brag saying ''ez'' it was the stupidest thing i've ever seen, the intelligence is some players are single digits.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @MimiDallas and @HatCreature Just curious, what platform are you guys on?

  • MimiDallas
    MimiDallas Member Posts: 45

    Yes, I understand when someone abuses the mechanics by bringing partying with low level friends. But my experience these days is that nothing explains why 10 - 13 lvl survivors should be matched with lvl 2 killers. Thats such a ######### bad matchmaking on devs side.

  • MimiDallas
    MimiDallas Member Posts: 45

    PC. Its curious I didnt have that much problems in past, but it has been crazy lately.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2019

    @MimiDallas I've been away for a few months and was going to come back, but then noticed all the matchmaking posts the past two weeks or so. I was hoping it might have been a console issue, but if you guys are PC as well, then I'll just keep waiting it out.


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I just started on the PC, I switched from the PS4.