How is Demogorgon so far?

Just wondering as a console player. What's the full extent of his power? How is his pounce?
His pounce is great. Survivors don't know how to dodge it for now tho so let's see it how it goes. But just like Billy's chainsaw, you can hit it from a long distance if you know how to use it. The range is nice and the charging time is very short
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Anything on that "verticality" thing they were talking about for its pounce?
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I have a feeling he's going to be a solid killer.
I played as him once... Once... Because the long waits is the most brutal killer in the game.
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I hear he is weakish???
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Pretty bad / Easily bullied
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There is none. Its a dash forward that damages you can't dash up
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It would be great to have another powerful killer.
Do you know if there is any audio cue for when the demogorgon is teleporting to a portal? Like can the survivors hear if he is teleporting to a portal very close to them?
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I think he's really good. Willing to bet his dash gets nerfed before live since it takes 1 second to charge and crosses the distance of a jungle gym almost instantly.
I mean look at it...(Zubatlel clip)
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Hopefully not. From what I can tell, it doesn't really help countering loops though, or does it?
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I added a clip.
It does for sure survivors will either have to drop pallets early or stick to super short loops that can be mind gamed.
A long wall loop is a death sentence. Lets say in that clip if he got to the shack and got to a wall and demo ever got line of sight without a corner to reach in time it'd be over.
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Jungle gyms were the main thing I wanted to try out with the demo after they did the reveal because the dash looked like it had potential there. I might just wait for release though because I dont have a lot of time right now. That wait time combined with the limited perks and all. I wish they did the PTB with the killers preloaded with all the perks so they could be properly put through the wringer.
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As someone who hasn't played him but watched a 15 second clip twice, he's broken OP.
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The lunge is VERY strong.
They should shift some of the strength out of the lunge and into his portals (and his perks too while they're at it). The portals seem to be the part of his kit that has most skill expression potential anyways, so he should be more rewarded for using them well rather than the lunge which seems pretty basic.
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The lunge has a ton of versatility. It's not as good as Pig's lunge is in a pallet loop but at jungle jyms, walls, catching up it's insanely good
You can even use it as a speed boost. Plus the point generation is amazing
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Wow, can definitely see this getting some kind of nerf. Hopefully not, from what I've been hearing Demo looks really fun.
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Lets be honest here, Zubat makes any killer look op.
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Oh no I hope they don't do that. It's great if he has some chase potential, I hope they don't nerf that ability. It does seem like it takes skill to use it effectively at loops.
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does anyone know if you get slowed down while holding M2 for the charge?
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I'm just sad it doesn't work well at pallets.
It would be so cool
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But he feels pretty good. Not as good as the top tiers but def B tier.
I'd put him just below Plague/Myers until more tech is discovered with him.
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As someone new to the PC version of DBD, I will wager my newborn child that Demo is stronger than Omegablink Nurse but weaker than Burger King Myers.
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Seems no better than a huntress hatchet except you can't aim it. Plus they get the big mouth opening as a warning that its coming so...I'd give it a day before survivors learn how to read it and dodge. Great for big open space maps.....terrible power for closed spaces and small maps....
Like a new player trying to play Nurse while being stuck in the meatplant or the mental institute. Just.....not the most ideal place to be for a killer who can oops and cross 40 meters distance with a double teleport.
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He is midtier but tbh isn't suprising.
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Yeah I've just learned that now and saw it in other videos already. Really happy to see the devs adding another strong and viable killer to the roster. He seems to have the perfect amount of chase potential and map pressure, just like Freddy. From what I can tell up to now, I'm really praying that they won't change Demogorgon at all.
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Just played him around for a bit.....he's definately not pig....or any other standard M1 killer. I mean you can go that route but....using his power properly and not playing yourself is gonna be a tough one. Its like the hillbilly without the 1 shot. You can easily play yourself since the power only goes in a straight line. Now this isn't considering purple add ons or pinks or whatever, I don't use those to judge viability.
You basically get free tracking of survivors near generators, assuming you place your traps properly....the catch is, you need to have 1 trap available to yourself to mosey your lummox ass down to the place where you see survivors in tracking range. Now assuming you have to guard multiple spots....he's definitely not freddy tier in this regard...#########...gets....difficult.
I would honestly rate him below pig, and even doctor. He's not easy, and going to be considerably add on reliant and skill based. But your skill can only go so far with him so....he could be sub pig tier some days, and hillbilly tier other days depending on the person behind the wheel. If you're not good behind the wheel, this killer is not good, which is where it should be. This isn't some auto reward killer like Legion was on initial release. People are gonna find out real quick, you may be better off not using his power in some chases unless theres no pallets nearby and no window vaults and no corners.....
My recommendations on him....skip the tracking slot perk....skip the mobility perks...focus on on hit builds that slow the game down....just a little bit. Or double down on mobility and take stuff like play with your food. Exposed is also a good synergy with his power....assuming you can get one via perk or otherwise. Gen protection builds could work in theory assuming you had enough time to cover spots and teleport around. But he's just like spirit or any other killer without build in slows or odd interactions like dream world or doc shock. If you don't end your chases fast you're gonna get rushed....
