Giveaway Ideas, anyone?

Firstly, I'm back.

Secondly, I'm happy to know that a flood of noobs are going to hit Dead By Daylight in a few days with the release of the Stranger Things chapter. While our aim as a community is to give everyone a scary experience in game, but outside, it is also to be kind to one another. And hence, I would like to giveaway exclusive skins of Claudette, Meg, Dwight & Trapper. Sadly, this is PC exclusive. I know it sucks for the console players, but hey! I play this game on PS4 myself! So, yeah. It's always a pleasure to give back to the community.

I know I am about to do a giveaway, but the sad part is that I'm short of ideas. I'm not a Twitch Streamer or a YTuber, but it would be great if others could give me ideas, or volunteer with me to do host a giveaway, in which everyone could participate, regardless on what platform they play (Because they can give it forward too, even though they can't use it themselves). Also, I just have 4 codes, if anyone else has them too and want to pool in, that would be awesome! Thanks.
