Days change, they really do.

I wish there was more sunny days, winter is too long, all I ever know. I find each year a year of self growth and I look back to find my thoughts of myself fully different as if I was a new person, one thing that stays the same is my prioritization of what I want to do over what I need to do. I distanced myself from others and became putting on a cheerful personality to appease others while in my low time I would spend hours without not saying anything, I took in much anger and aggressiveness, after a while I would seek help after reaching one of my low points, to which I realized the only person who can help me is me. I always could read people and pick up their ideals and behavior quick, I could fit myself to that. I had to change for those I love, my girlfriend, my parents, brothers, I was like a father figure for so long, now I've opened myself to compassion and care for others rather than staying to myself, I have patience and I can stand people. I work out to help cool off, listening to music to soothe my being, may get myself a pop/soda here or there, got interested in video games again and played a lot of Rainbow, Overwatch and mainly Dead by Daylight. I wanted to play for a long time and it was here, Michael was my first killer I played and I hard mained him, I played it all, I had a lot of time to talk to people and speak my mind, I grew smart through being able to have a lot of time to think, I helped people get a foot step through advice, I used to think I hated people, but it was really I was displeased with my outlook on life and I didn't like what it was right now so I modified the best I could, I constantly concern myself with time, time is of essence, I try to make time for other people but I love myself and constantly want to improve, mentally and physically. I owe it to my family and girlfriend, the biggest roles in my life. I exist within my being, I used to have a feeling that nothing mattered and I didn't matter, that was wrong, I am living my own world through my own eyes, I want to enjoy every second of my life and hopefully share a life with my girlfriend, my world is important, I may be one in a billion but that does not make me unimportant, I had to take years to feel myself and I continue to learn today.
I recovered from a road I thought I wanted, I did not want that. Please don't take my example, life is important and so are you, life matters cause you matter, reach out to whatever source you need, try the best you can and want today and know there is another day, live.\
I am grateful for the changes I have made strides for today, and I wanted to announce that.