If I Kill A Survivor On a Hook ...

... the item they were carrying should NOT drop below them for other bumpkin survivors to scamper about and pick up for their own bloody lot. I killed that milling Dwight fair and square, and a dropped item shouldn't provide additional provisions for others like this is some communist daycare center.
What do you want to happen to the item?
I mean if you want me to take the item with me then I would be more than happy for that to happen. I wouldn’t have to worry about having white ward.
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Someone got away with a key that another dropped, didn't they? It happens; keep track of items. Some people will grab them just to escape with them, like me.
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Come on, thumb me up. I play Clown. All have is my dignity. * hands in pocket, looks at floor, kicks rock *
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Boy, are you dissing, on communism?!?!?!?
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It is evil trash.
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I am aware, I was kidding
Also people really made a website on that?!?!?
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Oh yes.
in todays backwards world of false information even the evils of Communism is made-up to look pretty. That's why I didn't realize you were kidding. I was once banned from reddit for saying Communism is evil. lol.
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Reddit is a crazy place....
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Communism isn't evil, the people who used to lead communism were, which gave it a stigma that communism itself is evil. Guns are used to kill, does that make every gun evil?
Anyway this is a videogame forum, not /v/, so lets get back on the topic of DbD
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Ya!!! YESSS! I'll vote for you as President! You're just saying what everyone is thinking!
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If you wanted this to go back on topic saying "Communism isn't evil" was a bonehead move. If you had just left it alone it would have ended there. Now everyone knows you don't understand Communism.
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Communism is evil (even though good and evil are subjective) for example the death toll that rivals a religion we aren't allowed to speak about. It also never works and guns aren't evil but if you ban them total crime goes up in comparison than if you had guns
Also keys need to be deleted
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Let's stop the communism talk, please. It's against the forum rules that they just asked us all to read the other day via the banner.
It's going to get this poor guy's thread closed.
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Not only will I camp the survivor on the hook, but I will ALSO camp the dropped item.
For the whole match.