Nerf The Demogoron
The Demogorgon must be nerfed in order to achieve perfection. Those bony ribs are blinding to the eyes! His lunges can be viable, it must be nerfed and scrapped in a later hotfix. The way he vaults a window it too op for my T-bagging glory, it makes me too scared, nerf it. When he goes into the upside down he must be faced with a black screen the rest of the game since being able to see as a killer is op in general. The Demogorgon must be slower than the survivors since I need to shine a flashlight in its eyes before I drop the pallet. Most importantly decisive strike must be buffed into the survivors base kit and buff decisive strike in general to allow the killer to die the moment a match starts.
This killer can injure me... 0/100, no buy, pls delete