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Is self care still viable to run?
A lot of people use self care , Ik a lot of people can’t play without it I was just wondering is it the “must” run perk like most people say it is?
No. You waste a lot of time healing yourself. As a killer, I apreciate you not doing gens for a long period of time.
That said, nothing wrong with using it
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Self care is overrated. You don't need it to success in the game. Many people use Adrenaline or Medkits instead. You can also hope for other players altruism
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Self care is fine if you use it prudently. A lot of people who run it seem to be scared of being in a chase or scared of the killer - hence the stereotype of Claudette running across the map, which wastes time, and then self caring, wasting even more time.
Knowing when to heal is often just as important as the ability to self heal. A lot of players trip over that.
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Definitely not must, but it’s a decent perk for solo survivors. The downside of self care is its inefficiency. Healing is already a waste of time, and self care doubles it.
I think it’s better to take perks like iron will and dead hard to increase efficiency( and have a safe net while you’re injured), or perks like bond, inner strength and second wind to get heals fast.
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I started using Pharmacy to just farm medkits. You spend alot less time being unproductive with a medkit, and unless your dying alot...youll be able to make 1 medkit last you multiple games.
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Nowadays the perk isn't worth running because it takes 32 seconds to self-care and other perks such as sloppy can increase this time to 40+ seconds making it take too much time in order to heal. Instead you might find better use out of these perks ;
- Pharmacy (1 quick heal, more if you're running this with ace in the hole and find an addon that adds charges)
- Inner Strength (when released)
- Second Wind (when released)
- Bond
- Adrenaline
Otherwise you can just bring in any medkit of your choice.
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I use selfcare and stakeout for the Skillchecks
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it was better before they nerfed heal speeds, now its like low B tier perk. Iron will / adrenaline / dead hard are core perks for me so its not that strong on my load out.
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It isn’t bad but it also isn’t that good.
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It's niche run it if u want.
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You don't need it but as a solo player it's often a pain to play without it since your teammates either DC or are potatoes and beiing one hit down the whole match certainly doesn't help.
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You're better off using a medkit if you want to heal that bad. So no it's not worth it anymore and takes too much time.
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It isnt good, but it also isnt the worst perk in game. If you really wanna run it then run it, but youre better off running pharmacy or a medkit
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I usually use it when playing solo. It saved my butt a lot of time. I wouldn't say it's overpowered anymore though.
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It's not a must-have, but don't listen to people acting as if you're actively sandbagging everyone by even equipping it either. It all comes down to knowing that you don't have to use it every single time you get injured, and especially not running to some obscure corner before self-caring.
I don't really use it much but there's still times where I wish I had it or a medkit available. If you want to run it, run it.
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Not really it takes too long hence why insta is being used more. I imagine inner strength will be the substitute for self care once it comes out.
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I don't think so. You depend on totems for using inner strenght wich may not be available because some other survivors will use the same perk or those survivors are just doing totems.
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I used it a ton for the first year and a half i played this game. It was always in my builds the moment i had it unlocked. After the healing nerf plus the sloppy meta it has fallen out of my builds now. It simply wastes way to much time to heal yourself anymore. Its better to just equip Adrenaline and rush the gens. Ultimately it was a good thing. I used to crutch hard on the perk. Dropping it from my builds has made me a better player. If i really want self heals i will just bring a medkit.