an Idea for DS change
and ppl are still wondering why they only face nurse, spirit and billy at high rank while suvivors getting more and more of this crazy second chance perks.
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Decisive is balanced right now. No change necissary.
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If you're aggressively after a survivor for the one minute post-hook window where Decisive Strike is active, the one single time during a match where it is even a concern... wouldn't you call that tunneling?
I don't want to come across as one of those players who calls EVERYTHING tunneling, because I hate that. But if you are literally chasing someone immediately off the hook, aren't you tunneling them, AKA the specific issue that Decisive Strike is supposed to protect the survivor against? Like how is this not an open and shut issue?
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Fine as it is? Killers will just sit there and wait out the 60 seconds before they pick you up again. The timer needs to be stopped when a killer is in terror radius so they don’t slug
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So instead, I can just loop you for 61 seconds and then you down me afterward and get no penalty toward it despite you still tunneling?
yeah, no
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Not if you’re a solo survivor 😂
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More like “all the time” lol
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I would say the Decisive Strike is in the best spot that it has been since it's incarnation. It used to be incredibly unfair towards killers, and since has been balanced into a pretty good spot, I honestly think that DS will never be changed, as it is incredibly balanced in it's current state. It discourages chasing survivors who have just been unhooked, and gives said survivors a way out if that happens.
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Im a solo with over 100 hours, but I play duo whenever my friend doesn’t want to kill himself from playing this game 😂 killer can get stressful, I heard, just cause they cue up with a lot of 4 mans and they have to do everything perfectly if they wanna win. Spirit is tough for sure against any 4 man team
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Definitely agree, but it should be deactivated when another survivor is "picked up". It would bring the solution to tunneling DS and the survivors being super close to the killers terror radius just for their DS to go off. I can see when someone is being downed outside the previous persons unhook, then that would make sense of some sorts. I just think if you're really in the killers terror radius, it could easily be abused.
Why not enforcing the killer to pick someone else up, that's when it goes off?
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Sure. Why don't I stand with my face in a corner and walk away from my computer while I'm at it?
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That’s what I have to do when I have to lay there on the floor for 60 seconds
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I see that you are trolling. I shall leave you to it. Good Day.