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Dang, just found my new main 😍
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He's meh. Cool as all hell but another mid tier Killer. The dash is good, but, the portals are very lackluster. His perks being nerfed doesn't help either. I appreciate the thought and care the devs put into adjusting them but it just doesn't make me want to buy it. Makes me think he'll get nerfed like Freddy.
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Eh I was just having a ton of trouble catching people at jungle gyms. But I'm like 90% sure that has more to do with me having never used him than with him being bad or anything.
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I think we should wait some more days before jumping to that conclusion. Just like survivors probably will still be able to adapt a bit to the shred ability of Demogorgon, his teleport could have more potential than some think. I personally feel like it could be really good. Especially with the Undetectable status effect the Demogorgon gets whenever he uses his teleports.
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For stealth killers, sure this idea is great in theory....but it also requires you to know that the survivor is near that area....and also requires you to prelaunch and preprep that area. I'm not sure about the detection radius of these things but they seem short as hell. Like by default i think you have to be pretty much standing on top of them to be detected....which is pretty bad....which means the detection half of his power doesn't work without an add on or a survivor standing directly on top of the portal...
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From what I can see in videos the detection seems quite fine honestly. That's at least my impression. It definitely doesn't just detect survivors that stand right on it.
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Lunge is only thing that makes him viable and fun to play. If they nerf that, He becomes instantly trash-tier and there's enough those killers already to not need another one.
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Gorgon is decent. Lunge seems to be more useful outside of loops though. His map teleport is stronger than Freddy but weaker than Hag. And I'm not sure how it's Hidden status effect works exactly.
Mindbreaker is completely garbage. That's my only complaint with this killer atm.
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I think people don't know you can fake out of a pounce. Faking out can be lethal to a survivor and the only real issue the Demogorgon glaringly has is being lackful in the chase category, he can be looped.
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He is good, Not to good. But a mid rank killer, I'm keeping my rank one with him currently but people seem not to want to dodge his lunge for some reason. Hope they don't over nerf it
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Only played a few games, but pretty ok
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That's literally the issue with most of the killer line-up :(
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Played 10 games with him, and while the first 3-5 of them took getting used to, Demo has some pretty good pressure and chase ending potential. I currently place him in B-A tier because he closes distance fast with his Shred (pounce) attack, can jump around the map with the portals, and his Undetectable status after emerging from a portal has already given at least 2 survivors heart attacks in my games. It's definitely a difficult killer to learn, but I'm betting that more experienced players are going to pick him up quickly and prove my tier estimate to be correct. Is it high rank viable? Not sure at the moment (I played at rank 10), but I feel it has the potential to be. The only things I think need to be changed are the time it takes to destroy his portals, which seems to be about 8 seconds or so, and his perks which feel under-powered as I got only a little practical use out of Surge, and no use out of Cruel Limits, or Mindbreaker.
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It's 12 seconds. 15 or 16 seconds would probably be the sweet spot in my opinion.
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I hope they don't nerf it at all, it seems strong in chases but definitely not overpowered in any way.
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And even then he had quite a few people escape while playing as him....
Positive first impressions for sure though.
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The Dash is really nice. It is comparable to BIlly, but easier to use. While it has good results, it still has counterplay form the Survivor Side (they can dodge it). But the Killer can also fake it.
Portals are quite cool, even tho they are more for Travel. Thing that might need looked into is Portals in Endgame. Had one game where with 3 (but most of the time 2, because one Survivor died short afterwards) Survivors, it was not possible to do 3 Gens which were quite far away from each other, because the Auras would have been revealed next to the Portal so that the Killer can travel there and interrupt the Gen Repair.
I mean, when a Team really 3 Genned themselves, it is absolutely fine, the Survivors ######### up. But if all Gens are far away from each other, it should not be possible to patrol them in such a way.
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I had 2 games with him and I had a lot of fun. Killer seems to be ok, but I played today 2 games after a break of 2 months and im in at rank 15 at the moment, first game was against 1 rank 4 and 3 near my rank. I would probably have fun with every killer at the moment^^
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I played over 10 games normal and a few kyf with survivors with over 2k hourse, so a match for good players only not those low rank players in random que (no offence but its the truth).
On random games the killer feels fresh, nice and different. You can use the dash as an zone and mindgame ability aswell and that helps on quiet alot of loops. You can even just cancel the power without getting punished that much, even abit way to low, i would say increase abit the "slow down" when you cancel the power but not over 9000 just like on LEGION. The new map is veeery cool looking but the most loops are way to short for my opinion and its way to easy to bloodlust or even just respect there and get a free hit. So you cant really test the demogorgons dash well there, on other maps such as mac millian or the game etc with bigger loops the power feels very good and quiet fitting to the game.
I would say with my experience the demogorgon is gonna be a decent Killer that can be played but he is not that good to be a consistent played killer on high ranks. Even if you have a kind of chase ability and a map control tool you cant really stop the genrush how freddy, spirit or other good killers can stop the genrush.
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Medium killer, nothing really good about it.
Portals shoukd take longer to be cleansed, overall an average killer.
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How it feels to play Demogorgon