New game mode idea - The Entity Madness [Fun/Troll mode]

SynKaal Member Posts: 21


Dead by daylight is an incredible game and we all love and enjoy playing it!... More or less.

But something was really bugging me out recently: Tecnaclly, we only have one game mode.

Looking to other games, I began to ask myself "What would be a good new game mode for DbD that won't make it a totally different game, but just an expansion of it?"

Then The Entity Madness hit me! I mean, not the madness itself, I'm talking about the name and concept... you got it, mate ¬-¬'

What the hell is this, brother?

Being somewhat of a killer main, I've always felt that sometimes our beloved murderers was lacking of something [I'm not talking about balance or anything, this is not the topic for it, conrad]. You know when sometimes you are begining to tilt and just wish your killer could do something really crazy and overpowered, just like if the Entity itself is watching your game and decided "Well, seens that this little trapper overhere could use a scorpoin like chain to bring a survivor to him to get moried, huh?"

But that would be madness of the entity, interfering so much in the game that itself created for it pleasure. Madness, you say huh?

And here enters the game mode The Entity Madness. A gamemode where all the rules you followed, all the things you've learned are tossed away and the Entity goes nuts on both sides to make it stronger, bigger, better, stronger, harder, faster, stronger!!!! Did I mention Stronger already?

Anyway, enough of bs and stories, time to see this big boy and get dissapointed with such a bad ideia Yeeeeeeehaaa!

The Killers

The Entity is displeased with it selection of killers it worked so hard to make it to it realm (expect nurse, the entity is very proud of you <3).

So it's time for some rules to be broken and some survivors to be killed.

When entering the game mode the last two perks equipped will be swapped for "Overpowering desire" and "Entity's Madness".

Overpowering desire adds a bunch of buffs to the killer, whoever it would be. the list for it goes as this:

  • The killer becomes able sense all the survivors. The survivors emits glowing marks (such as legion, ghostface being revealed, etc) that last for 5 seconds every 20 seconds the killer is not in a chase.
  • Whenever a survivor is carring an item, His scratch marks last double the time it was supposed to.
  • Hooks have being sharpened and now survivors will last only 2 hooks. [First hook puts it into struggle, but the timer is the same as if it was on the normal mode]
  • Stuns caused by pallets are totally negated unless the killer is using it's ability or swinging it's weapon.
  • The survivor suffers from a speed penalty for moviment and actions after dropping a pallet that doesn't cause a killer stun. [movement penalty last for 2 seconds, actions penalty last for 10 seconds]
  • The killer is able to see the progress of openning doors and the hatch location.
  • All the killers are set to walk on a 120% move speed. ALL OF THEM.
  • The killer is not affected by survivors colision and can run past them. But if the killer is standing still or perfoming an action, his colision is turned on for the durantion of the action and for 3 more seconds after it.
  • All addons are automatcly set to the killer's power. If an addon conflict with other, only the best part of both will work. If they still conflict, the rarest one with overwritte the most commum one. If they are the same rarity, none will work. Examples: Scracth mirror + Vanity Mirror; The Shape will be able to stalk on both tiers and will not be limited by Scracth mirror to be on tier 1 only. Bone Clappers + Coxcombed Clapper; Coxcombed will overwritte the bone one since it's rarity is higher. The Ghost + The beast Soots; None will work since both are the same rarity and do the opposite of each other.

*Nurse's addons can't add or remove blinks. Trapper, Huntress and Hag's addons can't remove or add traps/hatchets.

But not everything is fun and play, we are talking about the Entity going mad, full ham, crazy nuts!

The Entity Madness adds a bunch limitations to the killer, depending on what killer you are using. Those are:

  • The killer kicking generators ability gives no active regression and the passive regression is halved.
  • The killer is unable to close the hatch.
  • Checking a empty locker reveals the killers auras to all survivors.
  • If the killer is the Trapper, then he is unable to carry more than 1 trap at time, his traps won't cause damage to the survivors and they can be broke even if the survivor is not running a toolbox or sabotage.
  • If the killer is the Wraith, cloacking and uncloacking has a 5 seconds cooldown and your red glow is always visible.
  • If the killer is the HillBilly, his chainsaw don't break pallets or injure survivors beyong the injured state.
  • If the killer ir the Nurse, She is limited to only one blink and her fatigue is up to 2.5 seconds when she doesn't attack and 4 seconds when she misses an attack after blinking.
  • If the killer is the Huntress, Her hatchets can only go as far as 16 meters and then dissapear. She can only carry 3 hatchets
  • If the killer is the Shape, He is unable to go past tier 2 and his Evil Within tier 1 makes him move at 95% move speed. Also requires the double stalking points to go to tier 2.
  • If the killer is the Hag, it can only set up to 4 traps and they are only triggered if the survivor is running (walking is allowed now)
  • If the killer is the Cannibal, his chainsaw don't break pallets or injure survivors beyong the injured state. It also last for only one hit, being blocked by the Entity after hitting the first survivor.
  • If the killer is the Doctor, his shock terapy only causes any debuff to survivors on tier 3 madness and his shock field doesn't grow up madness on survivors, only the active shock.
  • If the killer is The Nightmare, Teleporting to a generator will reveal it's aura for 10 seconds, even if cancelled. His traps give no information of being triggered to the killer and the fake pallets auras are colored in Yellow for the survivors too.
  • If the killer is the Pig, the reverse beartrap is activated after 2 gens are completed after being put on a survivor head. It also doesn't kill the survivor, rather puting it on dying state.
  • Is the killer is the Clown, his bottles doesn't emit gas anymory and only works if hit the survivor is hit directly.
  • If the killer is the Spirit, her aura is revealed when she is on phase-walking if the survivor is in her Terror Radius. If not, then she emits a visual notification.
  • If the killer is the Legion, his/her power won't continue after the first stab and his fatigue is doubled.
  • If the killer is the Plague, her vomit doesn't break the survivors anymore, only hurting them when stacked up. Her corrupted vomit does the same as the normal one.
  • If the killer is the Ghost Face, his Terror Radius is only reduced to 16 meters when his power is active and stalking is disabled.
  • If the Killer is the Demogorgon, he can only set 3 portals and takes twice the time to transverse then.

