Killer and Survivor perks and QoL changes


Hi everyone!
Here are a few ideas for survivor and killer perks and a few buffs and nerfs

''Brutal strength'' should destroy pallets at 20% speed at lv1 and 30% speed at lv3

The killers should all get a 1.5% speed increase (except for the 115% walking speed killers)
Michael Myers would get the 1.5% speed increase only for ''Evil Within 1''

''Unnerving Presence'' should become a passive perk (just as how Wraith can see blood better when invisible)

''Play with your Food'' should become like the new ''Save the best for last'' and only lose tokens when you attack your ''obsession''

''Shadowborn'' should have the brightening effect that it used to have

Killers should be able to get some power up once the exit gates are powered or opened as a passive since the survivors can choose to just stay in the match as long as they want and have the killers at their mercy
I don't mean insta downs like Noed but I mean like a little speed boost

Hatch standoffs should finally get rid off so it becomes ''first come first serve''

Bond should become a passive perk so there could be more cooperation between random players

Survivors should have less frequent moans of pain, since finding them is way too easy.

Sprint burst should last half a second longer but should give a 140% speed boost instead of the 150%

Self-care should increase healing speed per lv. Lv1 = 40% and lv3 = 80% and it should increase the healing speed of medkits to 120% or 130%

I think that they should have another negative status effect when they are hurt instead of only the moaning. Maybe a bit slower movement speed or action speed reducement so the perk ''Resilient'' actually makes sense

Quality of life changes:

Both killer and survivors should be able to lessen or add more pallets to the map with offerings. Killers should be able to make 4 pallets disappear and survivors should be able to increase them by 1 per person

Maybe some polishing of the Nurse's appearance in her default skin since it looks very poor quality compared to her skins

Some skins for the licensed killers and survivors

More secret offerings for killer since a mori is instantly given away since there's only one other secret offering that almost no one uses

I'm hoping for some nice feedback. This list took me a while to think about and I think that this would bring in some balance into the game


  • KillingInstinct
    KillingInstinct Member Posts: 272

    Or maybe like make mori into a add-on like I've seen in another thread