Unnerving presence might actually be good...
instadowns are OP
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Yes :p
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Does anyone want to get into a KYF to test out how Unnerving effects the survivor from their point of view?
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The problem with unnerving presence is by itself it's very unreliable.
Especially when you start going up against more competent survivors the second people are decent with hitting skill checks unnerving presence unintentionally starts becoming a tool and makes getting great easier.
Even as somebody who's not 100% with skill checks I found that if I'm loving presence is around and I'm aiming for the smaller skillcheck I tend to end up hitting greats a lot more often.
That's what I most skillcheck builds will have huntress lullaby or overcharge along with it.
Literally the only killer who can run unnerving presence alone and so have devastating results is doctor and that simply because Madness skill checks compliment unnerving presence
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Please Mr. Bubba I just got became a red rank survivor
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I am running Unnerving for now on
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After the horrible weekend I had trying to learn Ghostface and the absolute disrespect and bullying I recieved
Screw it. I'm running Unnerving and I don't care. No more mister nice guy