As can be seing, being overpower has it's costs, but the Entity doesn't stop on the killer, very no, my friend. Survivor get their part too!

As survivors you lose your last 2 perk slots in exchange to "Divine blesseing" and "Entity's Chaos".

Divine Blessing gives the survivor a bunch of buffs to help them deal with the killers. Such as:

  • Whenever you are full healed, the next hit that would put you in injured or dying state is negated.
  • Whenever you are exposed, you gain the borrow time passive for the same duration of your exposure.
  • Whenver you are unhooked, you get full healed and all buffs and effects of just being fully healed.
  • Whenever you are recovering, you can now trigger skill checks. Succeeding a great one will get you up. If you get your bar to max, you'll keep getting Skill checks every 5 seconds.
  • Finishing a generator give you a move speed bonus of 200% for 4 seconds.
  • Entity will now only block a window after 5 vaults of the same person under chase with the killer. The Entity will refuse to block a window blocked by Bamboozle.
  • All chests in the match will begin openned as if someone openned them with Ace in the hole and Plunderer's Instict. The match will begin with 11 chests on the map and no offering can add more chests or remove any.
  • Great skill checks will give you action bonus speed buff of 50% for 1 second.
  • Generators' Great skill checks will alert you if the killer is 32 or less meters away from you.
  • Generators' Great skill checks will give you a 150% move speed for 1 second.

But such as killers, not everything is fun and good, the Entity wants blood!

The Entity's Chaos "perk" effect give you the following debuffs and limitations:

  • Whenever you fail a skill check, your aura is revealed for 10 seconds.
  • Generators' Great Skill check zone are reduced by 75%. Time to hit it pixel perfect!
  • Whenever you fail a pickup skill check, your bar is empty and the skill checks will be blocked until you get your pickup bar to full.
  • Whenever you hit a normal skill check of any kind, you will scream and reveal yourself for 1 second.
  • Going into a locker causes you to be exhausted. Debuffs persists for 20 seconds after exiting the locker.
  • Getting one AFK crow will slow you to walking speed when running, crouching speed when walking and you are unable to crouch. (No perk can add up speed when you have the first crow).
  • Getting one AFK crow will make it you unable to leave via the gates.
  • Getting two AFK crows will reveal your aura to the killer and add will get the same effect as if you had one crow.
  • Getting all three AFK crows will make you fall to dying state and grant the killer the ability to kill you and will get the same effect as if you had one or two crows.
  • When one gate is openned the end-game collapse will begin with only 60 seconds and can't be slowed down.
  • When you are the last survivor, Crows will begin to stack up on you after only 10 seconds of inactivity.
  • Windows blocked by the Entity will stay blocked for ALL suvivors for 180 seconds.
  • Pallets can be blocked in the same way and conditions to windows.
  • Itens have a 20 seconds cooldown of use.
  • Keys now need to be used for 25 seconds on the hatch for it to be opened. Openning the hatch will count as being AFK and will stackup crows
  • Hatch cannot be heard when it's openned.
  • Deep Wounds will make your character deaf and oblivious.
  • Playing as Claudette makes your aura always visible to the killer.


We all know that such a game mode will probably never exist since change some many things that is basically a new game on itself, but changing those rules and imagining the chaos and how different players would need to play in order to use the best of the buffs and avoid the debuffs would be really cool in my opinion. And also, for the love of Entity, imagining nurse at 120% speed and able to blink is just insane

Anyway, in the worst case scenario, some ridiculous buff or debuff can be used as an idea for perk or something xd

And I've got to say, I had a lot of fun playing with the possibilities in my mind and really wish to hear out what do you guys think. Of course this mode wouldn't provide rank or bloodpoints (maybe can provide some BP), would be just for fun and lulz, just saying before anyone goes crazy because game balance and everything.