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Silent Hill 2 + DBD chapter concept. Part 2: Pyramid Head

Donglybits Member Posts: 8

Welcome to part 2 of my, possibly, 4 part project.

This is the one I've had the most trouble with, some way to bring Pyramid Head into the realm of the entity.

Now before anyone says : "Having Pyramid Head is impossible, it was a creation of Silent Hill, silent hill is it's own separate 'world'!" or: "Having Pyramid Head would be highly disrespectful to its original creator." I have a few things to say to hopefully clear up any skepticism.

If we really think about Pyramid Head is and what it represents, it isn't really a creation of Silent Hill. Well, not entirely. Pyramid Head is the physical embodiment of James's view of himself, his sexual frustration, and slowly growing agitation against his wife. It is a walking punishment for James, and a reminder of what he's done, even if he doesn't believe it.

I believe that Pyramid Head is really a creation from James's broken psyche, not Silent Hill. Silent Hill, however, gave Pyramid Head its physical form to torment James around the town as well as to lead him down a road to self realization and acceptance.

And this goes for the other monsters James sees.

Like the bubble head nurses: James's anxieties of Mary's illness and sexual frustration from it

Lying figures: James's internal suffering/what he saw Mary as when she was sick

And Mannequins: James's sexual frustration. They all represent what James thought and saw in reality, given physical form by the town.

An actual creation of Silent Hill would be Valtiel, a being that isn't from anyone's cognition. Something the town created itself to serve and protect the cult.

I'm not trying to claim that my interpretation of pyramid head and silent hill is the right and only interpretation.

Now to the point of this being disrespectful to the original creators.

Something can't be disrespectful if the original Team Silent were to be okay with a well made, well explained chapter concept. It would be tricky, but I believe something like this is possible.

Honestly, Konami has already whored out pyramid head to the point of him not having any meaning anymore,(just look at the silent hill pachislot and arcade games), but I think that with the right concept, aesthetics, and story, Pyramid Head would retain everything he had in Silent Hill 2 and still be an impactful and respectable version of the character.

Please, to anyone that's reading this, give me some feedback, counterarguments, criticism, anything. And if you haven't already, please read part one of my project as well.

Now that that's out of the way, here is my idea of how to bring Pyramid Head into the entities realm.

Nobody can truly escape their sins.

People can try to run away and deny it ever happened, but unless you accept it and repent for it, your sins will follow and haunt you forever.

The entity had always brought reality into its realm. Real men and real women from across time and space from real worlds, but this all changed when it encountered a man named James Sunderland. The entity saw James and was immediately interested in his lack of hope. James was like a feast of despair for the entity. It was so interested in him, the entity was curious as to why a man could be so broken.

So, it took a peek into James's mind.

The things the entity saw were inspiring to it, there were many monsters it had never seen before. It was almost unable to comprehend what they were or what they represented. The entity didn't care, however, because there was one in particular that caught its eye.

It was a strange creature. Really, it was a walking symbol of punishment. Locked deep within James's shattered mind, was a monster of his own creation.

James had called it the "red pyramid thing" when he first encountered it. It was his punishment for what he did in the past, but it was also a representation of what he endured, what he thought he looked like, and what he was repressing when his wife was sick. James had defeated this monster, but it never left him. Because he gave up and killed himself, James was betraying the final wish of his late wife.

The entity took this "pyramid" and gave it life once more. It now had a creation that could haunt someone for eternity. An infinite source of life and power.

The pyramid had remembered what it tried to accomplish and show to James when it was "alive". It also learned of what James did to himself after he left the town. The Pyramid had no longer wanted to send James down a path of rehabilitation and acceptance, it only wanted to punish. Now serving under the entity, The Pyramid has reprised its role of executioner forever.

James had thrown away any and all progress he had made in the town.

The Pyramid will show him how bad of a choice that would be.