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Bring back the old lighting!

I love this game to death, I've been playing since the Hag was first released, but there is something that desperately needs to be brought back.

The spooky-ass, dark lighting that was around since the beginning.

This game, after the unreal engine updates and tweaks to the lighting, has turned into the most bright and washed-out horror game I've seen. It's not that it looks bad, it just doesn't look spooky anymore. Unless you're playing on Macmillan estate, it looks like it's daytime, all the time.

I want to make some comparisons.

Take a look at this gameplay footage on Badham from "ArigatoDBD"

Notice the distinct purple hue the sky has. The bright light that casts down onto the characters and asphalt, showing how dark and dismal this realm is.

Now look at some newer footage on the same map by "Dat360NoScope"

Notice the sky, the distinct purple hue is now gone. In it's place is a bright, foggy, washed-out purple look. Now the lights just blend together, they don't stand out like they used to.

And it's not just on Badham either. Take a look at any of the maps nowadays and compare them to how they looked 2 years ago. You'll notice how every map back then had a distinct color to it.

Macmillan = Dark blue Autohaven = Dark, bright green Coldwind =Dark Orange-brown

But now? Macmillan = Light, washed-out blues Autohaven = Light, washed-out greens Coldwind = Orange-brown, like it was originally, but the lighting ruins it and makes it look like a bright evening stroll through the cornfields.

See the pattern?

If you want a good look at how maps used to look, check out the DBD wiki and you'll see what I mean.

I know this is a smaller thing in the grand scheme of things, but I think this game has been lacking that spooky feel for a long time now. I think it's time we bring it back.


  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Just wanted to bump this up. I know it's not popular but screw all the people who think Dead in the Daylight is better than Dead by Daylight.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    The problem is it's a balance issue as it was way too easy for survivors to hide, especially claudette, the unreal engine made this even worse as the colors got more saturated so the lighting had to be changed so the killers could actually see

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I do like the atmosphere, i really do.

    I'm just scared of not finding any Blendettes for 5 minutes.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    i agree 100% with the OP, thank you for bringing this up. It's mindblowing that we have been adjusted to this bad change and reminding me of how good it looked before

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    A lot of the old sounds were really nice too like leatherface's old chainsaw rev.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    2 years ago dbd had a much better atmosphere just by the old lightings and graphics. Now it feels a little bit like a fortnite game. Im missing old dbd.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    I would like the old lighting and overall older graphics as well