Ideas for leatherface aka bubba and for wraith

Here are some ideas for wraith and bubba for what ive seen they are the 2 weakes killers of all.
An a ultra rare add on that lets him be completely invisible like when spirit is phasing. You can still see the grass move when the killer is invisible. And if it becomes too op with other ultra rare add ons like silent wraith then a fix could be that when you have this add on you cant use any other ultra rare add ons.
Another idea is to make his speed, coming out and in of cloak faster at least by a little big to make him catch up to survivors.
And last idea for wraith is make his terror radius small or at least take it away when he is cloaked
Increase his movement speed and chainsaw speed
Add an ultra rare add on that makes it so when he breaks a pallet with his chainsaw his does stop him he continue on his chainsaw depending on how much is left and with this add on you cant have any very rare add ons at all
As well like wraith decrease his terror radius
What do you guys think? any of ideas for buff for these 2 killers
I would love to see that ultra rare for Wraith. It would be perfect for jump scares and this game needs more of them.
The only buff for leatherbutt is to simple give him his own add ons. It's ridiculous that he has to share add ons with Billy *because they both have chainsaws*. If thats the case do the same for Daddy Myers and Ghostface.
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Regarding Wraith:
He already has no TR when cloaked. Personally, I think it could be baseline to be completely invisible. Like, this is his only real power, and he is not even invisible. even tho, I dont know if it would be too strong with no Bell Sound and surpressed TR for 6 seconds.
He needs his speed improved while cloaked, he is faster, but not as fast that it is really worth to cloak during a Chase. Other abilities with increased Movement Speed are worth during Chase (Spirit, Hillbilly), but Wraith does not gain that much when cloaking during a chase.
Regarding Leatherface:
Movement Speed is already 115%. No need to buff it, Mobility one if not the most important feature in DBD. Buffing him to over 115% Movement Speed could be devastating.
Would also not reduce his TR, he has an Insta Down and can already be dirty with M&A. Now imagine 24m TR and M&A... Way too sneaky.
I think his Add-Ons need Reworks so that they are not just copy&paste or useless (Chili Add-Ons). And maybe a different mechanic, so that he can hold his Chainsaw like Hillbily, could at least give him some more Stuff to do with it.
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Our boy Bubba already becomes borderline OP with speed-enhancing perks and add-ons. Most of the people who think Leatherface is the worst killer have never faced a speedy Bubba build, in my opinion, because once he starts moving faster than survivors while chainsawing he becomes the ultimate close-quarters killing machine.
What the Wraith really needs is something to help him in chases, imho. Without add-ons, his stealth is much more useful for scouting and tracking than it is for ambushes, so I don't consider him a real stealth killer in the same vein as Myers, Ghostface, or Pig.
I'm not sure what would do the trick without negating his main weakness, though.
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They should make Bubba a stealth killer it fits how he comes out of nowhere in the films. As for the ultra rare addon it should give back all of his swings when breaking a pallet like how legion refills his power gauge when hitting a survivor.
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I think the iridiscnent one is good and can't be "Too OP" because there is a single difference with Spirit. After Spirit go phase walking, she just appear again but Wraith needs to unclack himself before hitting survivors.
And. I would love if Wraith could walk a bit faster while uncloacking.
Well, I think he needs love because he is really useful when you're starting but after that, he becomes a bit underpowered and I think due to his power he could be closer to Spirit level and still can be a unique killer.