New generator types and mechanics


You know how you have to hold down a button on your controller or keyboard for 120 seconds?

What if you could just hop over to a different generator and repair it differently?

How you ask?

Well here is my idea we start the match with 7 generators right? So what if there was let us say for example 2 normal “fun” gens, 3 “magnetic” generators, and 2 solar or “electric” generators.

Now some of these gens may not actually exist so don’t freak out it’s a game.


Normal gens: hold button hit skill checks

Magnetic generators: have big magnets inside that keep going once jump started( I know this is kind of in the normal gens already) you install parts into the generator around 2-4 like cables, a magnet, power distributor, control panel. Mechanics: when installing a part you must hold a button ( I know) and complete skill checks, each part installed increases the gens progress by 25%

The solar generators( here we go with there is no light) these generators once repaired have a built in timer after 3-5 minutes or so they jump start.

Mechanics: Repair 3 parts( cables, piece of solar panel, capacitor) When repairing parts you will get special skill checks.

Special skill checks have a 100% to appear on a solar gen and a 50% chance to appear on a magnet one.

The ring appears but there is a big yellow box 30-40% size of circle that you must hit before you hit the normal white box.

You must hit both boxes, the indicator rotates around the circle through the yellow skill check without stopping.

missing it counts as a fail.

If a killer kicks a gen that is magnetic they loosen a part that has been impartially installed ( not completed) same applies to solar gens.

If a killer kicks a solar gen the timer resets a bit.

I will be back later to add on or make edits because I’m in marching band so enjoy.