Survivor perk changes

Hear are my ideas on some survivor perks that need changing
Adrenaline: This perk will still give you the speed burst but will only heal you from the dying state
Decisive strike: This perk can be activated once at anytime while being carried by the killer. If they hit the skill check the killer will be slowed and the killers camera turning will also be slowed. This can allow extra wiggle time or the opportunity for a flashlight save.
Borrowed time: When the killer hits a survivor who gets the mangled status effect from borrowed time all survivors can no longer use borrowed time for 60/55/50 seconds
Self care: Every time you rescue a survivor from the hook, heal a survivor or take a hit for a survivor you gain a token that has no limit. Every time you complete one heal on yourself you lose two tokens you need a minimum of two tokens to perform the action.
I meant deep wound status effect not mangled sorry guys
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Also accidentally posted this twice 😂😂😂 the other post is not as accurate
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Question. Do you have anything to show survivors need top perks nerfed to the point they will not be played? Any data showing that Survivors are escaping too much?
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Adrenaline doesn’t need a change. DS is fine as it is now, don’t tunnel. Self care doesn’t even need any changes. None of these perks do really.
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Hell no. That would make D strike as much of a joke as boiled over. Extra wiggle time is not a powerful perk
Also a no.
Self care already sucks so no need for a 4th nerf (i think it's been 4)
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Honestly if they nerf self care more than no one would use it at all... Survival rates would prob go up!
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So... nerf the only perks that actually make a difference for survivors? A big no.
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how about rather than nerf the good perks make the others better first
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(Legion main) All these changes are (edit *was are not*) bad, specifically the Borrowed Time change. Having to wait near a minute to secure a safe unhook is implausible and unappealing. However, Decisve Strike is a lot worse (I get it no one likes DS, IMO I abhorently hate it too.) A perk should always (Benefit) help you not make it so that you might get help.
Tl;Dr all these changes appear to be heavily focused on nerfing one side (survivors), therefore these "changes" aren't good because they favor another side instead of equalling each other.